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Edited By jark888

There's no one single proof showing that Wii U will be graphically superior than Xbox 360 or PS3. I seriously prefer to have Nintendo made HD games (using DVD dual layer disc) for Wii, since millions of millions of people are still owning them. For those who don't think Wii would be up for the task just take a look at Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicle & Darkside Chronicle (Wii version).

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Edited By jark888

Blu-ray drive is a must! Don't take too much BS pride MS. Sony PC can use Window OS; then, why can't you utilize their Blu-ray technology!

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Edited By jark888

Buying the complete edition in form of physical disc would be much wiser. You'll have these games store securely away from your hard drive (save hard disc space & peace of mind for corrupt files); besides, it's about the same price you you would pay as Playstation Plus members.

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Edited By jark888

Is it too long? or Sony sponsors this?

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Edited By jark888

Where is the freedom of speech? GS.

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Edited By jark888

1.8 million units sell worldwide, a good start? I call it a SHAME or a FAILURE at first launched, considering the number of potential gamers worldwide. Let admit it Sony, you expected much more. Sorry for sounding a little too aggressive, but you'll need to do more survey and fully open for comment after product debut if you'd like to avoid failure. Also, it is too expensive compared to the better PS3.

I did bought one for my younger brother though, but I would never buy the current generation of PSvita for myself. Here're some things you, Sony, can do to boost sell:

1) Upgrade at least the back camera to 3MP minimum (You can do the front too if you'd like).

2) Upgrade battery from lithium ion to lithium polymer (optional).

3) Make all upcoming PS3 & PSvita games support Transparring feature. This will make owning PSvita more like a requirement, not an excessive piece of junk, according to some of us down here. This will boost both hardware & software sells, and more importantly gamers will be much more appreciated.

4) Raise the standard of portable game to be PS3 graphically comparable; all of you should see those hackers who play battlefield 3 on PSvita. Amazing!

Doing all 4 of these and the price will be just right. For now, I give PSvita 4/5 stars basically because you don't have comparable competitor. Hmm... I should get pay for sharing this ideas too :D

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Edited By jark888

First of all, Thanks for responding to my requested forum.

1.8 million units sell worldwide, a good start? I call it a SHAME or a FAILURE at first launched, considering the number of potential gamers worldwide. Let admit it Sony, you expected much more. Sorry for sounding a little too aggressive, but you'll need to do more survey and fully open for comment after product debut if you'd like to avoid failure. Also, it is too expensive compared to the better PS3.

I did bought one for my younger brother though, but I would never buy the current generation of PSvita for myself. Here're some things you, Sony, can do to boost sell:

1) Upgrade at least the back camera to 3MP minimum (You can do the front too if you'd like).

2) Upgrade battery from lithium ion to lithium polymer (optional).

3) Make all upcoming PS3 & PSvita games support Transparring feature. This will make owning PSvita more like a requirement, not an excessive piece of junk, according to some of us down here. This will boost both hardware & software sells, and more importantly gamers will be much more appreciated.

4) Raise the standard of portable game to be PS3 graphically comparable; all of you should see those hackers who play battlefield 3 on PSvita. Amazing!

Doing all 4 of these and the price will be just right. For now, I give PSvita 4/5 stars basically because you don't have comparable competitor. Hmm... I should get pay for sharing this ideas too :D

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Edited By jark888

First of all, Thanks for responding to my requested forum.

1.8 million units sell worldwide, a good start? I call it a SHAME or a FAILURE at first lunched, considering the number of potential gamers worldwide. Let admit it Sony, you expected much more. Sorry for sounding a little too aggressive, but you'll need to do more survey and fully open for comment after product debut if you'd like to avoid failure. Also, it is too expensive compared to the better PS3.

I did bought one for my younger brother though, but I would never buy the current generation of PSvita for myself. Here're some things you, Sony, can do to boost sell:

1) Upgrade at least the back camera to 3MP minimum (You can do the front too if you'd like).

2) Upgrade battery from lithium ion to lithium polymer (optional).

3) Make all upcoming PS3 & PSvita games support Transparring feature. This will make owning PSvita more like a requirement, not an excessive piece of junk, according to some of us down here. This will boost both hardware & software sells, and more importantly gamers will be much more appreciated.

4) Raise the standard of portable game to be PS3 graphically comparable; all of you should see those hackers who play battlefield 3 on PSvita. Amazing!

Doing all 4 of these and the price will be just right. For now, I give PSvita 4/5 stars basically because you don't have comparable competitor. Hmm... I should get pay for sharing this ideas too :D

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Edited By jark888

It is not too late. Nobody have done an acceptable web browser on any consoles or portable handhelds yet, period!

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Edited By jark888

If they can make it really work, this will become a real game changing for Xbox 360. Also, Microsoft will rack more money through Xbox Live.