well im currently into my 5th day of renting infamous, and i have to say, its a little bit over-hyped. its still a great game but there are a few things that count against it:
1 - graphics - a bit hit and miss, some parts looks awesome, others not so much
2 - combat - whilst the electric powers are cool, they do get a bit boring after a while (yes, even the super powerful ones), whats wrong with grabbing a gun or two?
3 - karma choices - almost completely superficial, you can kill civilians all day and not see much change in your karmic rating, plus the choices you make dont really feel substantial
4 - the game environment - all 3 islands have the same look and feel to them IMO, the enemies are varied enough to keep that side interesting but the actual city itself is kinda bland
5 - the parkour/grabbing ability is great fun and really makes you feel like spiderman without the emo phase, but sometimes Cole's hands seem a bit too sticky
im sure ill get some flames for saying all this but hey its just my opinion and what do you guys care?
but all in all its definitely a good game, its not revolutionary or a classic but ive enjoyed my rental time with it, and i might even pick it up for keeps when it goes platinum.
ps, for the record, ive got red faction on pre-order, its definitely more my cup of tea!
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