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jacksback21 Blog

Happy times! Sad times?

Muahaha, my football team Man Utd absolutely thrashed Roma 7-1 to go through to the next round, our biggest win in a European competition for decades. So I am delighted!Ā  :lol:

Giggs, Evra and Ronaldo

On a completely unrelated note I watched the saddest episode of 24 ever the other night. It's season 3, the one where Ryan Chappelle dies, I had seen it before but I had completely forgotten how sad it was. It made me think; who cries while watching tv?Ā I don't think I've cried for about 10 years, I don't wanna be sexist but I am sure all the girls probably do, it's their thing. :)Ā Do any guys cry at watching sad tv or films?

Ooh, I've just noticed I've got The Sopranos chat emblem, it's not as good as I would have hoped, I think I might go cry in the corner. ;)

Level 14 and 50 blogs

I know its so quick after my last blog, but this one should give me the 50 blog emblem! I've reached level 14 as well after spending ages at level 13.

Also there is a Sopranos chat at 11pm BST on monday, should be good although I am behind and need to catch up.

10th Person Editorship

Today I got my 10th person editorship, Gabriel Heinze, another Man United football and if I getĀ 3 more I can make a whole team, with a manager. :P

I don't know about you guys but are you having problems with your level? I've had over 50 submissions accepted since my last blog but gone up about 3%, it's like there is a conspiracy against me to stop me from reaching level 14!

This is also my 50th blog, do I get an emblem for this one or for the 51st blog?

My first show TC!

I've got my first trusted contributor for a show! Thanks to Joe (JoeLostDharma) for making me a TC of English Premier League, and I also get a fancyĀ new emblem to boot. Talking of Joe, he's got a weekly quiz going and after one round I am joint first. :DĀ 

On monday there is the season finale of Prison Break, and I can't wait! This season has been fantastic, better than the first, and you know the finale is going to awesome.

I've gone over 400 submissions, hopefully soon I can reach 500. Also I am closing in on 50 blog posts and 1000 forum posts, and by tommorow I should be on level 14. Today I reached 50 friends, if you're one of them; thanks very much, you're all fantastic! ;)

Editorships, Prison Break and all the stuff in between

Man Utd's squad

Finally after waiting for almost two weeks I have received the 2 editorships I should have already got. I've now got 7 of the 11 players in Manchester United's first team, sadly people are already editors of the other 4. I've now also got the manager, but I think thats gonna be it for footballers and I am gonna try to add more proper actors. Lets hope that these bugs that have happened recently on the site are gone forever.

Prison Break

Isn't Prison Break the greatest tv show at the moment! I've just watched Fin Del Camino and I definatly think so! Such a great episode and I cannot wait till next monday to see the season finale. Something tells me that an exchange between Mike and Mahone is never gonna go down to well.

I've also just watched mondays 24 as well and it seems to have lost its edge, its hard to tell whats different but 24 has lost something which made the previousĀ 5 seasons awesome. Where 24 was my favourite show for years now Prison Break has taken over, its such a shame theres only one episode left.....until season 3.

Be sure to check out JoeLostDharma's blog as he is hosting a quiz and there are still a few places left. I'm not sure theres any point joining since you'll never beat me. :)

I can access my profile!

Wow! This is the first time in 2 days that I have been able to get onto my profile page! seems to be getting more and more bugs and it's getting very annoying!

On another note I've been given one of the editorships that I missed out on due to the contributor points not running. 1 out of 3 isn't great but it's a start. The person I got was Patrice Evra another Man Utd player, thats 6 now! The odd thing is; on his profile there are no contributors listed!?

Michael and Lincoln

Prison Break season 2 is coming to an end which makes me sad, it's been another awesome season and I can't wait to see how it ends.

Level 13 and a new editorship!

I am now onto level 13 which seems to be a dart board??

And I've got a new editorship of Paul Scholes, another Man Utd footballer. :) I am up to 5 footballers now. And due to me losing contributor points I should have another 2/3 more.

Getting annoyed with the contributor points!

Because of errors to the system I've lost a whole bunch of contributor points and should be editor for 3 new people!

On the 11th I lost 27pts, on the 13th I lost 35pts and on the 15th I lost another 35pts! :cry:

Anyway the latest Lost episode was fantastic! Best of the season, one of the best of all time and with a great ending which was a little odd involving Jack.

Currently on my iPod

My current album playlist:

Kaiser Chiefs - Yours Truly, Angry Mob

The Fratellis - Costello Music

The Fray - How To SaveĀ A Life

Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly - The Chronicles of a Bohemian Teenager

The Beatles - 1967-1970: The Blue Album

On another note I watched the latest Lost episode; Enter 77 and it was easily the best episode for a few weeks and there was a few answers along the way.

New editorship!

I am now the editor for Steve Buscemi. Yes you heard right, I am the editor for a proper actor!

Steve Buscemi and Harvey Keitel in Reservoir Dogs

Steve has been in such films as Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Fargo and Desperado. He was recently in The Sopranos as well.