jamesmt0032's forum posts
I guarantee every single one of you here bought an SD card. You're trying to make it sound cheap and simple, but you have al sorts of Wii accessories. Don't you? DONT YOU?flamingschmoes2I got one for xmas and havent used it once. I have 5 VC games, all of the channels, and 4-5 wii game saves and ive only used about 1/5 of the Wii's internal drive.
[QUOTE="Nex_Ownage"][QUOTE="ZeldaMaster32"][QUOTE="Nex_Ownage"]1.The Only reason Banjo Kazooie was good was because it was a M64 rip-off IMO.
2.Now that RARE has to design it by them selves, I really doubt they'll do an exceptional job. super_mario_128
1. It was a damn good "rip-off" and is superior to it in every way.
2. The entire, original Banjo team is working on this game. I have no doubts.
Good for you. But unless the game is totally different than the original, I seriously doubt it'll be any good. No mattter how much stuff you add to it, a M64 rip-off just won't cut it these days. Strange how a Mario 64 rip-off is better in every way. :| I agree with him, Banjo-kazooie took mario64 and improved it in almost every way possible. You can argue that mario is a better character or that bowser is better villain than banjo or Grunty respectively, but Banjo-Kazooie is much better than mario64 imo.Metroid, Mario, Zelda, and SSB are all extremely overrated. I wouldnt be suprised if 2 or 3 got A. But i revoke my PC comments, it has a strong lineup as well.Haloissosweet_Overrated? no i dont think so, no one could possibly hate all four of those game series without having been traumatized by something nintendo in the past. None of the following will receive lower than an 8.5: The next console Zelda, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and SSBB. If you're going off what the past games are like, then there's no way that I can be wrong, right?
Which one sucks more, 360 or PS3? lol jk didnt send that in.
I did however send in "Which would you rather have to compliment your Wii? the 360 or PS3?
If so, this will be the worst VC realease yet.mgfarmeruhm... there is a game in there that is widely considered as the greatest game of all time.
haha ok, there are some pretty bad games that brought down the average score of the Wii launch games, that nobody here bought btw. Thank you for pointing out to us that Happy Feet and GT Pro Series were on the Wii. Thank you for that. IMO and probably most other people's, the Wii launch was the best of this generation.This post is to educate Sheep that just don't get it.
The Wii's launch sucked, regardiing GAME LIBRARIES, nothing else. I am not talking about EBay, Shooting, mugging, I am talking about what gamers count, the GAME LIBRARY.
It's a fact, and something some posters here don't grasp.
Is the Wii a good system, yes, it is. Does it have a bright future and a lot of sales? yes,it does, but the simple fact is the launch library BLEW.
Sure, it had a great GAMECUBE PORT to help it along, but c'mon. Nintendo deliberately made GC owners wait for a finished game, so they could sell it AFTER the Wii's got it's port and killer app. It worked, sure. But it's obvious what they did.
Besides, even with ZELDA, the average's don't lie, and that's with ZELDA helping the scores. Bottomline, buying a console at launch blows, and the Wii is no exception. One game does NOT = gaming nirvana. Of course, no matter what I do, the Sheep will just post away how great teh Zelda was anyways. Oh well.
Click, and read 'em and weep.
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