@gamestar73: already reserved SFV:AE and I’m considering DBZ. Red Dead is also on my radar. Don’t have as much time as I used to play, but these are what I’m excited for.
I hear ya, I'm just satin it's there, so it's worth mentioning. I'm with you as far as GoW being single player focused. I probably wouldn't even touch it til I finished the campaign. I'm just saying that if you have good multiplayer, you're more likely to go back to it more than to just play the campaign over and over.
Snake is the man and the main reason I stuck with sony all this time, though I do have a 360. Sony really messed not holding on to MGS as an exclusive.
I see where you're coming from, but it is included and supposed to help replay value. I haven't played this one yet, but I didn't have high hope for multiplayer in the first place.
As far as exclusives go, only Killer Instinct and Killzone interest me right now. I'm leaning toward the PS4 mainly because of price and all I care about is a gaming console, although the cable box is a neat idea. Hate the idea of being forced to buy the kinect.
I haven't finished portable ops and have even touched peace walker. Is peace walker more important to the story than ops? That seems to be my understanding
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