I have a 40" LCD and it looks good. It's not as bad asalot of people say but then again i don't sit 10cm's away from the screen to notice every pixel. When a game like mario galaxy is on it moves so fast and fluidly you don't worry about the res.
The game i regret getting is alex the kid in the enchanted castle or whetever it was called. I forgot that the good one was on the master system and not the megadrive. Other than that none. I love all the games i bought onthe VC and play them a fair bit.
Ahhh the memories of getting my gamecube. The place i bought it from gave away a free game so i got mario sunshine but there was no choice for the game i boughtthe cubefor and that was resident evil remake, so i bought that at the same time. Both great games which i wanna play again but someone has my gc and games.
Recently i have been addicted to super maros 3. I can play it for hours on end and not get bored. It's siimple yet challenging. If only all games were of this quality.
Mind you i still play alot of wii games but just this title keeps me coming back to the VC a touch more than my wii games.
is it better to use the aiming to kill or just the normal view if you get what i mean. I think thats why it takes a while for me to kill someone. Plus i live in aus so there is probably more lag.
I got this game this morning and it is awesome. Definatley the best online wii game i have. The game is actually good aswell and the controls feel right.
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