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jackanderson Blog

My (Heavily Edited) Microsoft Press Conference Notes

Here are my notes for now. Try to make some sense out of them. I'll post a full blog either today or tomorrow.

After long, long pause of **** connections and pathetic streaming it works.

The Beatles Rock Band: Ringo and Paul. Don't seem enthused. Script Readers.

John Schappert. **** rock music. Money goes to Doctors Without Borders. Credit Crunch. (Shudders) Knowingly nodding to XBOX. All in one. No charts and graphs. 10 world premieres. New experiences?

Tony Hawk Ride. He still looks like **** Still has an annoying voice. Nice looking peripheral. Techy **** Seems fun. Trailer: Skaters telling us about skating. EXPLOSION! Finally, they acknowledge the pain! It actually looks like it'll work. The skaters are wheeled out for no-one to recognize. Skate beater? More **** puns.

Modern Warfare 2!!!! It looks ace! Can't **** wait! Great looking vehicle sections.

Final Fantasy XIII: Snooze. OMG! GAMEPLAY?! What witchcraft is this? Still doesn't make me care. Spring 2010. Doubt it.

Everything will be EXCLUSIVE to 360. Cue cheers of fanboys.

Cliffy B and Donald Mustard **** XBLA? Shadow Complex. Can't hear Mustard. Classic 2D shooter from the looks of things. Slightly interesting. 120 hidden items!? Losers, this is your home. Nice boss battle. Looks to be a nice change from manly man testosterone games. Summer.

Joyride? XBOX Live. Avatars? Oh come on! A weird family driving stunt game thing. Free though. Would get it if it was... oh. Content costs! Duh! Winter.

Crackdown 2? Ace. Nice looking trailer. Would definitely... I had the damn console. Very nice.

Left4Dead 2! Again exclusive. Looks great though. Chainsaw!! November 17th? That was quick.

Splinter Cell: Conviction! Great sounding. Would love to see it though. The streams **** up. Sam is definitely changed. Good looking direction. As little HUD as possible. Dude talking sounds like David Attenborough. Very messy work. More open world. Looks a lot better than when I last saw it a year and a half ago. I like the objective display. Story seems to go against what was previously stated. Autumn. At last.

Home for every single bloody genre. Turn 10 has created Forza Motorsport 3. October. Teaser looks lovely. Dan Greenawalt. And he comes in with a car. Why not, eh? Has a horrible Beard/Sideburn/Moustache. Definitive racing game of this generation used a bloody lot. Looks gorgeous. May be true if GT5 continues the way it's going. Damage! 400 CARS! 50 MANUFACTURERS! Enough on **** definitive! Customize cars. Done in the last one. Looks deeper though. Random people wielded out to talk about it. STATS! How dare they! Video editor trailer. You can create awesome trailers! There seems to be no end. But will it be complicated? FM2 highest rated racing game.

Halo 3 ODST. Oh god they got a nerd. Joe Staten. You are The Rookie separated from team. Silenced weapons, Night vision. "You like that one? You gonna love this one!" Pistol. Dude tells us what we already know. Mystery? Multiple characters. A lot of this seems to be glorified cut scenes. Not very different looking gameplay. Big BOOM! Dreadful one-liners. **** demo. Could be good. But Bungie, work on something else.

New project? Still space themed. No. Halo Reach. New **** franchise Bungie! Enough Halo! Reach beta in ODST.

Sam Lake. Can't speak English well. Remedy. Alan Wake! At long last! Gameplay. A Previously On...? Alone In The Dark rip-off in visual presentation. In head narration. Ugh. Ruins shocks. Feed ruins excitement. Bullet Time? Oh come on. Seems to crib from Silent Hill, Resi and Alone In The Dark. Doesn't look like my kind of thing. Spring 2010. Not for me thanks.

