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Trying to find time to be active again,

So, I have been absent from this sight for a while now. Had a lot going on in my life lately. I was diagnosed with a massive infection in my spine that I had to have emergency surgery on so that I would not become paralyzed. I am still dealing with that now. I have a picc line in and I have to run antibiotics through it three times a day. So, there is that. I have also been having a very serious family situation, it is getting better but there is still a lot that needs to happen. So, basically what I am saying is that I have been preoccupied. Maybe I can spend a little more time on here now. I feel so behind on my gaming knowledge. Got a lot of catching up to do.

PS3 woes

So, I just got a PS3. I bought it off of Ebay for 300 bucks and it finally arrived at my house yesterday afternoon. So, i take it out of the box, plug it in to my TV and it doesn't work. It will not load any bluerays at all. I know the display is working because i can navigate the home screens. It also plays DVD's, but I can't load a single game or blueray movie. I contacted the previous owner and of course he said that he has never had any problems with it. He packed the thing with packing peanuts and when I removed it from the box it was covered with dust and pieces of the peanuts. Do you think that could have an affect on the Blueray Player. If so is there anyway to clean it? I am so hacked off, I did not spend 300 bucks to have an extra DVD player around. I have decided also the Ebay sucks, the last 3 times I have purchased something on that site have been terrible experiences. Ahh. Just ridiculous.

Am I losing my interest in Video Games.???!!?!?!?!?!

I have been noticing a recent trend in my life. I find that I am no longer playing video games as much as I used too. Even my old classic games on Nintendo and SNES no longer interest me. I have new games for my 360 and Wii but, I never play them either. I don't know. I come home from work and play for like 30 minutes until my wife comes home. Then, I don't play for the rest of the night. I am baffled, what is going on here. But, the strange thing is that I really don't want to play them, not that I cannot. Hmm, this will take some more thinking.

My Iphone has betrayed me.

So, I am updating my iphone today. You know just a routine thing right. Nope, about halfway through the update it stops and now, yep it does not work at all. This is just ridiculous. So, calling apple they are too busy with the sales of their new iphone. So, I am not important anymore I guess. I just want my phone to work. I guess that is asking to much.

Also, I must say that I am pretty stinking excited that Chrono Trigger is coming out on the DS this Fall. It is about time that someone remade the game. I am really excited to see how they are going to incorporate the touch screen. The possibilities are just mind blowing. Also, I really hope that the game's integrity is kept in tact on this new platform.

Backyard Country Partying

So, listening to country and drinking beer just really aren't my thing. That is really hard because all of my family on mine and my wife's side do it on a regular basis. So, last weekend we went to my Cousin's birthday at a place called Papa's Ice House. I must say that I have never seen anything so ridiculous in my life. People get there hours early so that they can sign up to sing karaoke later that night after they have downed about 8 or 9 beers. Then, they get up there and make a fool out of themselves in front of everyone but it is okay because everybody else is doing it too. Here are a few highlights of the night that made me realize that I never, ever want to go there again.

1) After I had been there about 15 minutes someone howled like a wolf during the middle of a song. At that point, the entire audience (of around 300) began doing it too. It was just a bunch of people howling for no reason for about 5 minutes. That is when I knew it would be a long night.

2)This guy (who looked exactly like the guitar player for white snake) got up there with his girlfriend and sang there own version of the Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock song. The fact that every single person in the audience new the rewritten words made me realize that these people come here way to often and that the people listening like the song to much.

3)We were there past 12:00 (it was torturous, absolutely torturous) and then two 11 year old kids got up and sang a Hank Williams Jr. song (that was not really appropriate for 11 year olds to be singing). That is when I new it was time to leave.

Now, I am not saying there is anything wrong with this. My family loves doing it and a lot of my friends love doing it. I just want to make sure that I never participate in it ever again.

Mario Kart Wii or GTA IV, what to do, what to do?

So, I got Mario Kart Wii on Sunday. I have to say, I am really impressed with it. The new stages are actually really fun and it is the first time that I have bought a new MK and said wow, that track was really cool, or wow that stage was awesome, how did they come up with that? I also really like the wheel. When I played the old MK's I was one of those people who would turn my controller with the player anyway. Now I don't look like an idiot when I do it (I didn't really care before, but that is a different story). The problem now is that I bought GTAIV last night and I really like it too. So, how do I spend my time? I guess it is a good problem to have. I just wish the NBA playoffs were over so that I did not have them taking up my time too. I should just take a week off from work to play the games, no that would be dumb. Whatever, I'll figure it out. Later

No More Heroes, finally get to play it.

I just finished getting all of the stars on Mario Galaxy so now I can start No More Heroes. I am pretty excited about it. It has gotten really good reviews for a Wii game. I hope it lives up to the hype. I am pretty sure that I won't finish it before Brawl comes out though. I will try, because I doubt I will play it much once I get Brawl. Dude, Brawl is gonna be awesome. To say that I am pretty excited would be an understatement. Cant wait. Woo. (I am not sure if you heard the excitement in my voice, oh but it was there.)

New DS Games

For Valentines Day I got some new games for my DS. My wife is so sweet. Except she bought me Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. That game kind of sucks. But, I got Professor Layton and Call of Duty. Those are both pretty fun. It is nice to get new games. Gives me something to do at my boring job.

Finally got back an old game.

So, I let my little brother borrow my copy of Mario Kart DS about 9 months ago. Well, that was a mistake because he lost it. Yep, he lost my copy of on of the best games for the DS. However, this weekend he redeemed himself, yes he got me another copy, and it was not even a used one. So, I now have the game again. I may not play it very much with all of my new console games but, I do take comfort in knowing that if I wanted to play it I could.

Merry Christmas (a little early) to me.

So, my brother in law decided to give me my Christmas present a little early (probably because he wanted to play it too). So, my present was ROCK BAND on the 360. Pretty exciting, we just started the world tour mode and it is pretty fun (boy, I am pretty bad at the drums though, but I can seriously rock that mic and guitar). Just thought I would spread a little bit of christmas cheer. Well, cheery for me.
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