@Retroact1ve Brought the PS4 up because it was mentioned in the same article on the Xbox's external drive. But yeah I agree that you only seem to get half an Xbox on launch and get the rest of it whenever they can be arsed finishing it
@jadaski1 @Retroact1ve you can buy new internal hard drives for the PS4 but not the Xbox... but again I already have an external one so it's gonna cost extra. In the finer details both have good/ bad points, but it's gonna have to be a PS4 for me
@DemonOutlaw77 Was just looking around on the internet and overall the PS3 has sold around 2 million more units globally... the only region that the xbox has sold more is the USA and it has sold around 10 million more... Not sure where you're from but if you're American then yeah that makes total sense :P Just world wide the PS3 has sold slightly more.
@TristanPR77 actual numbers to back up an argument... not even the most extreme fan boy can argue. Was a huge 360 fan but Xbox One was just a spit in the face. PS4 guy now.
Surely if it wasn't rushed then they wouldn't even need to mention it... It's like getting home and the first thing you say to your girlfriend is "definitely didn't screw the secretary today at all, nope not even a little bit... at all"... yeeeeeaaaaah
@Noonewarrior After the first year the exclusives coming out for the PS4 will probably make you forget about Titanfall and Halo... big halo fan but just not that arsed about it this time because the PS4 will have awesome games
Does anyone know if you have to install all the games you buy or just use the disc like you do now? Because 500GB is a lot if you don't absolutely have to install all the games... but if you have to install them like when you download them from the store then I imagine it's gonna go surprisingly fast
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