XBOX Live. Best game experience, Most films and TV shows, Biggest social network in the living room. Now Last.FM available. Gold members for free. Netflix has been a hit in AMERICA! Can now do what it was meant to in the beginning. Sky TV coming to 360 UK in Autumn. Live TV on Sky. No additional hardware required. Seem to be answering its problems. Zune video. Ugh. 1080p HD. Played instantly. 18 countries store is available immediately. Instant on launching in Fall. Enjoy Movies; TV, Gaming and Music live with friends in other houses immediately. More ways to connect? Partnership with Facebook! Woo (groan). Handed over to some celebrity I've never heard of. The Guild? Never heard of it. Teen girl voice. Apparent gamer. Felicia Day. Stream **** up again! Send things up to Facebook immediately. Also bringing Twitter. Other consoles have something like this... it's called a browser! Updated instantly. Zzzzzzzzzzzz..... Coming in Autumn. Of course.

Re-cap for those with severe sudden Amnesia. Senior V.P. Don Materick. FANBOY ALERT!!! Metal Gear is coming to 360. Of course. Hideo Kojima at least. It's coming to 360. Called Metal Gear Solid: Rising. "Woo! Yeah!" Honoured. No Snake? Trailer. Oh god. **** Raiden. Nobody likes Raiden. For **** sake. Completely new experience. So who knows? 360 now complete. Of course it is.

Extreme fanboy alert. Add motion control. Ugh. So we've basically ripped off Wii. No controller? No. No. No. You can't. Wolfmother! Family experience. Oh god **** sake! Looks **** In it's current form at least. Has potential for greatness. But mudded down in god-awful family **** and needless bull**** unnecessary apps. Oh, so now we have a weird family quiz game. It seems rubbish. Like I said, has potential, but needs to be so much better. Project Nital. A small glimpse... so all that it can do. Work with every console sold and with every system in the future. Response: everything we hoped for. So ****?

Steven Spielberg. Bet he cares. Bet he's only bothered about knocking down blocks that boom. Seems to just read off a script. Not that bothered. Some peppy buzz. How much is real? None of it. Dude looks like a chav. Dashboard immediately knows who you are. Kudo. "Well BAM!" Move through menu with own hands. He's not actually playing. A 3D Breakout but with Body. Looks stiff. But actually works. Abbie's active. So it's a Wii Fit rip-off. Jab at Nintendo. "So it's not just a game where you sit down on the sofa and use a predetermined nunchuck waggle movements." Will become multiplayer. Paint Party? Oh god, a Microsoft Paint rip off. Creative guy at Microsoft Games? Dear God. Seems to work though. Paint some mountains. Would be nice to see it work if the feed worked!!!! The picture actually looks quite nice. Jab at girl. Out whenever.

Can't be done on anything else. Free control. No controller. Better version of EyeToy. Turned back over to Don. Thank, God. Peter Moleneyx. DEAR LORD! Peter Moleneyx needs to keep his mouth shut. Renounces all past conventions. "What designers will do with Nital will change the landscape of gaming." Introducing to a virtual person? A REAL virtual person? Oh God. He's a real child. I don't want a kid yet! I'm too young! "Cheeky!" So people know that she's a Brit. Drawing. The paper was held to Milo. It was actually known how it works! Good looking. But what practical use is there? Selected audience will be allowed to see him behind closed doors.

It has been a mediocre evening. A good set of ideas, but need to be overhauled. Basically runs down Games, Movies and Natal. As I said, interesting but needs more refined and better execution of ideas.

My E3 2009 Predictions. (Returning From Hiatus)

So E3 is coming. Yay! I've decided to present to you my predictions for the event. Real and Goofy.

