@gohangeorge @jbshook I'm glad you realize sex wasn't designed to be between two men and two women. Homosexuality is a choice. You may have those tendencies but you are not forced into the sex act. You can physically control yourself from the act. Aberration or abomination it is still not natural. Do we treat personality disorders? I think we do. We are judgmental and intolerant to try and treat a homosexual.
@gohangeorge @jbshook I readily admit that we are spiritual, emotional, and mental beings. I agree with you. I just don't see how those things are possible without our physical bodies, and I don't see how anyone can conclude that sex is designed to be between two men and two women. You said we exist on a level outside our physical bodies. What does that have to do with the subject of homosexuality?
@Smokescreened84 @jbshook @brainiac1988 Yeah, homosexuality is harmless. Doing something that we were not designed to do must be considered harmless. I'm sure when God designed man and woman He had homosexuality in mind. " Go forth and multiply." (paraphrase)
@Smokescreened84 @jbshook @brainiac1988 It sounds to me that you are narrow minded, and I don't see why? I mean anyone that can claim a man having sex with a man is natural should be more open minded.
@gohangeorge @jbshook Haha! The Onions was definitely a mistake. I read your post too fast. lol And anything we experience whether it is emotionally or mentally is still within our physical bodies. So I must conclude that men having sex with men and women with women is not natural. It is obvious.
@Smokescreened84 @jbshook @brainiac1988 What does it matter if religion or laws allowed it? The men were attracted to younger girls. And now you are in the camp of all of those people that are intolerant and judgmental.
jbshook's comments