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jchamberlin Blog

The Great Private Message Purge

I don't know about you guys, but my Private Message inbox has really been filling up. I finally deleted several dozen messages and discussions that have ended. I haven't yet touched the messages I've sent, just the received. Anyone else have a clogged-up inbox?

Submission Status Tally - July 25

Submission Status Tally - July 03 Accepted: 478 Pending: 21 Denied: 5 Total: 504 That was the last update I mentioned here in my little blog. Here's the newest statistics: Accepted: 759 Pending: 38 Denied: 19 Total: 816 BTW, I'm now Level 17 - 35%


Not much going on here on the weekend. It's 108 degrees right now! You can't do anything in that weather. I wrote a few reviews recently. I've got many, many more to do. I've got stuff to write for The Daily Show, Comedy Central Presents, etc. I'd like to write for old episodes of Monk.

Level Increase

Last night's level upgrade bumped me up from about 10% on Level 16 to 43% on Level 16. I'm not convinced it increased as far as it should have. I've noticed this concern is not just mine. I saw it mentioned in the forums a few times... Anyway, a big thanks to cooncesean for the recent tool release for re-numbering episodes. I've got a lot to re-number. I already did one guide, but have a few more to do. The biggest one is Modern Marvels, but that's going to be a job and a half. Update: The level upgrade just ran - 9pm CST. I got bumped up to Level 16 - 75%, still not as much as I thought. I think they lowered how much "New Episodes" are worth.

Ghost Hunters

Yesterday, I was able to catch a marathon of Ghost Hunters ( It's a great show on the Sci-Fi channel. It's about a group of people who go around trying to debunk hauntings in people's homes, businesses, etc. I caught an early episode of this (third episode) a year or so ago, and loved it. I hadn't seen an episode of it until yesterday, when they re-aired the entire first season (second season starts soon). If you've not seen the show, check it out. This stuff is not a Fictional show, with special effects or anything, it's very much a real thing, proving/disproving hauntings. Chairs moving on their own, something literally knocking someone down to the ground, strange voices. One of the last episodes in the season, saw us being introduced to a young man, Adam who lives in the house his Grandmother/Grandfather lived in. Adam's Great grandfather built the home. He's had the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, people have heard a woman's voice, when there aren't any women who live there, when friends stay in one of the bedrooms, they feel like they're being watched, and don't tend to stay there again. While they weren't able to find video evidence, they seem to have been able to record an elderly gentleman softly saying "I miss Adam". It was very creepy. It turns out Adam was very close to his grandfather... Anyway, it's coming out on DVD sometime this fall I believe. Take a look at it - it's just great stuff.

Level Upgrade

Looks like snide or someone else decided to run the upgrade today. I went from a Level 14 - 65 or 68% to Level 15 - 83%. That was more than I anticipated, but that's okay. Image hosted by


Anyone else here have a problem with patience? As I age, I seem to be getting more and more impatient, and this is a site which requires a lot of it right now since it's new.


What's everyone been up to? I took a small pontoon boat down to the local river to do a little fishing. I didn't have much luck, just two fish, one which was too small to keep. Going fishing during the daylight is literally painful here with the hot weather. Fishing at night is more comfortable, but obviously makes navigating the shallow river (drought here) a bit dicey. I added a few more submissions to some guides I'm editor for and some I'm not editor for, and I'm up to 605 submissions, 31 of which are pending. mgreen789 has been working like a machine over the past two weeks. It's hard to keep up with all of the quotes and whatnot he's been submitting for The Daily Show and Comedy Central Presents. Keep it up, man. We need more dedicated people around here. Hopefully we will see some more Submission moderators hired and trained soon to weed through the enormous queue. I wish I could get my hands on it, frankly.