XBL Gamertag?
my gamertag is "Juggalos360" for those of you who don't belive me. so what if im ony level 5 lol I have a life!
XBL Gamertag?
my gamertag is "Juggalos360" for those of you who don't belive me. so what if im ony level 5 lol I have a life!
[QUOTE="knight-k"]Paying for gaming online AKA getting ripped-off cuddlesofwarNo .. it's not. Paying for something you think is valuable is not a rip off. It is to you, but not many others. Yes you can get it free elsewhere, but that's a moot point, as none of the free services are on the Xbox.
yea paying online is a waste of money. most people only play certain games online. why pay to play gta 4 online if you can play it on ps3 for free? same with other games. I can understand if the games were fun and long online but gears 2 only has up to 10 people online and I have to pay for it, thats bull! I can play with 60 people online for ps3 and its free! when we do pay for live where is the money going? it doesnt help nothing. yea ps3 has its share of online problems, but at least sony fixes the problem! I'm sorry but I enjoy Ps3 alot more. 360 just makes me angry anymore. the only games I like on 360 are fable and fable 2. I guess thats what the pc is for! I'm not a fanboy I m just dissapointed with 360. I don't understand why people like it over the ps3! PS3 is the future, and its fun. I have yet to see a good game on 360 like mgs 4 and lbp!
[QUOTE="jazuzu13"]I own both consoles, but the Ps3 is so much better because the online play is much better. Its free and their is no lags or no freezing etc. the worst part i had to waste 100 bucks on a wireless adapter. As soon as my gold expires im trading in the 360 for ps3 games. ps3 is free and it works better. no freezing no lags or no problems at all. Best part the games are better! explain this to me xbox fanboys! cuddlesofwarXbox has better, and more games. Judging by GameRankings alone. It lags, cause your connection is poor. PS3 games lag too ... even dedicated server games lag if your connection is poor. This is a moot point. Spending 100 on an adapter is silly, when the 360 can use normal PC ones. Also, MS will send you one for free if you tell them yours is broke.
360 has better and more games......LOL! gears, halo, and fable oh my! more doesn't mean better. maybe the 360 has more garbage. my connection isn't poor, I'm using the same connection with the ps3!! come on dude face it the 360 is junk. just like windows xp is now junk!
[QUOTE="AIH_PSP"]Yup, okay bud....Keep trying to defend your purchase of an XBOX 360. You are demonstrating the first stage of Freudian's defense mechanisms; denial and distortion.gearsgamer69Defend what ? 360 owns PS3 in sales and games all over the world, i just got sick of reading in a "System Wars Forum" about Sony fanboys bragging about the Blu-ray player when it has no relevance to game developing.
yea it does, where are you getting your info from? LBP and MGS 4 can't go on the 360 unless you use like 6 discs lol. did you hear about white knight cronicles. its coming in 2009 and thanks to blu ray it will have over 120 hours of gameplay. lets see, gears 2 (dvd) 10 people online or resistance 2 (blu ray) 60 people online..... yea I think blu ray has alot to do with gaming! this thread is lame. blu ray is the future of gaming and PS3 is more advanced than the cardboard box. I am so going to laught when 360s life ends in 4 years. and the ps3 along with the ps2 will still be up and running!!!
I disagree.
360 fanbase is bigger. Microsofts marketing is better.
yea for now fanboy!
Which is sad if that becomes reality. The game is $40 has a pre existing fanbase and the people who have the game claims it to be better then what the reviews are giving it. Nothing wrong with a new ip outselling and old one, but I think LBP might stomp Banjo despite LBP not being a big seller it self. It didn't top in UK's top 40 so it give me the impression it is not going to do well. What is sad is seeing lego games out selling Banjo.
Oh well I will be buying Banjo later on this week. I hope it sells better along with LBP.
Little Big Planet is going to outsell banjo by a long shot! LBP is amazing for those of you who never played it. too bad 360 doesn't have blu ray LOL!
[QUOTE="llescaflownell"]Before everyone starts 'flaming' or saying 'not another one of these topics,' please hear me out.
-I am on a tight budget, and can only buy one system, and one system only for a very long time (if not indefinitely).
-Tight budget, so price of hardware and games plays a big factor.
-My choices are Wii or PS3, I am not interested in 360 at all.
-I have an HDTV, and would like to have a blue-ray player.
-I love RPGs, but have become accustomed to casual play as well.
-I consider myself a Final Fantasy fanboy.
-I like Mario, but not particularly interested.
-Not too interested in FPS, nor "party games."
-I would like to get my wife into gaming as well, and think that the Wii may be a great possibility.
