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#1 jake0401
Member since 2005 • 330 Posts

Really? For me it was kind of meh. I bought it for my roommates and my gf and us all to get down and play but its kind of a mixed bag for me so far. My girlfriend loves it and my roommates think it is a great excuse to light one up but they do not really get it. "What is the point?" "Why collect stuff, etc." Also the level editor is a bit daunting at first to hopefully i can get over that and really enjoy it because it is very deep as far as an editor/creator goes.

Other than that, it has been pretty fun so far. The physics are fun and it does make you smile. I particularly enjoy jumping on the skateboard level in the beginning and seeing how high you can get then landing back on the board and trying to balance it out in air.

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#2 jake0401
Member since 2005 • 330 Posts

I knew this room was painted with gasoline paint when i walked in, only a matter of time before the flames ignite haha. I disagree that MGS4 is a more stealthy tactical game. I played through on Hard my first time and did alot of guns blazing type scenarios. I am more of the kill em all instead of do the stealth thing. I thought the M4 Custom with the right scope and a supressor allowed you to take out enemies from a decent distance and move through the game in the same manner as stealth kills

Now I am playing through it on Big Boss Extreme and am doing more of the sneaking/grabbing enemies and dragging them to a secluded area to kill them. I think it is way more fun to play that way.

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#3 jake0401
Member since 2005 • 330 Posts

All of these are good points that I am hearing. In fact, I would go ahead and agree with alot of the posts on here in terms of bringing progression to the series. Someone pointed out GTAIII brought the 3d 3rd person camera to the series, Vice City brought the sick rags to riches story, and GTA SA was absolutely epic.

I will agree the hit detection in the multiplayer is obviously flawed and that the single player campaign is indeed short. I would also argue that while taxi-ing to missions is convenient, it really cuts down on the players experience with the game. I blame myself for using the taxi to get around to most missions in order to finish the game quickly.

I would like to see a more rags to riches story in GTA5, I really was into the scarface inspired Vice City and the mansions and properties you were able to obtain. I would also welcome the chainsaws, and more that made the game so over the top with violence and such.

That being said, I still have not seen everything there is to do in GTAIV. I have not seen every square inch of the city, and do not know if that is even possible. With the amount of detail and sheer size of the game alone, I thought it was a worthy successor in the franchise, and a game that every gamer should have in their library.

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#4 jake0401
Member since 2005 • 330 Posts
easy lets not get off topic with political shinanigans. is it simply that you think gta iv is not such a great game or that it simply does not deliver the amount of depth of previous gtas or what? If so what did you think was improved of in GTA IV and what would you like to see come in for GTA 5 to make the experience that much better?
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#5 jake0401
Member since 2005 • 330 Posts

Well I have finished the game and I do admit there is not so much to do once the story is complete. However, that was pretty much the case with the other GTA games for me as well. Sure there were side missions such as the taxi and police missions, but they seemed to be novelties, not actual benefactors to the overall game.

I would much rather have the solid multiplayer experience that GTA IV delivers than some of the TJ Foolery that previous GTA games peddled as gameplay elements. Also there are the assassin missions in GTA IV, the "secret" character icons that offer missions, of course the stunt jumps and flying rats, etc.

I personally would trade the trivial weight lifting aspects of previous GTA games for the serious tone, excellent setting and visuals, solid gameplay, exceptional physics, and compelling storyline of GTA IV. In my opinion it still remains the best in the series by a long shot and has set the bar for what a next gen title should be.

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#6 jake0401
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Alright, it has been a few months now since GTA IV has been released and all I can see all over these boards are posts about how GTA IV was a massive disappointment. I find this hard to believe, not only because it was one of the highest rated games of all time by reviewers, but also holds a strong user score on GS holding together at a 9.2

Basically I would just like to know why everyone is starting to turn on the game. What happened to a title that was dubbed as one of the best games released in the last decade, a true masterpiece, and is now being hated on by the gaming community!

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#7 jake0401
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Heres what I would do. Either pick up the MGS4 PS3 80 GB bundle now or wait until you can pick up an 80 GB for $399. Then, wait until the day after Thanksgiving to pick up your new HDTV. You can usually get some great deals on that black friday every year.

I bought a 32" Olevia 232V and it works perfectly. I have it for my room and it only does up to 1080i but unless you are going bigger than 32 (i think bigger than 40) you wont know the difference between 720p and 1080p.

HDTV brands are somewhat overrated. Since it is a new technology it has allowed alot of new companies such as Olevia to penetrate into the market. My buddy has a Vizio and had no problems with it either. Either way it is a big step up from SD to HDTV so get a set that will match your own personal requirements as well as matches your financial situation.

Also make sure to look at extensive product reviews for your prospective televisions online. Make sure that the company is reputable, the sets do not have a history of breaking down, and that consumers are happy overall with their purchase.

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#8 jake0401
Member since 2005 • 330 Posts

Some of the maps are definitely better than others. but that should be expected. Id pin it as a cross between COD4 and SOCOM. I think it will definitely keep the SOCOM fans out there happy until Confrontation arrives but overall its a pretty great experience.

Unfortunately, I think the whole deal with the Konami ID and not releasing things or running the game through the PSN was an abysmal idea that Konami will likely ride to the grave, which kind of sucks because it has potential to be really great.

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#9 jake0401
Member since 2005 • 330 Posts
I would not be suprised if that is part of the exclusive dlc that the competitors will be offering in the future. purchasing properties and side business' would be an easy way to expand the game.
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#10 jake0401
Member since 2005 • 330 Posts

1. Killzone 2

2. Resistance 2

3. God of War 3

4. Little Big Planet

5. NHL 09 - yeah its not exclusive, but I can't wait.