@LilJayV10 My thoughts exactly bro. Why waste my hard earned koins to unlock button combinations I can get here. I'll get 100% unlock later. I only beat SK once and it was with Scorpion. They fixed my MK3 method (P P Spear Uppercut) I still did that but what I mainly did was spam Scorpions Hellfire. SK has always been a cheap boss that requires cheap tactics to beat. Whhat really shocked me was I beat Goro in one try (spammed Hellfire :P) but it worked. All the techniques Im hearing for Raiden seem good, now I just gotta figure out other characters.
Do you have to actually unlock the fatalities or does the Krypt just tell the button combinations? If its the latter, I'll start with all the costumes first
@matt_achoo So a babality is just another fatality in this one? I know in 2 you had to win using only kicks and in 3 you couldnt block in the winning round but Iahadnt heard anything about them in this one yet.
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