@valpos: Vagrant Story so much. My favorite game of all time. Just a little quality of life fixes like switching weapons/armor faster by assigning a button would make this so awesome. Wish there would be a sequel, but I doubt that will ever happen
@Vodoo: its incredibly silly to just say that a game should be preserved, but not to be played. you think EVERY game in the NES library should be preserved and playable? That's absurd. Not to mention the amount of games that are just digital.
What is the point of "preserving" a game if you aren't making it playable? When it comes to games no longer in circulation, people think its fine to distribute it on their own, but that is wrong at the core. It is theft. You don't own the rights to that property and you don't get to do with it whatever you like. I'm fully aware of how many companies have gone out of business; that still doesn't give you the right to their products
As I said before, I wish companies would make every game they make available to me at all times but it isn't realistic. I wish I could play Panzer Dragoon Saga, but it is more than likely never going to happen. It isn't that big of a deal.
People need to grow up and stop expecting companies to just bow down to them and give them everything they want. It just shows how immature you are.
@Bahamut50: Expecting companies to have content available forever at a cost to them is ridiculous. You are being a self centered cry baby if you do think this should happen. As I said in my original post, do I wish companies would do that? Sure. But expecting them to, and then getting angry and writing a big article about how you are are an entitled whiner is ridiculous
anyone complaining about this just sounds like a self entitled little brat. "Oh man, I can't access a game I might buy in the future" Give me a break. If you want it, go buy it now while you can. It costs the company money to have this up and running and all for something that you may or may not get in the future. Do I wish companies would keep their games available for me so at any time I could access them? Sure. Do I expect them to and and throw little temper tantrums when they don't? no.
@bdrtfm: I was disappointed by DT as well when I was hoping it would be great. Part of the problem with trying to make the DT is the first book. It really isn't that great. I like it fine, but its just a teaser into the huge and much better story. If that were a movie, people would be bored out of their minds. I personally just don't think it will work well. It could work well in the form of a series on netflix or something if they did it well, but I just have strong doubts any film/series type of format for DT would ever be very good; there's honestly just so much that doesn't transfer well to the screen imo
@TheBigBadGRIM: this doesn't ruin the game in any way. if it isn't good, just don't watch it. the game is the game and it isnt going to change. kinda like FF7R; if you like original FF7, then play that again and just don't play FF7R
jakek's comments