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janie_girl Blog

Merry Christmas, everyone ^-^

Hello, everyone :) How are you? Hope you're all happy and excited because it's Christmas tomorrow ^-^ We are going to my great-grandmother's birthday today, so i won't be long online. Ok, i was thinking what to write to you for Christmas. I decited to write something of my own creation :D

Snow is silently falling, covering roads, trees, houses and cars with a white, soft coat. Although the temperature is below zero and freezing wind is violently flinging tree branches, I am not cold - I feel a myriad sense of wormth in my heart. This feeling is strange, even magical and not even cold can dispel this magnificent moment.

Winter usually assosiates with Christmas to me. Especially the Cristmas Eve. That's the time when the whole family gets together, share their smiles and goodness and most importantly - forgive each other all hard feelings and wounds. Christmas is all about love and unity between an immediate family. Waiting for this day makes every winter evening magical.

I shake of snow from my shoulders and look around: everyhting is covered with snow. It looks so beautiful! Especially the falling snowflakes, which twinkle on the shine of streetlights. It reminds me of stars shining at night. When I was a little girl, I used to stay on yhe balcony looking at stars for hours, and dreaming. It was wonderful. So I looked at the sky searching for stars. There they are - thousands of sparkling gems sprinkled all over the black concave. Looking at them makes me think about the meaning of life and other noble things, which are unreachable to understand for a simple mortal. I am that simple mortal, so all my majestic thoughts are just dreaming.

I breathe in some cold air. It is so fresh in winter! You are probably wondering, what am I doing this late outside in the cold? I'm just waiting. Waiting for a miricle to come.

So, what do you think? This is my last yers essay for english lesson :P The topic was "Christmas Evening" so this year i remembered i have it and decited to write it too you ^-^

Here are some cute Christmas pics that I found in Deviant Art ^-^:

P.S. Sorry for the delays on that Spam Award Blog :( Yesterday i tryed to make it for 5th time and had problems with my baka computer :P I will try to make it again as soon as possible ^-^

Merry Christmas!

Your one and only -


My *swears in varrious languages* Computer :/

Hey guys, nice to see ya. I am writting this blog for 2 reasons.

Reason #1: I am sorry for such a delay on my long prommised Spam Award blog. Since I didn't have much time latey, I coulnd't do it, and durring those rare momments when I had time, my stupid computer had been going crazy and doing weird stuff, like exitting explorer for no reasons without any warnings... @-@ weird...

Reason #2: I really really hate my computer (just as I hate my mp3 :P), I think it's nothing but a peace of trash with circuits. He does weird stuff all the time, he is slow like hell and he has a tendency of doing something on his own, like closing internet brownsers and calling people on Skype. Lets not forget his famous "I don't accept USB cables" maddness and his "Acme disc writting" issues.

Yeh, my computer is a winner... So, how are you, guys? Wat's new? I haven't commented your blogs in ages now, sorry for that :P Hope I didn't miss anything :)

P.S The Western Airtemple was.... AWESOME!

Have a good one ;)

Irritated and crankybut still as friendly as ever, Inga

Christmas shopping/ Still counting those posts

Hi guys! How are you? Just stopped here to tell you few things:

  • I went on Christmas shopping today to buy some Christmas presents to my friends;
  • I haven't counted all your posts in my Spam Blog #2 yet, i was too tired, so I'll continue tomorrow ;
  • Just because I made this blog doesn't mean the spam contest is over ^-^

But be sure to spam in my Spam Blog #2 if you wanna win a virtual prize :D

Good luck!

Have a good one ;)

Inga ^-^

Spam Blog #2 (Gaara, don't miss it :D)

Welcome all to my second Spam Blog :D Since the first one was a succes, I decited to make another one :P

But first I want to say few words to my good friend Gaara of the Funk:

Dear Gaara. I fully agree that you are the best spammer in but to gain the name of the best spammer of Inga's Spam Blog, you need to proove it first :) Yes, i believe that your spam in my last blog, for which i am very thankfool to you, was proof enough, but still ^-^ So good luck spamming here! Besides, this time i will even come up with virtual prizes for the best spammers :D Worth to try, huh?

So, READY. . . SET. . .


*Leaves to do homework... :(*

P.S. I really really hate homework...


Best Spammer Blog!

Hello everyone! Glad to see your smiley faces again :D! Sorry for not commenting your blogs for the past 3 days, you see, my internet was gone :/ But now it's back and i'm back here in!

Lets pass to the moment you've all been waiting for - Best Spammers, two, three...Top 8! :D

I'm really glad that you guys participated in my Spam Blog so actively. Even 20 people were spamming here! Cool, huh? ;) You guys made me happy so in ewchange i will make you happy, by announcing the TOP list :D

Best Spammers Top 8 :

1. Streetgirl666 - 20posts (gold)

2. Empeleon64 - 13 posts (silver)

3. Urbano35 and crazedsovergein - 10 posts (bronze)

4. sluggmunki_tx - 6 posts (some other, cheaper metal :lol: )

5. kanjo_girl, Kataragirl and mathwizard09 - 5 posts

6. Kas_dude, esquisofrenic and dumb_person1 - 4 posts

7. 1992miguel1992 - 2 posts

8. james180, antisp13, dancingbeatle, Pyro_Bender, jadow77, TwoLines, ihatefamilyguy and lequericacalvo

Congrats Streetgirl666! You are the best spammer! :DI also congrat everyone else and once again thank you for participating :D hope you had a great time :)I wan't you guys to now that you are dear and special to me :) You are always welcome here in my profile :PYour friend Inga :)

My very first SPAM blog :D

Hurray! It's Saturday and I got nothin' to do so I decided to make a SPAM blog :lol: so feel free to spam :P

That is all

You can start commenting ^-^

Song of the day - Jennifer Lopez - Do it

OMG! Cool ^-^

I am can't believe that i'm in community spotlight :D hurray! I wonder why ;) I even got a cool badge for that :) sweet ^-^

Wat's up?

Hey guys, didn't write a blog for a while. Just wanted to know how are you doing :D Feel free to tell me :P

Have a nice week
Inga ^-^

My First Naruto Fanart!!1!! ^-^

Yay! I finaly managed to put it in DA :) I scaned it a long time ago, but i didn't have time to post it :) So here it is! Do you like it? Sorry for not coloring, i was pretty lazy :P and my coloring stinx :)

Oh, and here's alink to DeviantArt, since the quality here isn't that good :/


The Invasion

Last Friday I was in cinema with my friend and we were watching 'The Invasion'. It was a pretty good movie, though full of typical plot twists. My friend didn't like the movie at all but i think it was pretty good, some parts were very thrilling :) What do you think about this movie (if you have seen it of course)?

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