if you havent been to romans wedding then you havent beat the game yet, theres still a couple of missions left to do. the wedding isnt as soon as you think, you just have to wait for roman to call you, occupy yourself with getting all the pigeons and stunt jumps until ou hear from him
i think it looks fantastic, I think I'll probably get it on day one, and I'm not even a mega batman fan. I mean I loved the last 2 films and I've got the Dark Knight graphic novel but thats about it for my bat-fan. I like it even more because it isnt tied into the release of a film so the developers have had plenty of time without film producers sticking their noses in. should keep my attention for a few weeks or maybe a couple of months, then it may be traded for MAG or MW2
Virtua tennis is easily the best tennis game out there. and the new one is coming out soon so wait for that and pick it up no doubt it will be awesome.
thankyou for taking carfeul notice of my 1st post, mucho appreciado
just wondering what you enlightened gamers would consider the best tennis game on PS3? ive currently got virtua tennis 3 but ive completed it to death and won everything more than once and need a new challenge on the court. ive seen the new virtua tennis getting pretty average reviews and wondered if theres anything else out there i might have missed. any ideas?
it rocks the casbah, its such a FUN game. dont concern yourself with the story or the characters, just enjoy playing it for what it is - awesome funage! (and yes, i think i made that word up:D)
the destruction and physics engine alone make this game feel like a proper "next-gen" title. dont miss out!
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