alright i am going to talk about some other games i cant wait for or wish they would make.
first of all let me talk about oblivon 5 my guy says it may come out next year i dont know if thats true of not. but i would like to see a better combat system in this one the last one was ok but could use some pach up work. i would also like to see the chance to go to other lands, like if i was an orc than i could vist my home land. i would also like to see the story contining on right from were it left off at so i would like to go back and go back to sheorgors realm and have like a war going on and you have tell your soiders what to do, like ambush a camp and stuff. but i it probly wont go like that so.
next would have to be red dead redemiton i know i probly did not spell that last part right but here we go. i would like there to be more options this time around. last time you really did not have much choice over your guy. so i would like to have the choice of what i wear this time around. i would like if they would let me chose how i hold my guns, be a show off or be a cheater. i would also like if i could conbine guns, like shot gun with a cocktail that kind of choice. i would also like the choice of being able to rob banksor hijack a train, i know that will most likely not happen. so all in all i have alot of hope for this game.
next on all list is splinter cell convicon. i hope this is not a let down cause i have been waiting for so long it is not funny. i hope that all the hard core fans are wrong about this game cause they say this not the way this game should go. i really like the fact that you are coming out of the shadows, it makes me feel like i am really sam fisher and not some one else. i would like the story to be good cause if it is not than i will most likely have to give it a bad review. i like all the new the new stuff in the game this time around, one i really am hoping for is the releas date would make me so happie.
next is modern warfare i am looking foreward to this game ever sense i found out walmart had no pics so i went and made account on this site, best idea i have ever had. i have no doubt that this game will be a 10/10. cause they have made a good game better and i thought that could not be done but it was. i cant wait to be back in the sas, if you have not played the first than that is the britisharmy boysthey are the best. i am also glad to see soap in this one, i wish his team was still here tho. i am of course very happie to have played the first it was a good time off warwar2. i am happie to see that there are some new attachments for are guns. so all in all i really dont have to add anything this game looks flawless so far.
assissian creed 2 i am going to get this one this time around. so far i am very much looking foreward to this game it has been on my tracked list since i have joind this site i am glad it has not been postponed. i am glad that they are once again making a second game the first left alot of room for a second. so i am glad that they are giving you more missions cause the first was good but felt like you were killing the same guy over and over again. so i am glad to see that they fixed that. i am glad there will be more toys to play with. and i am hopeing that they will get a very intense story.
gears three is not coming out on this platform, it is comeing when the new xbox comes out so i will wait for a while for this game.
ps give some feed back tell me if you like some of the stuff or if you hate some of the ideas.
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