Well, I'm not a huge GTA fan, so my personal opinion is to get deep into a character in ES4 and then when (more like if) you get bored then you can try GTA out.
The popularity of the ds is giving more fuel to a popular franchise that never really died. I am 18 and for most of my friends, they played silver and gold then stopped playing pokemon. Then they have a ds now and a new pokemon comes out so they want it.Ogloff
[QUOTE="hammer_of_thor_"]WarioWare is great, check out Rayman too, but as far as Wii party games go, I'd recommend WarioWare. Remember that Mario Party 8 shall be out within a month, and that's a great party game too.chatri10
Mario Party 8 seems fun. I'll check it out when it come out. Wario Ware is also interesting. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks guys.
Warioware can support up to 12 people multi. If you have a room big enough to house that many people and have that many friends, then Warioware would be the best choice imo. You only need 1 wiimote to take advantage of the 12 player multi as well.
My friend did however recently rent NFS: C and he said he loved it so much he would be saving up for it to buy as soon as possible, and he doesn't even have SPM yet. To each his own, if you really love racing games and arent too big on RPG or Platforming games, then NFS might be the better game for you.
Zelda sold the Wii to me. That makes it a killer app to me. It was worth getting the game as soon as possible that I bought a Wii and Zelda: TP before Zelda even came out on GC. Making me go out and buy a system for one game when I really don't want it all that much right away ( I wouldve rather waited for Warioware before I bought the system) defines a killer app to me.
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