The Wii U needs another hit like they had back on the N64 with Golden Eye or Perfect Dark (which saved the N64). More RPG's, or Sim RPGs. They have the hardware to make something that will appeal to developers and gamers alike. They need to listen to what fans want (new earthbound?), I'd like to see a 2.5D of a Super Metroid game!
For those that are looking forward to Dark Souls 2, there's also a little gem called Demons Souls (PS3 only), Johnny can't believe you forgot to add this lol.
@Zombrex Leo Leporte is currently on G4TechTV here in Canada, his show is shot in Canada called 'The Lab with LeoLaporte". G4TechTV has alot of canadian content that feels like the old G4 days with tech and video games. It really feels like 2002 again lol.
Nintendo, if you want to get serious and get our hard earned money, propose a significant price drop for that WiiU console you continue to call it. Maybe 100$ less then we will talk.
jasongm's comments