I never cared about the original Kinect and I don't care about this new Kinect or how powerful it is, to me its just gonna make more crappy Kinect games that nobody needs.
It's really hard to get back into this game when all your friends are playing newer games, not one of my friends is interested in getting back into borderlands 2. I know they have told me they got all the legendary weapons before the level 61 cap, and they have no interest to do it all over again.
@dasgina Please pass on the Kinect MS, there's a reason why i don't own a Kinect for my current 360... Plus you can have a system at a low price as Sonys next gen system, this equals to more hype for your XOne.
Sounds to me the Playstation fanbase have a sweeter deal, while we have a game almost everyone and their grandmothers already own. Personally MS could of given us something nobody has... why not a game like Dragons Dogma, or any of the Mass effects? why does it have to be games from 2 or 3 years ago?
I got the original when it was bundled with the original Xbox, then a few years later i got the lost chapters, but i feel the game still lacked content and i hoped the sequel would give this. although the 2nd game wasn't to bad, the third game was a disaster.
I've already beaten this game multiple times, don't think i'd get the remake.
jasongm's comments