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#1 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

OK I will try this topic again but I will try to be nicer this time.

Question: Whatcan the 360 do that the PS3,Wii,PC,DS, and PSP can't

Answer: IMO, the 360 is not worth owning because it can't do anything that the other systems can't

360 = redundent useless system


You might be 'nicer', but it certainly didn't help the IQ factor in this post. Sheesh, I haven't seen logic fail that miserably since...well anything George Bush has said over the last 3 years.

So there you go...who's the bigger tool, you or Bush? It's a toss-up.

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#2 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

Funny how the 360 is becoming this gen's ps2. It has great games and has variety,very noticible hardware problems but with people still buying it in the millons and has competion which has better hardware and graphics(the ps3 will overtake the 360 in terms of graphics). Also it is a hardcore platform with also some casual appeal and will have multiplats but with inferior graphics, and i think, in the long run, it will have more games than the ps3(which could be this gen's xbox).


The problem is that the original Xbox immediately showed improvements over the PS2.

The PS3 has yet to show anything that the 360 hasn't been able to do. There's been reliability problems with consoles (none here, thankfully) but I don't think that this is a replay of last-gen. If anything, so far the 360 has shown better graphics overall than the PS3 in the majority of games. Certainly people point to Uncharted, but having seen it and Bioshock, I think Bioshock is slightly better. The majority of multi-plats are equal or the 360 version is slightly better.

The only REAL difference at this point is that the PS3 offers a next-gen DVD movie format.

As far as games, there's no PS3 advantage anywhere. As PS3 developers get better making games for that format, so too will the 360 developers. Why does everyone think that 360 devs are going to sit still on making better games?

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#3 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

[QUOTE="tonyleo01"]well, ps3 is in trouble if they really mean to let ps3 last 10 years. Amsterdamned

Please explain how? Unlike the 360 the PS3 actually HAS hardware and technology that can last long and is made for the future (the cell, blu-ray drive).. If Microsoft would release the new console in late 09 it would be a very dumb move, the PS3's full power hasn't even been shown yet and it would be a huge laugh if this new Xbox can't beat the PS3 in terms of graphics and durability..

That's freakin' hilarious. Keep believing that there's some unlocked power that the PS3 hasn't shown yet. Certainly developers will learn to better use the hardware and continue to push it's boundaries, but every time someone says that the PS3 has untapped potential, they fail to realize that the same developers continue to better learn the 360 hardware and push its boundaries as well...

What's good for the Cow, is good for the Lemming too...

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#4 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

As we speak, Rockstar is developing their exclusive PS3 title....


Sony fanboys made this same mistake last gen.

Just because a game is made by Rockstar doesn't mean it'll be good or will sell millions.

Table Tennis was Rockstar's exclusive 360 game. Don't get TOO excited Sony fanboys... Let's wait to see what it is before we consider it a million seller. ;)

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#5 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

It's funny that when the numbers showed the 360 sales higher than the PS3 the VG chartz were the best thing going and now there a joke.jimm895

That's garbage and you know it. Every time ANYONE quotes VGChartz they get slammed, whether they're supporting the 360, PS3 or Wii. To say that 360 fans dislike it now because it shows the PS3 gaining traction in Europe is flat out C. R. A. P.

VGChartz sucks as a source, NO MATTER WHO THEY SAY IS LEADING.

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#6 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

[QUOTE="PBSnipes"][QUOTE="redandblack23"]exactly.. and last time i heard, the ps3 faliure rate was under 1%LTomlinson21

Link to that and wherever you heard about the 360's "33% failure rate"?

It was said by GameStop I believe. I have seen it many times. Of course it is more of an estimate and only Microsoft probably knows the correct number, but I assume it is somewhat accurate.

It was NEVER said BY Gamespot, it was said by fanboys ON Gamespot. Microsoft has claimed a failure rate well within the norms of thistype of consumer electronics of about 5%. They then later admitted that the number was unacceptable.

The jump from +/- 5% to 33% was made by over-zealous Sony fanboys that took a relatively few vocal complaints and did the math based upon their limited exposure.

For example, they know 3 people with 360s. One of them has RROD, thus, the failure rate is 33%.

Where their logic fails (and utterly their argument) is that this isn't anywhere near a scientifically reliable sample size with which to guage the overall failure rate.

5% of 15 millionis 750,000 defective units. If only half of those people are extremely upset and vocal about their experiences, you've got nearly 400,000 people worldwide complaining about a system, likely enough to be a diverse enough group that nearly ALL of us would've heard from at least one of them.

They also point to the billion dollar loss that Microsoft took and divided it by the projected sales and say that the only way Microsoft could've lost that much is if they've suffered a 33% failure rate, not taking into account, manpower, re-tooling, shipping, lost projected revenue and the marketing effortto try to dig out of an admittedly poor PR situation. But it doesn't point to a 33% failure rate. It points to juvenile fanboys that don't know anything about business.

Ultimately, however, ONLY Microsoft knows the true number, how Gamespot would've gotten it and run with it would be irresponsible journalism and likely would've gotten them sued if it's not accurate. Until VALID data is available, what we're left with is Microsoft's published figure of + 5%. How much more than 5% is unknown by the general populace and anyone that says otherwise is simply...a liar.

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#7 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

why are people making such a big deal out of this? both versions look great. :?


Not only that but they look exactly the same (from the gametrailers video)

I'm a die-hard lemming and will NEVER buy ANY Sony product (because they failed UTTERLY in dealing with my broken PS2) but I agree, Devil May Cry 4 looks identical on both platforms. They both appear to run at the same framerate and have the same level of detail and textures.

There are games where I believe the 360 definitely has the edge (Orange Box comes to mind immediately) and I cannot think of any PS3 multiplats that I've played (sorry, haven't seen Dirt on either system) that are clearly better than their 360 counterparts...

... but DMC4 is dead-even in my opinion.

As far as console exclusives with the best graphics, Bioshock > Uncharted, for what it's worth*

* I won't buy a Sony product, but my brother in law has all consoles and I've played them all... I just won't give Sony a single red cent, ever again.

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#8 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

umm..bungie didnt leave microsoft to rot..might wanna check out the story again.


sorry, but the visions tell me different.

Silly rabbit, you're not supposed to eat mushrooms you find in the woods, they'll make you say crazy stoopid things....

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#9 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

XBOX 360 = Iron Man. Undisputed US leader, but sometimes fails spectacularly.

Wii = Spider-Man. Most popular in the world, best sense of humor and fun, but doesn't really have what it takes to hang with the top-tier heroes.

PS3 = Black Adam. Undeniably powerful, but bat-crap crazy and not as popular as other members of his group

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#10 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

there's always multiple discs


True, but why would you want that kind of hassel when you can make it on one disk for the PS3?

What's the hassel? And why make a game on the PS3 when it is clearly losing in units sold worldwide?

360 is losing sales worldwide, not PS3. PS3 is losing in America, which doesn't mean all that much.

It's a hassel because you gotta spend more time splitting up the game later, plus it's a pain for the consumer to switch disks (except for RPG's).

PS3 will have surpassed the 360 in Europe by the end of the year... and as for japan.... well...

You need to take your crystal ball into the shop. The PS3 is slightly outselling the 360 in Europe in the wake of another $100 price-cut. You assume that the uptick in sales will remain constant (remains to be seen) and that Microsoft won't counter with a price-cut of their own (also, remains to be seen).

The amount that the PS3 is outselling the 360 in Europe and Japan last month was enough to outsell the 360 worldwide by what, 30K units? At that pace, we'll be driving hover-cars to the Holo-stadiums by the time the PS3 reaches second-place. As with all things Cow....you must still wait...