Let's see: Splinter Cell Conviction should finally appear and then piss in my face as it will remain a XBOX 360 and PC exclusive which means I will never be able to finish off Sam Fisher's story,

Microsoft will continue down the **** and pathetic family games market on the cold and sterile XBOX 360 before announcing that another PS3 exclusive has jumped ship,

Nintendo will brag about how awesome they all aren't, how much money they hopefully haven't got and continue to release **** games like Poney PETZ Active Sports MIDI Synthesizer Ringtone Minigame Collection No. 8,945,216,327 whilst continually *****ing in the faces of hardcore gamers with fake "you held out long enough so here's another **** Animal Crossing game, hardcore gamers!" announcement,

Sony, meanwhile, will kick ass! Had you fooled there, right? No. Sony will actually announce some "meh" looking titles and brag about how successful it's selling figures aren't,

There'll be bugger all important game announcements made inside the ACTUAL E3,

And the show will remain boring and business like for **** boring business men no matter how much they said they'd amp it up (they said that it would be fun last year. But it wasn't).

And on the crazy side of things: Duke Nukem will appear!

As Yahtzee would say: "All ye abandon hope for the shiny things being presented towards you."

Yep. I'm back. I'll have blogs up for all of the press conferences just about as soon as they're done live. Should be riveting.

I may disappear back into Exile after that. So saviour the posts.

Until then, "Guess whose back? Back again." Oh, and Eminem's new album sucks.

CP out.

Several New Additions and A Special Announcement

My birthday was on the 15th. I'm now 14. That was not my special announcement. That will come at the end.

I only mention the birthday to say that there are several important additions to my libary. First is the stunning Bionic Commando Rearmed. It was only 7 quid and it was certainly worth it. Really addictive and really good fun.

Right now you are expecting me to say that Rock Band was too expensive for my birthday and I'm all on my own crying as Christmas is ages away. You're wrong. Dead wrong. I own Rock Band and it is FRICKIN AWESOME! If anyone wants me, I'll be online at some point.

Now, my big announcement. Will come next blog later today. Yes I am trying to feign some sort of false suspense. All I'm saying, is that it's the return of a fan favourite.

Join the "Bring Muppet Monster Adventure To The PSN Petition" below in the comments.

CP out.

This Is A Vow...

I will blog slightly more often than once a month on Gamespot.

I will leave all personal stuff for my personal blog (

I will post any reviews on The Escapist.

I will forum hound on the Escapist.

I WILL have Death Magnetic by the end of October.

My next blog will arrive soon.

I WILL have Rock Band by October 20th.

My 2nd year resolution is to blog more.

Look at my new badges! They rock.

Watch my vids.

That is all.

Games That I Remember Fondly: Volume 1

First off, thanks ruff_edgz. Thanks for reminding me that fair balanced journalism is for **** Thanks for rekindling the old one-sided rant side of me. We've been away for too long. Second, E3 was a washout. Why I tried to salvage something from this desert of a convention, I have no idea.

Third and final, I did have another game prepared for this new feature. But then I remembered this one. No, it's not another reason to humiliate myself. Rather, this is a way to remind you of games that would otherwise have been forgotten.

Name: Play With The Teletubbies

Console: Playstation 1

Average Score: 3.4 (user rating)

Man, I'm gonna get teased about this for weeks. But here goes. I was about 7 and pre-school shows still mattered to me. I remember finding this at a car boot sale (where I found most of my games) and just had to have it. Oh man. But at the time, before when I would assume that everything is **** until it can prove itself otherwise, it was really good. I remember being wowed by the blocky, crumbly, grainy graphics. Marvelled by the linear open world setting, astounded by everything being so much like the show and stunned by the amount of things to do.

Today, well... It's 2008 and the world and I have moved on in those 8 years.

First off, here's a bit of irony for you. 1 year after this game was released, Teletubbies was cancelled. No-one in my household cried. Second, this was 6 months before I got a PS2. And third, everything said in that last paragraph was contradicted by the word after it or before it. I still maintain however, that it is good, clean, family fun.

The challenges (and I use that word loosely) include making tubby toast pop up, watching a train chug along whilst pressing random buttons to make music happen, playing hide and seek, chasing Noo-Noo (by either leaving everything alone or holding one button to speed things up) and finding the gay Teletubbie's handbag (in fetching pink obviously). These will rarely last more than 5 minutes to anyway that hasn't got serious brain damage or doesn't know that you pause to quit the game.

