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janie_girl Blog

Hey there

It's been a while since my last visit here. Let me guess? Two years or so? Yup. Come to think of it, I really miss the good old times here on :) used to have lotsa fun with you guys. As I noticed, many of you are inactive or at least haven't published a new blog entry for over a year, so maby I was not the only one missing.

Any way, here I am, updated my profile a bit, got two years older and enrolled in a university.

So to those of you who are still active here - how are you doing? :)

Best wishes,


Random blog

Hey guys, what's up? Nothing new from me, though. Oh! Almost forgot :D We are having an anime cosplay in Vilnius this Sunday ;D I won't be a cosplayer but I'll be there as a viewer.

Now I gonna put some nice pictures I found in DeviantArt :)









































More great art can be found here link

Also, visit my gallery :)

And for the ending - this fun anime flash game ^-^

That's it for today

Have a good one ;D


Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD

Guess what? I just entered the Vilnius University and I'm going to study English philology . WooHoo! Even though I really hoped fo japonology (japanese culture studies) in Oriental Center of Vilnius University, I'm still VERY gald :D I'm 3rd in the list, which means I'll study for free :D I'm SOOO happy, I can't express it with mere word ^-^ my sister ordered a song in teh radio station specially for me ^-^ It made me even more happy :D

From other news, I think I will miss Avatar :( even though I almost forgot about it, whil ewaiting so long for the new episodes, the awesome finale made me remember it and, most importantly, reminded me why I liked this show so much in the first place ^-^ I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope there'll be season 4 :)

Oh, and about the school leaving party - it was great ^-^ I came back home at 6 am xD

Here's apicture of me and my dad after the ceremony :)

Picture of the day

Actually, three pictures, to be exact and all made by me ^-^ hope you like it :)

My new drawing ^-^ link to the original (for bigger image)

My old fanart of Zuko ^-^ Finnaly decided to upload :D link to the original (for bigger image)

This is a fanart I made as a Christmas giftcard for my friend Ivona

Video of the day

Flight of Concords - Business time

Trust me, you gonna love this song, it's both fun and catchy ;D

Song of the day

Darude - Feel the beat

A good old song ;D used to be a hit in 2001

Well, that's it for today ;D

Good luck and good sumer ^-^


I died my hair :D

Hey hey hey, how's everyone's doing? I'm pretty fine, 3 days till my School Leaving Party ^-^

Ok, back to the topic - I died my hair black ^-^

Here's a picture:

From left to right: My new haircolor and my old one (sorry for the crappy picture of my old hair, I didn't find a better one :P )

So, what do you think? I think the new color looks better :D

As for other news, I spent my weekend at the lake in Eastern Lithuania, in Regional park of Labanoras. It was pretty fun, despite the cold weather and rain xD

I was in the southern part of that red-marked area ^-^ It's about 80 km to the north from Vilnius, my home city:

Well, that's it for today ^-^

Picture of the day:

This is a beautiful picture made by janaschi from DeviantArt I love this work ^-^

Link to original

Video of the day:

Dane Cook - public restrooms

It's probably the best performance of Dane Cook xD totally awesome and funny.

Song of the day:

Sandy vs. Dahny - Break the wall

An awesome dance genre song, not very new, but still great :D enjoy

Well, have a nice day ;)


Level 11

Yay, I'm level 11 ^-^ That's a pleasant surprise after being away for so long :P

From other news - I finally know all of my Exam results. And here they are:

  • Russian language - 93 % (best score in my school :D )
  • Lithuanian language - 78 % (I'm lame :/)
  • English language - 97 % (woohoo ^-^)
  • History - 83 % (better than expected :D )

Now, I'm free until 11th July (the School leaving party). Exept for the driving lessons with my dad :P

Picture of the day:

This is a very beautiful picture I found in DeviantArt, made by a talented artist Lasaro

Link to original

Video of the day

Ultimate tournament *naruto vs dbz*

I found this video quite amusing :D and fun ^-^

Song of the day

MGMT - Electric feel

It's a nice song my friends showed to me and I really liked it :D Hope you will like it too

That's it for today. Have a good one ;D


I'm back ^-^ sorta...

