I think the problem with having a religious video game to entice people into religion, is that it's trying too hard. If they made a good video game that isn't really about religion, that has a sympathetic character who is religious, I think that would do better to entice people to be religious, because you'd want to emulate that character.
@MacroManJr They ought to take a look at systems like the Supergraphx or SNES or even ancient systems like Magnavox Odyssey for inspiration. It's like they're trying too hard to make it look appealing to a mass audience.
"GameSpot is reliant on Ad Revenue, it's how reviewers get paid. GameSpot is reliant on early access copies and the good graces of publishers to do their jobs effectively."
Exactly, game companies do not need to bribe reviewers outright. They can simply deny early access to future games if game sites do not play ball. This is why magazines like Gamefan do not receive early access because they are honest. This means that Gamefan does not have access to future news and previews that other game sites have and puts it in a disadvantageous position as most gamers are hungry for the latest and greatest. This same thing goes on in political and economic news. The press is no longer free.
My brother worked in the industry for years. He said this type of stuff goes on. Of course Gamespot is going to deny it, but I'll trust my brother over anything this video claims.
2) The O/X/Triangle/Square buttons were analog on the PS3 controller, similar to the way the L2/R2 buttons are analog, but it's not so noticeable.. I think it's a little disappointing they aren't on the PS4's pad, but probably didn't get much use from devs anyway.
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