jasong1011's forum posts
MGS4. I'll replay it at some point anyway but that trophy patch is way overdue.Floppy_Jimyeah i definitely agree. MGS4 already basically has trophies with all the rewards and stuff it gives you. shouldn't be too hard to implement.
Oblivion, though another elder scrolls is probably on its way anyways-Masterchef-yeah i would guess so. also i love your profile pic. "i'm on a mother f****** boat" rotfl :D
I want GRAW 3 ! Bow-T_88oh yeah i forgot about GRAW. GRAW 2 was pretty good but there were definitely some things they could improve.
I see it as a waste of money.Sk8ter_213i agree. i've left my ps3 on for 2 days by accident in a closed area and it was fine, just a little warm.
resistance 2 killzone 2 assassins creed also infamous when it comes out plus im usin ps3 2 write thisinFamousKillahjust from your name and pic i'm guessing you'll be picking up inFAMOUS. man that's a game that i think the majority of gamers are underhyping, although there are a lot of ppl who are overhyping it. there's a lot of great exclusives in the coming months, so now was probably a great time to pick up a ps3. infamous is just scratching the surface.
Yeah I wanted to make this topic, especially since all you see now is Infamous or Prototype.K1LLR3175sorry that was probably me ;). im so pumped for infamous but what exactly is blazblue?? what genre?
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