Hey guys, how's it goin? Haven't been here for a while, but since it's summer now, I really hope I'll manage to visit more often from now on ^-^

I have finished school now and I'm vaiting for my exam results. I got 93% on Russian and 78% on Lithuanian (darn lithuanian :/) and still waiting for English and History. I wanna study japonology in the University of Vilnius but I doubt I'll get there :/ heh... I think I'll just became and English teacher and hope to start a life somewhere in Westren Europe.

Ok, since I don't have nothing more to say, I'll just finish this blog ^-^ I really missed you guys and I'm really glad to be back :) *runs off to comment your blogs*

Picture of the day

This is a picture of my own creation, made it using random photoshop brushes :) hope you like it. Link to DeviantArt

Video of the day

Avatar: the last puppet bender - Hot Air

It's a fun Avatar video with puppets ^-^

Song of the day

Wiley - wearing my rolex

I LOVE this song! Specially the rythm :) I hope you'll enjoy it as well.

That's it for today :) see ya

Inga ;D


I admit that I don't always find time to visit lately. I try to spend less and less time near the pc, most of the tim I spend there is when I watch Naruto or Bleach, or read Naruto manga ^-^ But my even though I avoid sitting online too much, my computer is on all day so if you like to chat with me or tell me something important, you can always contact me through Skype :)
My Skype dark_tarou

If You're not a Skype fan, you can always write me an e-mail ^-^

My e-mail

And if that isn't enough, there's a third place where you can find me - DeviantArt ^-^

My DA account xJermainax

or simply click this link

Ok and for the ending, here's a nice fanart of Renji made by vakuvaku I found in DA ^-^

Thanx for reading this blog ^-^ Coments are much apreciated :)

Yours trully

Inga :D

Hi Everyone ^-^

So I'm finaly here, in :) I think I was away for like 2 month or smth O.o ouch.... I reallyu didn't have time for it, I tryed to spend less time near the computer :) Ok, so here I am :)

I started going to driving school last monday, so in about 3 month (I hope) I may get my driving licence :P Weeee ^-^ I'm really excited :)

Hm.. From the other news - I was the best in my class at english speaking exam ^-^ I got 10 (max grade in Lithuania, it's like A in USA) and I won 1st prize in Ebglish Writting Contest :)

Tomorrow I'll have a free day because of Lithuanias Independence Day celebration (The Independence day is 16 February) so I'll try to comment your blogs. I could do it now, but I'm very sleepy :/ sorry :P

It was nice talkin to ya once again ^-^ I'll try to visit as often as i can

Good luck


Spammer Awards blog pt1.

Hello everyone! It's me again :D I finnaly did it - i finnaly made this long waited Spammer Awards blog ^-^ but since it's a lot of job I'll make it in parts. So here's part 1, where I nominate Top 3 spammers :)

The 1st place goes to...


Congratulation, Miguel, you get this fabulous trophy

This awesome car

And a life-time suply of gummy-bears :)

Now, lets move to the 2nd place, which goes to.....


Congratulations, Gaara, you get this less fabulous but still pretty awesome trophy

This Sony PSP

And 100 boxes of Snikers ^-^

And finally, the 3rd place, which goes to.....


Congratulations, Ivona, here is your trophy

This cool new iPod

And 10 boxes of Skitles :D

These are the Top 3 Spammer of my Spam Blog #2 :D

OK, enough for today, the others will be awarded in Part2 ^-^

Phew.... I though I'll never make this blog :lol: Sorry once again for the delay

See ya in my next blog

Inga ;)

My Birthday Today!!! :D

Yay! Today I'm turning 18 :D Though I don't really feel any different from before. Or any older. I'm still a crazy cartoon maniac :lol: something tells me I will never grow up from watching cartoons :P And I'm glad about it :D

My parents gave me my Birthday present this morning and guess what - it's digital photo camera!!!! Hurray! I'm SO happy, cuz I love to take pictures :D And now I have my own camera! Sweet :D

I know this is early, but


P.S. Sorry for not commenting your blogs lately, I didn't have much time. I would've done it today, but my sister wants to take the pc cuz she wants to play Lineage...:/ A lame excuse, I know, but still...

And for conclusion, a cute pic I found in deviant art:

Link to deviant
This is a very cute pic of Yamato from Naruto ^-^ it looks better in DA, so I suggest you click the link above :)

OK, thant's all for today, my sister wants the computer badly :lol:

Your one and only and now one year older


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