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jacobp76 Blog

Could Everybody Answer This Question??

There is a show that is filmed about ten minutes away from where I live; its called "Trailer Park Boys" I was wondering if any of you ever watched it/heard of it before? I just want to find out who knows about this show and if its known about outside of Canada. It's an awesome fake documentary type of show. But be warned Language May Offend Its on the interent everywhere just start from season 1. And if you saw the movie and idn't like it, ignore it because the movie was terrible and everything after the movie sucked to.

Two Movies I Recently Watched

Last night and today I watched 2 movies I havn't seen before.

Charlie Bartlett

This sweet poster is what made me give it a watch. After watching this film I was quite happy with what it was so I headed over to a few sites to see what others thought....and people are calling this the worst movie ever??? I don't understand that. Just give this movie a watch, its not perfect but its not bad either.

score: 7.5/10

Hard Candy:

I'm actually quite embarrassed to say that I didn't even know Ellan Paige was in this when I started it up. (considering she grew up in my town) Well this movie was just Sick and disturbing I don't know why EP did this role. The movie was Ok but at times I felt like shutting it off. I'd just avoid this one. Come on I really don't wanna watch a younger EP cut someones balls out !!!!!!!!

Score: 5/10

Thats all I got.

"Ain't Found A Way To Kill Me Yet.....

Eyes Burn With Stinging Sweat". Easily my favorite song by this band.

The glitch on this site yesterday really had me worried when all the blogs dissapeared and my posts went down by 600. Thank god this was fixed. Also i finally fiqured how to make a banner for for my post in forums :D

I've also got Heroes Season 2 almost finished, I never thought I'd be able to catch up for season 3 when it starts but I did! I really can't understand how people don't get into this show, once I see the ending of one episode I always have to just start up the other one. I'm so glad I ignored the critics on season 2 though because they all said it wasn't good at all and was just terrible. I almost but not quite enjoyed it as much as season 1. I can't wait for the dvd to come out heres the cover art:

Also I've seen a few mob movies recentley Heat and Goodfellas. I really enjoyed both but Goodfellas was better. I bought Goodfellas on dvd and it was really weird it was a flip sided dvd and it had half the movie on one side and the other on the other :shock: It can't be a fake because I got it at Wal-Mart. But people on here and many critics say that "THe Godfather" is the best movie when it comes to this type of genre. I've always looked at the godfather as a boring slow looking movie, but yesterday I saw it for 9.99 at my local Blockbuster so I bought it. I'm gonna wait till I finish Heroes before I watch it though ( only 2 episodes left)

Also Prison Break Season 3 is going to released in a litte over a month :D and then a bt after season 4 is going to start up!!!

One more season I'm waiting for to come out is South Park Season 11, I will own all the seasons (except 12 which is still airing).

Thats it for today,

"I'm Gonna Pull You In Close...

Gonna Wrap You Up tight." I don't think many of my friends here listen to this band very much, but really should because they rock.

Well first of all I'll start off by saying I just watched "Goodfella's" for the first time.

Last year when "AMerican Gangster" came out I thought it was one of the best gangster films around. But last night I changed that thought.....This is now the best gangster film ever. Also it is also based on a true story. (For some reason when a film like this is based on a true story I just seem to like it a bit more.) Something I noticed though is that the director Martin Scorese (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Gangs Of New York, RS's Shine A Light and many other good ones) puts Robert DiNero in a lot of his movies. I just wonder why, I have no problem with it though because this guy is a great actor. 10/10 ****c film.


Now here is a band that everybody reading should be wary of "Interpol". They are an awesome indie rock band that have an awesome sound to them and just listening to their music just puts a smile on face :lol: They have three albums and here are my favorites in order

1. Turn on The Bright Lights

2. Antics

3. Our Love To Admire

Their 2007 album Our love to admire use to be my favorite from them but now I've listent to all of their songs and it's my least favorite. One thing on the newest album is that theve changed their sound a lot. They use to also be said to sound a lot like "Joy Division" with their deeper vioces and dark sounding music, but this album has pretty much none of that and all the tracks sound happy and clean.

