The first two waves of the "protect the translator sequence" weren't too bad. Just used the Barbarians hammer and the L1 button move while in the air to create the shockwave in front of me. That cleared out most of the bad guys. If they got too close, I used the "electric shock" magic power (whatever that's called) to move them back.
One key - there are a blue and green chest in the entrance to this sequence. Save those until after you've beaten the first two waves. That way you can take some damage and use some magic, and then power back up before the third wave.
The third wave is a pain. Originally I just tried going right for the Summoners and engaing them (pressing the "0" button), but that would take three tries to take just one of them out (and I believe there are 3 of them in the room). By the time you did that, the rest of the bad guys would have gotten to the translator.
Taking some cues from the YouTube video I watched, I would immediately run and take out the two dogs who appear at the top of the room. If you grab the dogs (the "O" button), you'll usually throw it at an enemy, and if it's another dog, that might be enough to take it out). After that, I ran back to the translator to protect him. I would again use the Barbarian hammer to create the shockwave and try to keep them at a distance. If they got too close, I would use Atlas quake or electricity to keep them back. If a dog was in the area, I would just grab him. Basically, if you keep unleashing the shockwaves with the hammer, you'll find that you're doing long range distance to the summoners. Eventually you'll see the number of spawning enemies start to thin, and then you can be more aggressive in going after the summoners.
Another useful mood is the "parry" attack (hitting L1 just before getting struck, then following up with the square button), That will knock back any enemies in the area.
Again, this is easier said than done. Even after watching the YouTube video, it still took me a while to pull it off.
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