Then you get new clips from the show. Just like the program, if you choose the windmill a random teletubbie will be chosen to show a film of kids having unimaginable amounts of fun. Oh, and the smiling baby is still there. Ominous, smiling and laughing whenever anyone does anything that isn't even remotely interesting.

Now then, when I look at the user reviews. Oh, dear. 1.1. 1.5. 1.7. On a positive note, there is a 6.5. But then, some 3 year old wrote a perfect review. That'll be Jack Thompson. Oh no wait! Jack hates this game because of Tinky Winky's, shall we say, unusual behaviour. Difficulty wise. 40% found it too easy, 40% found it just right (for pre-school to 6) and 20% shockingly found it too hard! So there you go! 1 in 5 people will find this harder than Ninja Gaiden.

So to summarise. 6 out of 10. Better luck next time. As Bloc Party would say.

Next time; sticking to the theme of TV shows becoming games, Sheep Dog 'n' Wolf.

I Owe An Apology

Yeah, there will be no more E3 blogs. I just plain cannot be bothered. I'm not in a people person mood, I can't focus long enough and that would reflect on my work. You deserve the best blogs written to the best of my ability. So sorry. But hey! E3 was a washout and there's always next year!

Elsewhere, two new additions. Metal Gear Solid 4. Yeah, I bit the bug. But it is quite good. One of the more accessible Metal Gear's. Mostly for Metal Gear Online. Which rocks! Also, there's Warhawk. Haven't tried it yet, but summer holidays are around the corner!

Oh yes, the summer hols. This means: More posts, a review, tonnes of cinema and GAME visits and the absolute boredom that comes with it. Can't wait, me self.

Two brief film reviews. First: Wall-E. What can I say? Beautiful. Seriously. I'll delve further in on a later date. 5 out of 5. Then: 28 Days Later. Great film, but completely ruined by the ending. That killed my enjoyment completely. 3 out of 5. Full reviews will be posted on my blog at a later date.

I will blog again at a later date. Probably tomorrow. If I can be pulled off of Metal Gear Online.

CP out.

The E3 Blog: Sony Press Conference Thoughts

Continuing with my mass E3 coverage is the Sony Press Conference and I was determined to see it in full. With pen this time in hand, speakers in optimal position and anger at sudden loss of work over, I was ready. Sony are usually very tardy with their arrivals and this year's conference was no exception. 5 minutes late they began with an ace montage of PS3 hits before Sony of America Jack Tretton came on. He is a much more likable man than Reggie ever was. He boasted that this was THE year of the PS3 (even though they and the critics said the exact same thing last year) and proceded to give us a history lesson on the Playstation year so far. How Blu-Ray beat HDVDVD (in a war more pointless than the console one), How MGS4 heart Blu-Ray and how people buy the PS3 as a multimedia system aswell as a gaming one. Then he said there would be some exclusive games available? JESUS H CHRIST, BATMAN!

So up came Resistance 2 and let me be one of the few to say, it'll kick ass! The demo was sweet and reminds me of Cloverfield. This will rock! We knew Little Big Planet would make a showing but I didn't expect it like this. The game was demoed by covering more of the presentation! So we got to know sales and revenue were rising, whilst watching Sack Boy run across the screen. Some of the more noteworthy news, Latin America will finally get PS3's. I never knew they never had them, but good for them. Also, Platinum (or Greatest Hits for American readers) is back. For $29.99 you get a load of alright games that every one already owns. Little Big Planet looks just as great as usual, mind. It also got a standing ovation. Finally in this section, BUZZ! PSP was announced. It could work.

So we move on to the PSN. It now has 10 million users and had 180 million downloads since it's inception. Why do I say this? Your guess is as good as mine. But even bigger news was about the new Ratchet game. Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest For Booty will be a PSN download exclusive. It will be episodic and is currently $15. Not a whole lot new by the looks of it, but it's Ratchet so it will be awesome. Then we got a montage about upcoming PSN games that didn't really interest me. Except Flower. I know nothing about it but it looks beautiful. Infact, all of the way through I was thinking of Team America and, "Montage". But then came, GT TV. With: TOP GEAR! POLYPHONY CREATED CONTENT! HD! PPV! WHO GIVES A DAMN? I DO! It's only on GT5 Prologue and is out August 1st.

