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jasonbolt Blog

Just an Update

Hi everyone, how are you guys? I still come on the site at least once a week. I check all Q and then basically leave. I do have some good news! I had a 9 month old submission accepted today! I am now just closing in on level 14. Hopefully I will be able to spend more time here when school is done. 10 weeks left!

It's been a while

Hi guys, It sure has been a while hasn't it? I have been doing excellent in school, and with Christmas, excuse me, holiday break coming up I'm going to have more time to come here. As I promised, I have been keeping good track of my editorial obligations. So... how are you guys?

Wow, I barely come on anymore. =|

Sorry guys, but school is really interferring. I won't be back again until Christmas Break. I'll be on again for Easter and al of summer though. Just try and make it through the stuggle without me. :P I will stop by for a few seconds to check my Editor Queue.


I knew school would hurt my activity, but not this badly. I think I'll be able to get on for a good amount of time this weekend though. House was on yesterday, now I have to wait until the end of Baseball plays offs to see another episode. Ugh, waiting, the most boring part of everything. X_x

This site is falling apart

There seems to be a new bug every week. My level just went DOWN %46! >.> I haven't had much time for Tv.com, but I'm trying my hardest to get on. School sure does keep me busy. My Cowboy Bebop submissions that are from the first week of August were accepted. Making them about 7 weeks old. All four were accepted.

Mind of Mencia - Editorship! :)

I am now the editor of Mind of Mencia, hurray! I'm doing well with my goals. :) 1. Be on 5 people's friends list [X] 2. Be the editor of 2 shows [X] 3. Get 200 posts [ ] 4. Get to Level 15 [ ] 5. Have 100 submissions total [X] %60 done do far =) I went up %23, so now I'm at Level 12 %73. Accepted:236 Denied:32 Pending:4 Total:272

Now I play the Waiting Game... again.

I submitted exactly 30 points worth of submissions, if they all go through I'll have exactly 80 points, and get my 2nd editorship! - All my submissions were accepted. :) I went up %6 today, meh.

Another one bites the dust!

5 days of school down, 175 to go! I added another episode to Mind of Mencia. Once that is accepted, I will write my recap, and 4 quotes that I have written down. Writing notes for episodes can be quite useful! That will bring me to 70 points. Then all I have to do is wait for the next episode and add the episode and then write the recap. I'll have about 86 points, and I'll be editor. :) All Family Guy submissions were rejected, that staff doesn't want links, so now Malocite has to figure out what he'll do with that, stop posting links i assume. I'm in no hurry though, I know he's going through a lot. I'm happy he finds time for us right now as he's moving and all. I am exactly Level 12 %50.

Not much new

I was in school today so I didn't have a whole lot of time left. Only 177 days left of school! :) I went up %5, no surprise there. My Family Guy submissions have not been looked at. =|