hey i got some correction about getsetgo first juiced 2 aint a 360 exclusive its a multiplatform and stop talking crap second chillyd4life gears of war is a cool game i am with you , its epic studios all epic studios games pwnz but duuuuuuuuuuude u wanna say the online for gears of war is better ur wrong my friend kuz the online for resistance is up to 40 players gears of war is 8 so i don't think gears of war online 4 vs 4 is better then 20 vs 20
yo everybody anyone here is a fan of max payne and rockstar games ? man i just wish that rockstar didn't cancel the third part of max payne it would have pwned on the next generations consoles because man look at max payne 1 it took best game of the year it even pwned halo 1 in the awards if you don't believe me check this site http://www.3drealms.com/max/awards.html not only that man the gamers voted for max payne the vote between them was far of 3 points argh man if only there is a way that rockstar company would reconsider of doing this game its been 6 years for the pass of MAX .......... lol check this :P http://tn31.deviantart.com/fs11/300W/i/2006/211/2/a/MAX_PAYNE_3___Mona_s_Death_by_SouthernDesigner.jpg
one more think slick if u wanna sell ur 360 for hdmi don't do it kuz they exchanging the back slot with hdmi port that if ur lucky to do it ...wtv like u want its not my 360 its urs gl :P
one more thing anyone of u has a ups plugged for his ps3 and do u think if the elec cuts off does something wrong happens for the hardware of the ps3 or the hdd :( i am scared a bit kuz elec here in this country pwnz so much so any suggestions .....
okie thx damn they should make one that last long and has better pic oh well i am waiting for price drops :D like always maybe at xmas i am getting a brand new hdmi tv i still have a normal tv non hdmi can't wait man i would be getting a new tv and assasins omg !!
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