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gears 3 thoughts.

ok i now it has not been announsed but i have been taking about gears 3 so these are some of the many ideas we have had.

ok we have thought that it would be really cool to play as both the loust and the cog you ask how would you do that well this is what we have come up with. the first lever you could start off with either the cog or loust and after you beat the lever you flash back to the other. so thats what we have been taking about well some of it we are still taking about put some input if you like.

next we have been taking about upgrading guns and such we have not found a good way to use it so we said no about it,what do you think is there any ways this could work give some input.

next we have been taking about making the story more scary i thought that would be alsome puting some scary new bad guys aka loust would be alsome what do you think give some input.

ps. this is all about you and your input.

i start soccer today.

i am starting soccer today yay. new team new caoch. i glad that soccer is starting again i have been very lazy sense it ended. so ya short blog but thats what i am doing today.

all the games i wish i had.

i wish i had all these games some are old others are new.

1. fallout three.

2. dead space.

3. modern warfare2.

4. call of duty world at war.

5. the new gears of war all fronts pack.

6. condemed 2 blood shot,looks very twisted and scary.

7. halo odst,just to see if they have not messed it all up.

8. the new hitman game that is going to be alsome.

9. red dead redemtion.

remeber that these are just some of the many games that i wish i had ps if you would like to leave your games you would like to have do leave a commit.

ok all the bands i went to see this week.

ok i went to this concert this week it was alsome here are all the bands i got to see.

7. matthew west, he was very good better in reall life.

6.seventh day slumber, they had some alsome rock going for them.

5.kutless, was one of the best that day it was off the hook.

4. stellar kart,was soooooooooo sweet.

3. third day. that was one of the they had some sweet guitar solos.

2. disciple, was so hardcore a fight brock lose when they started it was alsome.

1. skillet. yes they were the best of the day they had everthing. they had guitar solos. and had special affects they had the best songs to.

so these are the bands i went to see this week. post if you want to leave a commit.

fave game i have ever played

ok i am going to say some of the best game i have ever played.

10.jak and daxter2

9.rachet and clank2

8.rachet and clank3

7.need for speed most wanted for the xbox360.


5.gears 1



2.gears 2 alsome game i love this gameeeeeee.

1.modern warfare/oblivon both games get the same rank cause one is an rpg and the other is fps shooter. so this is my game list thanks legolas95 you gave me the idea ps if you want you can give your number one game to on my blog.

i am back part 2.

alright i am going to talk about some other games i cant wait for or wish they would make.

first of all let me talk about oblivon 5 my guy says it may come out next year i dont know if thats true of not. but i would like to see a better combat system in this one the last one was ok but could use some pach up work. i would also like to see the chance to go to other lands, like if i was an orc than i could vist my home land. i would also like to see the story contining on right from were it left off at so i would like to go back and go back to sheorgors realm and have like a war going on and you have tell your soiders what to do, like ambush a camp and stuff. but i it probly wont go like that so.

next would have to be red dead redemiton i know i probly did not spell that last part right but here we go. i would like there to be more options this time around. last time you really did not have much choice over your guy. so i would like to have the choice of what i wear this time around. i would like if they would let me chose how i hold my guns, be a show off or be a cheater. i would also like if i could conbine guns, like shot gun with a cocktail that kind of choice. i would also like the choice of being able to rob banksor hijack a train, i know that will most likely not happen. so all in all i have alot of hope for this game.

next on all list is splinter cell convicon. i hope this is not a let down cause i have been waiting for so long it is not funny. i hope that all the hard core fans are wrong about this game cause they say this not the way this game should go. i really like the fact that you are coming out of the shadows, it makes me feel like i am really sam fisher and not some one else. i would like the story to be good cause if it is not than i will most likely have to give it a bad review. i like all the new the new stuff in the game this time around, one i really am hoping for is the releas date would make me so happie.

next is modern warfare i am looking foreward to this game ever sense i found out walmart had no pics so i went and made account on this site, best idea i have ever had. i have no doubt that this game will be a 10/10. cause they have made a good game better and i thought that could not be done but it was. i cant wait to be back in the sas, if you have not played the first than that is the britisharmy boysthey are the best. i am also glad to see soap in this one, i wish his team was still here tho. i am of course very happie to have played the first it was a good time off warwar2. i am happie to see that there are some new attachments for are guns. so all in all i really dont have to add anything this game looks flawless so far.

assissian creed 2 i am going to get this one this time around. so far i am very much looking foreward to this game it has been on my tracked list since i have joind this site i am glad it has not been postponed. i am glad that they are once again making a second game the first left alot of room for a second. so i am glad that they are giving you more missions cause the first was good but felt like you were killing the same guy over and over again. so i am glad to see that they fixed that. i am glad there will be more toys to play with. and i am hopeing that they will get a very intense story.

gears three is not coming out on this platform, it is comeing when the new xbox comes out so i will wait for a while for this game.

ps give some feed back tell me if you like some of the stuff or if you hate some of the ideas.

i am back.

le me just start off by saying that i am glad to be back. so i am going to talk a little about all the things i want to come out. i want splinter cell convicion to come out and stop post poning cause that gets old after a while. and why get me all hyped up just to post pone it again. dont get me wrong i dont mind a game getting post poned so many times but this is just dome. i have been waiting for so long for this to come out just to wait longer. any how i gess i will just have to wait again just for one game.

i am also looking foreward for modern warfare 2 it is looking very good. i am looking foreward to this the first was good and this will be epic. i hope they keep shocking story the first one did. the first was jaw dropping and this will be a record breaker. i am glad this going to have soap in it. i hope they keep the story reel and dont scew up. i dont think they will though cause there is alot of fans and money backing this up. i hope the story is longer than the first cause the first was good but hadsome bad points to it but if you could getpastthe short story than the game was pretty much the best game ever.

i also hope smackdownvsraw 2010 will be good for a change. they use to be good and slowly was getting worse wich sucks cause i was a big fan smackdownvsraw.

i am also hope they will make a new gearsofwar that would be epic. i would bye that in a heart beat gears has never let me down so far. if and when they do i hope they will bring some new soliders and keep that gears feeling that they do have going for them. i hope they will end with three cause i hate when a good game wont stop. some times a game just needs to stop. not that i dont in joy gears but i dont wont them to go on to long. saying that i hope dome gets some redemion for mario that was a shock in gears 2. i would like some new guns in this one. i also hope they keep the story they had in gears 2 dont get me wrong gears 1 had a story but i just didnt get it. i also would like to see more cole train.

i would also like need for speed to go back to street racing. and stop going to prostreet i did not like prostreet. i would like them to keep cops in a game and stay that way cause i cant take a nother pro street.

so thats what i would like to see in the gaming world ps pleas give some feed back.

so i just heard from this guy. that they are makeing a new oblivon 5 wich is the best news i have heard in a while. cause theres are these other games out there geting postponed. so to here some good news is very nice for a change.

games i wish they would make.

first of all i would like death race. and mabey a james bond game that is good for a change. smack down vs raw that is good for a change i have not liked this game sense 2006 was the last good game. fable 3 that would be cool but make this one good cause fable2 was good but had weak in some areas.

thats what i think would be good games if done right.