@gameroutlawzz @jackrg actually tool I was expecting what they advertised which was a story which Bungie used to be okay at not Cod in space go back to your PSfail ass. and I wasn't (hell no one was) expecting them to continually nerf everything due to PVP crybabies ,go to their forums some time and see how many requests for expanded PVE content get ignored.
so if you play pvp or the raid they keep "patching" you're fine if however you want any other aspect or you don't have a reliable group you're screwed ,good policy Bungie
@Adavanter @jackrg so what if it's multi platform ? does that make it less awesome ? no no it doesn't hell it's one of the few reasons I'd consider getting an xbox 1 that and the controller I just can't use a PS controller.
jackrg's comments