Speaking of films, the PSN store has a new feature. You can buy or rent films. It has every good distribution company under the sun, in HD or SD and you can also get TV episodes. You can transfer these films onto the PSP as well. It may be a bit pricy but the groundwork is definately there. Best of all: IT'S AVAILABLE NOW (in the US)! Also coming, Home. Yes, it still exists. Yes, open beta is still a while off but my god, does it look good.

Next up, PSP. Sales have now hit 13 million and what good have they got coming? Erm... a new bundle and Resistance: Retribution. Yeah... Mind you, Resistance seems alright. Doing a Killzone: Liberation and moving 3rd Person means it could be well suited for the PSP. And that's it. Patapon and LocoRoco may be getting sequels, but that hardly sets my world on fire.

So we come back to the PS3. The line-up for the rest of the year looks great. Fallout 3, Prince of Persia, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, SOCOM: Confrontation, The Agency, Quantum Of Solace, Soul Calibur IV, Ghostbusters, Killzone 2, Guitar Hero: World Tour, Resident Evil 5 and Mirror's Edge. But then Sony sucker-punched us four times. First with the announcement of DC Universe Online. Created with aiding by Jim Lee (whose a cool guy) this MMORPG by Sony Online Entertainment involves you creating your own Hero or Villan from scratch and battle alongside your favourite supermen or women. It looks good.

Next (in order of anticipation) was InFamous. It is simply a superhero origin story. You get the chance to save the city or help finish it off. This is by Sucker Punch; the guys who did Sly Cooper series which I am a huge fan of, and there is just as much contrast here as when Insomniac went from Ratchet to Resistance. But it looks awesome. Then, the big one (or so we thought). Jack Tretton finally made it official. God Of War III is coming to the PS3! Scribbled on my notes are repeatedly: YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! No gameplay. Just a short teaser but it still looks awesome! It's out next year.

Finally. This is the big one. I have seen the future of on-line gaming. It has 256 players at any one time in a single game. No AI bots. They will be split into 8 man squads and be strengthend as characters. There will be faction based gameplay and it's being developed by Zipper Interactive. It is called MAG (Massive Action Game) and it's due out next year.

And with that, it was official. 2008 will be the year of the PS3. But my only concern is, what about the years beyond? Games

Announced/Demoed: Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, BUZZ! PSP, Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest For Booty, Crash Commando, Fat Princess, Pixel Junk, Pain: Amusment, Flower, SIREN: Blood Curse, Ragdoll Kung-Fu, GT TV, Home, Resistance: Retribution, Patapon 2, LocoRoco 2, DC Universe Online, InFamous, God Of War III, MAG (Massive Action Game)

The E3 Blog: Nintendo Press Conference Thoughts

A/N: I had this finished yesterday but a sudden maintenance closure prevented me from sharing. So don't tell me I'm jumping on a bandwagon.

Here I go, my first E3. I may be a day late but oh well. I boot up the laptop, plug in the speakers and check the live stream to see if the Sony Press Conference is on. No, surprisingly. Nintendo have just started. So with a big sigh and the hope Nintendo will give me a reason that isn't No More Heroes to buy a Wii, I click the vid feed.

And what do I see?

Some punk kid trying to snowboard.

Yep, my Nintendo Press Conference footage kicked off with the announcement of Shaun White's Snowboarding for the Wii. A pretty average game by the look of it and will certainly give SSX no sleepless nights. And whilst it's nice that the balance board isn't just being used to wipe Personal Trainers off the face of the earth, it's hardly a good enough reason for me to want a Wii. Then came Nintendo's big announcement for the Wii. Animal Crossing: City Life. Cue collective groan from the entire hardcore gaming club. The Wii Speech option sounds great but it's only a matter of time before 13-year old American's start hooplaing the place.

