Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness takes the cake for me, particularly when you consider how long the development cycle was, and how much hype surrounded the game. Game was buggy. The characters handled like cement trucks. The new features in the games (RPG-like skill development, and dialogue trees) were poorly implemented and non-sensical. Some of the puzzles were just plain stupid (shooting a ghost with a gun to stun it? Please).
Eidos was right to dump Core Studios after that debacle. Fortunately, Crystal Dynamics has now produced two very solid TR offerings with Legend and Anniversary.
More recently, I was very disappointed with Splinter Cell Double Agent. Game had a lot of potential but just hadtoo manybugs to be enjoyable. One in particular involved a problem with the mini-game for cracking safes. Controls would just refuse to work at times and you could go no further in the game (or at least you would have to skip an objective). There was also a bad game-crashing bug on one level any time you tried to re-load a save. And with SC games, and all the trial-and-error involved, you were re-loading a lot. The new SC Conviction looks interesting. Hope they've fixed the problems from Double Agent.
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