@illegal_peanut: Of course they clapped. They had to. This seems to be a cash grab. My intresst for this movie was high after first one. But the more I hear its seems to be the poop that was in jurassic park.
"A few of the more direct adaptations of the comic feel dated and trite in a modern context" could someone explain what the person who wrote the article meant with this?
I hope the person doesnt meant what I think it means.
@s1taz4a3l: I think the tick he had was to show how he repressed hes anger while trying to stay calm. Even in the comic books hes humble but psycothic at the same time.
So this guy claims it did 4.5 to 5.0 in reviews at the appstore? A quick check says 2.6. So I dont know about this article. And diablo immoral is a dumpster fire. Not even going to let it touch my phone.
@jinzo9988: Yeah I know thats the sad part. People like them makes theese companies even more greedy. I just saw a clip with asmondgold and it apears senator ted cruz is open for a discussion about the lootboxes and p2w services since even he felt it targets kids and can make them addicted to gambling.
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