Then Reggie came on. And I agree with the rest of the world, he is annoying. He drew up some make believe sales stats and said the Wii is the biggest selling console in the entire world. He also noted that the Wii has the biggest library of games ever! What Reggie failed to mention whilst attempting to shove his head up his own ass is that: 1) That's like beating two quadruple amputees at Swingball and 2) At least 200 of the 388 games available are either crappy movie-to-game adaptations or shoddy mini-game packages.

Then he decided to shut up and show us a few games. First, OH SWEET MOTHER OF LORD YES!! Incase you don't know what I mean, Star Wars: Clone Wars will be coming to the Wii. Before you all think I've gone mad, let me qualify my statements by saying that this is based off the 20x3 minute animation series and not the Attack Of The Clones film. Can you also say, One-On-One Lightsaber Duels? Then there was the announcement that a new Raving Rabbidsgame coming and it's nice to know that Ubisoft actually care about this series. The Wii's innovative gadgets are being put to full use and whilst the balance board probably wasn't designed to sit on, it does look like good fun. Oh, and someone tell Wii developers that they don't need to use oblivious 4-year old in their trailers anymore. Finally, Call of Duty: World At War. It'll suck. NEXT!

Reggie left and the woman came to joy from the press and people sad enough to be watching. She came and said, "Hey, hardcore DS owners. Are you tired of being screwed over by us? Cos we sure as hell are!". Then came the 3 DS games announcements. First, Spore DS. If ever there was a Will Wright game that deserved to be on the DS, this is it. I'm very pleased. Then we got the announcement that Guitar Hero: On Tour had sold 400,000 copies in North America in the first week. Cue hand cramp jokes from audience. So we get a sequel, Guitar Hero: On Tour Decades. With song sharing. Just imagine how it works. But those were nothing compared to this. Grand Theft Auto is coming to the DS. No really. GRAND THEFT AUTO IS COMING TO DS! Grand Theft Auto: Chinatownsounds awesome and I'll just need to see gameplay to be backed up. This definitely makes me regret selling my DS. She then left us with something for left over casual audiences. Airpirt App and more Can't Decide What To Eat?Let Us Tell You What You're Going To Eat.

Reggie then came back to a collective groan from audiences worldwide. He demoed the Wii Motion Plus. It's meant to make your Wiimote even more accurate but that'll probably just make FPS's more annoying. He demonstrated this piece of hardware by revealing Wii Sports Resort. We saw three games: Doggie Disc Throwing, Splasdown Rip-off and Fencing Over A Shallow Pool Of Water. During this Reggie managed to do the following things: Force emotion, Suck and look like a pillock. He also called himself, "The Regginater". I'm sorry, but that's just hilarious. I'm gonna call him that everytime I see him. Well done Reggie! You've managed to embarrass yourself and the company yet again. Resort looks like it'll be the same as Wii Sports 1. Fun for one drunken night.

Then they all left the stage for smoke and strobe lighting. Nintendo's Big announcement is..... (F-Zero, F-Zero, F-Zero) A Drum Simulator!? The...?! Oh no, wait. It's Wii Music. Rock Band, eat your heart out! Actually, I shouldn't slag it off, it looks quite good. If Rock Band never makes it to the PS3 in the UK, I'll get this instead. The ceremony was then closed out by Mr. Nintendo and some unknowns playing an out-of-time version of the Mario Theme.

This year, Nintendo seems to have something going for them, with a great line-up of games for the hardcore and casual. Cha-Ching! Congratulations Nintendo! You can now count the number of reasons to own your console on two hands.

Games Announced: Wii Music, Wii Sports Resort, Guitar Hero: On Tour Decades, Wii Motion Plus, Can't Decide What To Eat? sequel, Airport application, Star Wars: Clone Wars, Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV, Call of Duty: World At War Wii, Shaun White's Snowboarding, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown.

Later, my Sony Press Conference thoughts, Thursday will be Microsoft and Friday will be the games.

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