Even though i haven't played it, I know this will be my personal game of the year. Yes I know, its a very "fan boy" thing to say....... But it can't be helped!!!, I need this game now!!
Would love to try this out, sadly wont be buying an Xbox One anytime soon, probably the second one will be out by then. Also not much of an online competitor, I suck when it comes to online shooters. Oh well, Dark Souls will definitely keep me busy for some time.
F@*k it can't wait. Gonna play Dark Souls again for the (I seriously don't know how many times I have replayed this game) time. 4 more hours of work left :(
Dark Souls should have won... hahahaha kidding (or am I)... Well, I sure haven't played this game, don't own any Nintendo products. My personal pick would be The Last of Us, and Tomb Raider. Fantastic games, Bioshock was also good.
All i know is Q1 of next year, I will still be gaming on my current console. This and Dark Souls 2 will definitely keep me busy for Q1. Not to mention all the past games I still have yet to play, batman, splinter cell, ni no kuni, darksiders 2, skyrim (yes i haven't played much of it!), hitman, rayman origins and sly cooper. Gonna finish of this gen with a bang!!
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