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jasonbesto Blog

Cause and Effect....

Another random blog.... :D

1.Right now the only pc games I'm playing is Battlefield 2 and Call of Duty.

pics of me stabbing in bf2 :


effect! YAY :D

2. I joined the debate club in my school. And I'm in! YAY :D well,every thursday from 1:40 to 3:00 we have co corricular activity and I chose debate (just want to try it out)

3.(place - frist floor of my house.the front door was open just for some fresh air.) Something bad also happened,to my neighbor. well,I was doing my GS forum posting when I heard supah glass crashing! I thought some of my moms glasses were broken but no,it was from my neighbor.So me and my sister went outside and we heard a kid screaming and stuff. :( (place of neighbor - from my house I can see their balcony.) turns out the glass door fell and hit the kid. So until know I can see the kids parents outside the balcony. I hope the kid turn out ok.

4. I ate a cookie. :D

for us men....

let us be careful....

I didn't do it I swear!

I can't think of any topic so I do this... :|

MY STATS for July 19,2007


Profile views: 2198 (+ 17 new) - cuz I'm cool 8)

Friends: 86 -cuz I'm populah

People Tracking Me: 89 - cuz I'm too populah

Games in Collection: 202 - cuz video gaming is my life :D


Forum Posts: 1232 - cuz I have too many opinions about stuff. :D

Comments: 0 - my whole life in GS I still don't know what this is or why it's 0.:|

My Blog Posts: 45 cuz I'm very cool

Union Blog Posts: 14 - cuz I'm too cool.


Written Reviews: 17

Rated Games: 365

Videos Uploaded: 2

Images Uploaded: 11

Digg Referrals: 23-whats digg ref?

Tags: 116


don't mind this.....

A hapeh day!


for all the days I had to suffer to get an emblem, HERE IT IS!

I got this E3 2007 emblem.

I think I got this because I watched the first day of GS E3 show LIVE!

I also got this cake emblem! mmmm.....caaaakee.....


Bullet shot + Voldemort = dead Voldy

I watched Harry Potter 5!:D

Before that I read the book and they didn't show some important stuff in the movie. They even made stuff or "lied" in the movie which wasn't in the book!

MEYJAH SPOILAH! Don't read if you're not HP fan or didn't read the book or watch movie!:shock:




1. IT wasn't Cho Chang who drank the Truth potion and revealed the DA!

2. Harry and the others didn't meet Luna in the carriage thingy,it was supposed to be IN THE TRAIN!

3. It wasn't Lucius who destroyed the ball,it was Neville! and Harry should know about the trelawney message AFTER the fight with the death eaters not before.

4.When they were in the D. of Mysteries, shouldn't Ron get attacked by brains?




I know the movie should not be so long but,they lied or added news stuff that I don't like. :D

And can't they kill Voldy with Bullet shots? Wands are not that useful in killing.

BTW I am almost lvl 14 YAY! And I have 2004 profile views. 8)

FinalSoul - tnx for the sig.

Goodbye Vincent.

Goodbye Vincent :(


As all of you see I have a new avatar and a new banner.

My theme now is Air Gear! 8)

(again I just used paint and photocanvas)

I like it.

(for FinalSoul - Oh please God NOOOOOOOOO!!! pleas change it back! - you know what I'm talking about! :P)

BTW Kitteh is planning on killing your cookie. (blog header)

I got news,question,and idea.

NEWS. :shock:

As all of you know(or maybe the people who watched the Sony conference) Sony has offically said that the new psp is coming!

Here's the link. (special tnx to AsakuraHao2004) YAY!!!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!! :D

And Gears of War for PC? gotta see this.


1.Can current psp games still play on the new psp?

2.Is Gran Turismo HD/5 ever coming out?

3. Why is it that the psp UMD and the GAmecube disc is the same size but the GC disc can handle BIGGER memory and BETTER graphics?

Idea 8)

Instead of Sony just minimizing a psp game to 1 UMD,why won't they make it 2 UMDs? Therefore the PSP can have better games. (but I'm not sure if Sony will make another SPECIAL UMD for the new PSP) just saying. :)

Pepol who can't afford a PS3......

O GOD! I'm so excited! I have more chances of getting a PS3! WOHHOOO!

know why? because Sony "killed" 100$ from the PS3 price tag! :D

Here's how I got the news.


Oh wait,that link doesn't work.know why? check the address.

So,since this html error doesn't allow the word syle I'll just give you this so awesome and specific info.


check out Yahoo news.


excited? I think YES!:roll:

Oh please God NO!!!!!!!!!!!

Good news :D

I watched Transformers! YEEPEE!8)

I also made it to the top 25 of Tekken DR (PSP) Command Attack - 14th Place 8)

I finished GTA VC for PC. :)

Bad news :o

Be very worried,be VERY VERY worried,of GLOBAL WARMING!:( Since our earth is heating up,animals will die,diseases will spread out more,sea lvl rising and other bad catastrophe. STUPID CARBON DIOXIDE! But GW will dissapear if we clean get the point. Thats why there should be electric cars. I wish I had one. :) poopy.

And I'm still not lvl 14. aw :(

Zune? Xboy?Xbox Portable?

So, Big black Xbox will be trasformed into a better likish PSP?

Site1 - Engadget

Site2 - Team Xbox

Site3 - Joystick

As everyone can see each site has different xboy(?) pics. :|

Who thinks it can beat PSP and DS? Who thinks not? Who thinks I don't really know?

For me I think it could really beat the PSP and DS.First of all,MS has loads of time to create this. And by this time technology is growing so by (maybe) 2010 when the xboy (?) comes out it will have more hightechish stuff than the PSP/DS. :D

Don't click here or you will die twice as painful than before.

By the way,in my prevbious blog where I said my doggie ate my homework,here it is.