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#1 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

[QUOTE="iammason"]Why can't we just use the term "MICROSOFT EXCLUSIVE"?foxhound_fox

What about games developed and published out of Micosoft's control?

What about Console Exclusive?

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#2 jaysin1414
Member since 2005 • 952 Posts

[QUOTE="MarvelMan55"]Ninja Gaiden
Saints Row
GRAW 2 is coming to PS3

Playstation 3 has only partially lost VF5 and thats still a TIMED exclusive which is releasing in 3 weeks for PS3, and not till Q3 07 on 360, and will probably have framerate problems for 360 version...you know SEGA.

since when were oblivion and ninja gaiden 360 exclusives? :|

Since Bethesda always said Oblivion was 360 exclusive? Ninja Gaiden was Xbox exclusive and Sigma should have stayed on Xbox 360. You dont see DMC coming to 360 do you? Why do lemmings downplany Sigma so much when if it sells good NG 2 will be on PS3 too.

link to bethesda saying it would be a 360 exclusive? it was 360/pc from the start. the xbox lost ninja gaiden as exclusive...not the 360.

Dont forget GRAW 2 was never 360 only. it was for all next gen consoles. But GRAW, was just 360 as it was the only next gen console out. But PS2 got it...or did you forget that Mr Marvell :roll: Please dont get banned i love your threads

Don't give the mods any ideas.  If they want to ban him, by God...let them.