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jasonbolt Blog

A friend ^_^

Someone who was reading my blog put me on their friends list, so I did the same for him. :) So now both of our levels are going to go up! I'm almost done my current goals! After this I'm going to have to make a new list of current goals. Current Goals - 1. Become editor of Trigun [X] 2. Get on the top 10 contributors list of Family Guy [X] 3. Get 100 posts on the forum [X] 4. Get someone to read my blog! [X] 5. Someone puts me on their friends list [X] %100 done! ;)

Updating Levels Soon?

The levels haven't updated in so long. It's been about 3 days now, I want to be the infamous Door number 2! I guess I just have to be patient. Patient with the levels, and with my Trigun submissions making it to the moderators. - 13 minutes after I posted that, our levels were updated. I went up to level 8 %85. So I went up %62, it's getting harder to grow levels these days. =|

Now I play the Waiting Game

I wrote another episode summary, that about 5 points. Well, I used a calculator, and figured out that I will end up with ABOUT 107 points if everything I submitted goes through. I don't expect it all to go through, so I came to an estimate of what I expect to go through is 91! Now all I have to do it wait, and hope they find my submissions soon, it's been 16 days. I finally figured out how to type URLs in Submissions. Using this info, I was able to submit an Episode Allusion to Family Guy. Level 8 - Super-Friend Accepted:16 Denied:15 Pending:29 Total:60 10 Reviews written 16 Blog Posts 0 Friends on List 0 On other people friends list 112 Posts on the Forum

Submission Accepted - Malcolm in the Middle

It took 15 days for my Malcolm in the Middle submission to go through. It even has an editor! Oh well, I'm glad it went through. I did a review for Paranoia Agent. I had a quote deleted by Malocite. He had actually missed that a quote was in the wrong episode, he said he couldn't believe he missed it! I noticed another blunder on the very same episode, maybe he was drinking the day he was fixing that episode. :P I'm going to go off to write a recap for Trigun soon, bringing be up to 4 recaps! That's 32 points right there, and then there are about 9 Trivia, Quote, Allusions ect. That is about 10 points. I have 3 Episode Summaries, that is 24 points. I have 2 SHOW summary edits, that's 10 points. 3 2 2 4 1 0 +1 0 ----- 7 6 points Then all I have to do is write another recap and after that and I'll have 84 points, making me the editor! All i have to do is one recap today, and 1 recap tomorrow. Well, I'm off to write that recap! - I just finished writing it, it took me around 1 Hour and 5 minutes. 1 Family Guy Allusion was rejected, and 1 was approved. I should have 19 Contribution points for Family Guy now.

Level 8 - A slow week in general

I barely made it to level 8, I am Level 8 %23. Unless my Trigun submissions are noticed and accepted, I'll be waiting at level 9 for a while. I had another boring day, completing a boring week of 7 VERY boring days. At least tomorrow Paranoia Agent and Samarui Champloo have new episodes, and I will be writing another recap for Trigun. I am nearing 100 posts on the forum, I am really becoming an official "regular" to this site, as I once was a newbie not too long ago. Who knows, maybe when I become the editor of Trigun, people will know me more, and begin to put me on their friends list. I had 2 Family Guy quotes rejected today, I reformatted one of them and submitted it again. I hope I did it right this time. I think one of the key reasons I'm doing so well so quickly is my persistence. Accepted:12 Denied:14 Pending:28 Total:54

Level 7 - Talk Show Host

I went up to Level 7 %55! Nothing else has really happened yet, it's still very early. I'll update later. I am ranked #7 in top contributors for Family Guy. I submitted another Family Guy quote. I haven't done much with Trigun lately, if I feel the need, I will submit another recap. Well, at least on Saturday, some new episodes are on. I'l probably write a recap for Trigun on Saturday.

Something has to happen already!

Dear Journal, O_o I am incredibly bored, I wrote another recap for Trigun. The I'm tried of being small wounder. Just level up already! I edited a recap on Family Guy, and editted Trigun's Show summary. I changed show staus to ended, and added the Genre - Action-Adventure, and Animation. The only good thing I did was submit my 50th submission. Accepted:12 Denied:12 Pending:28 Total:50 -My Family Guy quote, and recap edit, were both approved! Tommorow morning I'm going to be on Family Guy's top 10 contributors list. That's my first goal I accomplished here at TV.com. With some luck, Malocite could take a shine to me and make me a trusted user. Yeah right, I'm dreaming. =| Current Goals - 1. Become editor of Trigun [X] 2. Get on the top 10 contributors list of Family Guy [X] 3. Get 100 posts on the forum [X] 4. Get someone to read my blog! [X] 5. Someone puts me on their friends list [X] %100 done! ;)

Another Slow Day

Although it's Monday, the levels have not been updated. I submitted another Family Guy quote, an episode summary, and quote for Trigun. If all my Trigun submissions go through I'll have about 73-90 points. Considering what I think will acutally go through, about 55. I wish someone would read my blog, this is becoming more of a journal for me. =| Accepted:10 Pending:25 Denied:12 Total:47 It's 12:44 here, and the just updated points. I am currently Level 6 %81. I plan on writing another episode Summary for Trigun. A great episode of Full Metal Aclehmist is on in 16 minutes, followed by Cowboy Bebop.

I've gone up to Level 5!

I went up exactly 1 Level, and %1. I am Level 5 %97. I was out mostly today, to make up for yesterday. I wanted to changemy account, but it won't let me. I wanted to put in my real B-Day, but I guess I can't for some reason. =\ I can't talk right now because Paranoia Agent is on in 8 minutes. Not that I have anything to talk about conisdering I wasn't on at all today. Oh well, I'll get on after Paranoia Agent, and do whatever. Just making sure I'll get to level 6 on Sunday/Monday. I didn't have time to post that recap today. If I get done quickly with surfing the web, maybe I can take 45 minutes to make type the recap, if I have nothing left to do. None of my 20 pending submissions has been looked at. At least when I become Level 6, things I submit will appear higher on the list. I'm going to go grab a pen and paper, because I need to take notes with Paranoia Agent. It's starting in 3 minutes now, so I'm off to watch it. :) - A little change in schedule, it's actually on in another 30 minutes. Oh well, at least I can browse around now. -I had my submission to Family Guy rejected, there was no comment, and I don't remember what it was. Still being persistent, I submitted another 2 quotes! I hope to get on the top 10 of Family Guy. I just need another 1 or 2 submissions accepted!

Slow Day

Today was really a SLOW day. I was in my house all day, I didn't make any submssions, the levels didn't go up. There was no good TV on, nothing new. Adult Swim isn't on on Fridays, making it kind of a boring day. I had to do something I never want to do again, read! *Dun Dun Dun* Well, tommorow is Saturday! Samurai Champloo, and Paranoia agent are on with new episodes. I think I may make another Episode Racap for Trigun. If everything I submitted is accepted,(not a chance) and including the recap I intend to do, I will have about 45 - 50 Points. I have about 7 other episodes I could recap, if it had to come to all that work! Sure it's a lot of work, and I've questioned if it would be worth it, as I wouldn't get any submissions. I've decided I want to be the editor of Trigun no matter what it takes for 2 reasons 1. - I love Trigun, it is only fitting I am the editor for a show I love so much. I will really be happy with myself, being an Offical fan now. 2. - The title, just the mere title of editor makes you sound offical, right? Accepted:8 Denied:9 Pending:20 Total:37 Eh, It's 3:36am here, I'm going to bed. Goodnight U_U ZzZzZz