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jackelzx Blog

Newer look gamespot is all good

If you look at your profile you will see a change, well mine as changed a good bit because I created one of them raptur accounts and added my xbox live tag. This updating allows xbox or pc gamers to show of their achievements is pretty cool and fills up my page a tad. I'm liking the update, also I've gone up a level.

What's your thoughts on this update?

Lost and Re-bought

Yes so hello gamespotters, hope you had a good easter, hope the bunny dropped off some goodies for you all. today I have just put an order in and going to buy another copy of rayman 3 after losing it a while back, can't wait to get it back and enjoy this wonderful game. It was so cheap, cheap being 79p which probably be around $2 for you Americans. I think. So I will be a happy chappy in the next couple of days.

Reading Manga Comic

Hey gamespotters, just a quick blog for today.

I've just finished my 'first' manga comic, I have just read a chapter of hohzuki island, the first chapter called A beautiful Island. and enjoyed it very much. I was very interested to see what it is like to read as I haven't read many comics before, while saying that just to read in general lol, as a few people in my lesson was reading some, I thought I give it a go. I got it from a the site onemanga and just chose a random comic from the horror listings. Didn't know what to expect but I'm delighted so far. a good read and looking forward to keep on reading.

Very good indeed, bellow is a picture of the start.


DLC Headache

Its been a bit since I last blogged, So here is one out of a few I want to talk about this week. There is a good bunch of DLC I want and its hard to decide what to get, I have bought plenty of new games like final fantasy and metro being some so I am in no rush of getting a new game, but I would like to extend my gaming exprience with some of the games I all ready have, the new map packs for call of duty, some of the dragon age origins, mass effect 2 and some arcade games for my gameroom are some of the DLC I would like to get, I also like to buy some new avatar clothings too. Is there any recommendations from gamespotters on what I should get.

Final Fantasy and other stuff

Hey gamespotters, just another random blog from me jackelzx. Its been over a week since my last blog so I thought it was time for a new one, its been a good week, finished dragon age and found the final boss frustrating and I also got my copy of FF13 on the realse date, which as been a pleasant experience so far.

ff13 gamespot japan

I bet there will be plenty of blogs and posts about this game in recent days , so I'll keep it as short as possible. So final fantasy 13 is my first one of the serise that I have owned, I have played no 10 which was good but a distant memory and I really wanted to exprience another one. Gladdly I've been told the series doesn't contiue which was a relief for me as I've only played one before hand.

I'm really interested in to getting into jrpgs, as I'm a big role playing fan I'm really into western role playing games I belief they are called with the likes of mass effect, fallout and dragon age, it was time for a new jrpg to get on my shelf. The only one I've got is being The Last Remnant . From the little I've exprience of jrpg is the emotional storys and wonderful looking worlds, from what I've played on final fantasy I have to say its stunning.

on other stuff I've really got into the song 'face down' by Red jumpsuit apparatus, I can't really discribe music well but its a good song and well worth listening, defiantly the song of the week for me just playing it over and over again. also when on music I'd advise anyone here to listen to 3 doors down and senses fail as they are two of my favorite bands, I don't think there's a song I don't like and I can be picky.

3 doors down

If you catch this album in a store I advise to get, some of there best songs, a good mixture of sounds :) (I said I can't discribe music well) with pages, runaway, It's not my time and when it's over being a select few of my favorites out of the album.

a quick question before I finish do you like western role playing games or Japanese role playing more?

Alistair, the clumsy, laughable fool, you love or hate

Well my newest game to my collection that is stacking up now. :shock: is dragon age, I was weary at first about this game based on the combat, now I'm over 10 hours of gameplay and wow this game is wonderful. so I'm playing as a female warrior, can't put my finger on it but when it comes down to a choice I seem to end up playing as a female. :| but yes to the point of this post, I just had to write a blog about Alistair and how much fun he has made the game for me.


I have had so much fun talking to this guy I just can't wait to hear what his thoughts are on everything. some of the phases he comes up with and the timing is just "c1assic", I have heard lot of people don't like him, and fair enough to them, but I think its going to be hard to ever drop him from my team on which ever account I use as he's just such a laugh to listen too. also completed the love plot for him :oops: which was very "sweet" to say the least, a fool can be a good lover so it seems ;).

Just a random blog on a character I just love to have in my team.

Exercise and a Healthier me!!

day 1: Took on the task on getting healthy and start trying some exercise, just got off the rowing machine and did over 3 miles in half an hour. This may not be great, but its a good start and something to work on, Plan is to keep my blog updated with the odd day, something that I can keep track on how well I am doing. Its time to leave the unhealthy currys and larger behind, well I may still drink ;)

Hard Work Pays Off!!

Just a quick blog to keep my page fresh and interesting. Just been muling over how much better things are when you work hard for them. I have been on both sides and taken sort cuts before. Keeping to a more gaming side of things I have boosted with mates to help level up, you may judge me for it but Its not going to be half as bad then what I do. :P

For an example modern warfare 2 we've all seen it, two people camping getting kills of each other for a nuke, well I've not gone that far and tried to ruin a game for other players.