Houses Of The Holy by Led Zeppelin

Yesterday at Wal-Mart I got this album and Who's Next by The Who in a 2 for 10 bin. Both albums are awesome but Ive heard Whos Next before and havn't heard HOTH before. I actually find this album has a different sound then most of the zeppelin albums. My favorite songs are well actually I like every song on this album. It's still probably not my favorite album from them though.

"Flies Are Buzzing Around My Head.....

Vultures circling the dead." I honestly expect a lot of you to know this.

Well today an album that I use to think was stupid garbage has now grew on me a lot. This album is "Kid A" by Radiohead. Around a few months ago this album was on the bottom of my RH list, this was because I was not ready for this type of sound from them. Every once in a while I would just give it another chance, after about 3-5 good listenings I decided it was an ok album. But tonight I listent to it again and I loved it. I think this may of been because since the last time I listent to tis album I have heard a bunch of bands doing the same sound and I got quite into them and now this album just seems so much better now that I'm more use to this type of music.

An updated favorite Radiohead album list:

1. The Bends

2. Kid A

3. Ok Computer

4. In Rainbows

5. Amnesiac

6. Hail To The Thief

7. Pablo Honey

Weird???? A while back PH was number 5, I can't that album anymore.

Hmmmm nothing much more to say, heres two great albums to check out when you get a chance:

Ga Ga Ga Ga By Spoon

Just a really great album with a really nice sound to it.

I enjoyed this album more then any others by Spoon.

Entertainment! By Gang of Four

This is bound to make somebody laugh, last year when I first heard "Damaged Goods" I thought this album was a '03 album. Because it was in a category on amazon.com for reccomended for those who liked "Good News For People Who Love Bad News" (Modest Mouse) and this site usually has only recent albums reccomended for albums of that year. Well now this week I discovered its from the 70s :shock: Well its truley an epic album. Their kind of like The Clash with more an dirty 2000's indie sound to them if you know what I mean.

50th Blog! And, It's A Music List For '08.

Well it's about time I hit 50 of these. When I first joined the site I would blog almost everyday but know I've slowed down a little on that, but anyways here are my top 5 albums of 2008 so far.

1. At Mount Zoomer by: Wolf Parade.

2. In The Future By: Black Mountain

3. The New Sigur Ros Album

Sorry but Im not posting the album cover because I could get a TOS and I don't need another one of them.

4. Love At The End Of The World by Sam Roberts

5. Third by Portishead

Ugh, I might as well do a top 8 because I got three more albums which I enjoyed quite a bit.

6. Parrallel Play by Sloan

7. Accelerate by R.E.M

8. Weezer (The Red Album) by Weezer

Well thats it for today.

" I Don't Know What To Say About It.....

....When all you're ears are turned away" Probably one of my favorite softer songs by this band.

Awesome! This is my 49th blog, one more to go and I got 50 of em' down. Today I'm just gonna make a list of my top ten movies. The order may be a little messed up because I don't have a lot of time to put into it. So anyways here it is:

10. Requiem For A Dream

9. American History X

8. American Beauty

7. City Of God

6. Almost Famous

5.Dazed and Confused

4.One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

3. Fight Club

2. Fargo

1. Donnie Darko (Theatrical)

The upcoming sequel titled "S.Darko" could mess this up though. Looking back at this list I just cant decide if this is right, so just ignore the numbers and I'll say these are my favorite movies of all time. (**NO SPECIAL ORDER)

Some honourable mentions are Clerks 1 and 2, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Taxi Driver, Saving Private Ryan, Batman Begins and many more. Sometime I'm gonna make a list of my 100 favorites that way almost nothing gets left out.

J A C O B:!

It's My Birthday Today!

That's right 17 years old today :D

I got an awesome 160 gb Ipod Video, I know many of you would think "Who needs a 160g"?

But I filled an 80g within 3 mounths. And would have to delete stuff to put new stuff on it, and I don't like doing that.

Thats all for tonight,..


It Just Keeps Getting Better and Better.

This is awesome I got another new Editorship "Explosions In The sky" Excellent band, I doubt many of you ever heard of them so just look them up. I gotta get more this is becoming addicting.

This blog is kind of pointless considering I have pretty much nothing to say.

I finally beat Super Mario Bros 3 on my NES. This took so long because whenever I'd get far into it, my NES would freeze (pieces of junk) but today I got lucky and it didn't :)

I'll write a better blog tommorow, just to tired today.....