I know different consoles are more 'fit' for certain players than others. So, based upon my situation and preferences, which would you guys pick if you were under my situation. I have no experience with these consoles other than playing Wii sports for 5 minutes, and thoroughly enjoying it (even for that 5 mintues). Thank you for hearing me out.
I don't blame you about not being interested in the 360. 360 really isn't that good of a console. its junk, it only has 3 good exclusives and paying online is just a waste of money. I did own all three consoles at one time but I only have the Ps3 now because the 360 was junk and the wii is just annoying. I used to like nintendo when it was actually fun, but when the gamecube came out and the wii came out I just started hating nintendo. if you want to play oldskool nintendo games go to gameguerilla . com its a place where you can download free nes and snes games instead of wasting 12 dollars on the wii vc. The best choice is the PS3. im not a fanboy im just saying for facts. the online is free which is excellent. online should be free. ps3 will have a longer life span then the 360 would. hd dvd is already outdated. If you like RPG's then yes get the ps3 because thanks to blu ray rpg games will be longer and better. and you can play online for free. white knight cronicles is coming out in 2009 and its going to be great. ps3 does have better exclusives like mgs 4, little big planet, white knight cronicles, buzz(if you like trivia games) infamous, warhawk, motorstorm, resistance (60 players online) and much more. trust me, the wii isn't worth it unless you want to play another mario game or a zelda game. only good games for nintendo anymore. Ps3 is amazing, im buying blu ray now and I sold all of my dvds. blu rays are so much nicer and the movies have tons more features. I'm not making you buy the ps3, but by the looks of your thread the ps3 is the choice for you. I'm happy with my ps3 and I love the games for it. I use it for online searching including youtube, and I watch horror movies (blu ray) on it. I also use it for a music player:) PS3 is much more advanced then the wii and 360 put together, I know this because my cousin works with technology and he showed me everything on ps3. microsoft people even said that the ps3 was more advanced thats why developers are not used to making games on it.
PS: Don't make the same mistake I did and listen to 360 fanboys because they are nothing but liars! I had the 360 twice, first time it broke down and the second time I just sold it because I wanted ps3 games! The ps3 will last longer than the wii and 360 because ps3 is more advanced!
Before everyone starts 'flaming' or saying 'not another one of these topics,' please hear me out.
-I am on a tight budget, and can only buy one system, and one system only for a very long time (if not indefinitely).
-Tight budget, so price of hardware and games plays a big factor.
-My choices are Wii or PS3, I am not interested in 360 at all.
-I have an HDTV, and would like to have a blue-ray player.
-I love RPGs, but have become accustomed to casual play as well.
I don't blame you about not being interested in the 360. 360 really isn't that good of a console. its junk, it only has 3 good exclusives and paying online is just a waste of money. I did own all three consoles at one time but I only have the Ps3 now because the 360 was junk and the wii is just annoying. I used to like nintendo when it was actually fun, but when the gamecube came out and the wii came out I just started hating nintendo. if you want to play oldskool nintendo games go to gameguerilla . com its a place where you can download free nes and snes games instead of wasting 12 dollars on the wii vc. The best choice is the PS3. im not a fanboy im just saying for facts. the online is free which is excellent. online should be free. ps3 will have a longer life span then the 360 would. hd dvd is already outdated. If you like RPG's then yes get the ps3 because thanks to blu ray rpg games will be longer and better. and you can play online for free. white knight cronicles is coming out in 2009 and its going to be great. ps3 does have better exclusives like mgs 4, little big planet, white knight cronicles, buzz(if you like trivia games) infamous, warhawk, motorstorm, resistance (60 players online) and much more. trust me, the wii isn't worth it unless you want to play another mario game or a zelda game. only good games for nintendo anymore. Ps3 is amazing, im buying blu ray now and I sold all of my dvds. blu rays are so much nicer and the movies have tons more features. I'm not making you buy the ps3, but by the looks of your thread the ps3 is the choice for you. I'm happy with my ps3 and I love the games for it. I use it for online searching including youtube, and I watch horror movies (blu ray) on it. I also use it for a music player:) PS3 is much more advanced then the wii and 360 put together, I know this because my cousin works with technology and he showed me everything on ps3. microsoft people even said that the ps3 was more advanced thats why developers are not used to making games on it.
-I consider myself a Final Fantasy fanboy.
-I like Mario, but not particularly interested.
-Not too interested in FPS, nor "party games."
-I would like to get my wife into gaming as well, and think that the Wii may be a great possibility.
I know different consoles are more 'fit' for certain players than others. So, based upon my situation and preferences, which would you guys pick if you were under my situation. I have no experience with these consoles other than playing Wii sports for 5 minutes, and thoroughly enjoying it (even for that 5 mintues). Thank you for hearing me out.
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