The bosting I have done is to help a friend out with headshots to unlock points and so on, done by joining a cage match, first off it was dull!! yawn :| but he wanted help so I was kind enough to give a helping hand.

Recently I challeged myself to master a weapon, and by gummy bear I did it, well all part from headshots (still a working progress). I was very pleased with myself, I worked hard and it paid off. I didn't enjoy the cheap sort cut which left me feeling underwhelmed and rubbish. But After this pleasant experience I'll try to persuade my friend to take on the challenge.

Hope you do to!!


Focusing and Love Of a Game

Hey gamespotters, jackelzx here with a new blog.

One down side to my personality is the lack of focus I have at times :| This can get me into tricky situations for a example like a week to go of a course and I have to finish of the biggest piece of it still. Also I'm far to easily distracted, someone starts talking near me, if its interesting I normaly get involed and have a chatter from time to time or start looking at the Internet or something instead of doing the work. Is anyone else like this? Its something I'm trying do sort out as I've had some close calls and its time to grow up!!

Also I see a lot of people fans of one game, i.e. Mario and they play every game of the series, I believe they are called fan boys, I've not sure if I have found that game yet, the game that wants me to finish every little speck of detail the game as to offer, while typing this I do a lot on Mass Effect and The Sim games and I get really involed. So I may have to say they are the games. Are you big fans on oneparticularseries and are willing to buy all the games even if they are rated bad?

Comparing Games in reviews!!

Hey to all you gamespoters out there, its jackelzx here on his second blog, its been a while coming I know. Horay it's 2010, wow the first month as past quick I must say and there's been a strong selection of games out so far this year. In todays blog I'll be typing up my thoughts on people comparing games and how I feel hows it been unfairly done in recent times and how some games get the wrong end of the stick. Very recent I will add, the release of dante's inferno as past and the reviews are in. I accept that there are great games out which will problery won't be beaten, games like the God of War series which I have heard is a good series, I'll add I've never played one before so I don't know. Back to the point of this atical is that I feel games are unfairly compared with all time greats like God of War. Dante Inferno the recent game to be compared to a great. I want to get into hack n slash games and I thought this looked intresting as it as a medevial theme to it. the first thing I hear from gamespot review was its a blanent copy of God of War.

God of WarDante

This was disapointing to say the least, I expected this kind of atutuide from some genral gamers talking on a forums but not by a paid prosetional, the way I see see it in the games injustry today is that some games are going to use ideas from other games and adapt them into their own way. there is only so much you can do with a control pad, there are limits. So by now I would have thought that would have been accepted, but I guess I am wrong. To make a quick point I'm not trying to damage gamespot's reputaion but it was a point to strong to ignore.

Should we limit our self to one game in a genre? Should there only be God of War and Devil May Cry in the hack n slash genre. Should we only buy Call of Duty for a good shooter? This is what I hear from a lot of people now adays.

Dante's Inferno is not the only game, another game which was pointed out to me was dark sector a great game which was slated by few for being a copy of Gears of War. Why because it was a thrid person shooter which used the same cover system. Well it seemed to me this was a off put for some people, there lost if something like that irritates them, they can miss out on a good game. but part from that the games are not much alike.

While going through the dantes inforno review, God of War must have been thrown in at least three times, the conclusion I got from this review was this game is good for the first few hours but your better of getting a playstaion 3 and getting God of War. Right I first didn't feel the review was aimed at me at any part of the review, me being new to that genra with playing very little hack n slash, second I don't own a playstation 3 or played a God of War game. I own a xbox 360 and I went on to that part of the site hoping for a more personal review on the 360 side. I didn't get that. So I didn't get the in depth review I was hoping for but for someone who never played a God of War game would I enjoy it? I didn't get the answer from that review but any input from you gamespotters would be nice.

The wrong end of the stick as I pointed out earlier in this blog. What I meant by that was I felt it was treated unfairly and not giving the game a good enough chance, its going to be hard to live up to games like God of War, this reviewer and fans of the God of War didn't seem happy to welcome this game to the family from the start. This game I feel has been hit hard and unfairly judged, on a positive note genral gamers review seem to be positive. So its a game I may well invest in.

For a concluation I apologise if I dragged gamespot through some thick mud, but I was surpised with that review. I see petty, the comparing of games judging whats better, expesialy as strong as whats seen in the review of Dante's Inferno, I thinks better of in the forumsand not in professionalreviews. I've seen it a few times with games like dark sector and saints row getting some stick. hoping this petty comparing will be less seen in the future. By the way if you love a game, don't you want to games alike? Thanks for reading I may edit this blog with any critism I may resieve, I won't improve my blog if nothing bad isn't pointed out and I may edit it if I feel I missed something out. again thanks for reading.


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