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jdlee05 Blog

Finally got some new games.

Well, for the first time in while I got some new games for my consoles. I bought GH3 and Super Mario Galaxy. I must say that I really like both so far but Galaxy is much more enjoyable, probably because it feels more fresh and new unlike GH which I have had all three. Just thought I would share this exciting bit of news (exciting for me at least). I will review them both soon (if anyone cares about my reviews, I know I am not the best writer). Hope all is well with everyone.

Phantom Hourglass

Man, I cannot wait for next Tuesday so I can finally get PH on my DS. I have kind of been limited in the number of games I can buy lately. But, that is okay PH is going to be sweet and the reviews I have read seem to back that up. Which is good, cause all I have really been playing lately is puzzle games, i.e. Picross, New York Times, Brain Age. I did get Sonic but, Zelda is a different level for me. Yeah, October 1 is almost here.

Last few months

So, the church that I have been attending for the past two years now no longer exists. There was a split and about 75 percent of the people who were attending left with that split. Then, our pastor decided to leave so, we were only going to have about 12 people left. Then, the remnant voted and unanimously decided to disband. Wow, I have never heard of that happening before. Strange, everyone I have told says they have never heard of that happening either. Hmm, I don't know if I should feel special or like a failure, I was on staff at the church. Who knows, now it is time to move on and see what happens next. Should be exciting.

Been out of touch for a while.

Wow, I just realized that I have not been on very much lately. The reason is because my wife and I just had our first baby. Yep, two weeks ago our son Landon William Lee was born. He was 21 inches long and weighed 7lbs. 7ounces. I will post pictures soon. So, now that I am back at work I will probably bea little more consistent. But, the time away was a lot of fun and now I have a kid. Crazy.

Old School

I find it strange that lately all of my favorite games to play are the ones on older consoles. I enjoy playing games on the Wii and the 360 but, I just do not think they are as fun. Is this because I have had those others for so long and they are familiar and well known to me? Or, is it because the new games have taken the focus off of the story and compelling gameplay? I am just not sure. I think ifthe next gen games provided the depththat some of the older games do I would not be complaining. Or, maybe I am just going through a period of nostalgia. I can say that I am excited about games likeMario Galaxy and Killzone 2. Iam hopeful that they will be enough to pull me away from my older sytems. We shall see.

The Legend of Zelda, The Ocarina of Time

My brother-in-law used to be very anti-Zelda. In fact he used to make fun of me because I have finished every US released Zelda game. Then he got Twilight Princess for the Wii and he quickly decided that it was the best game he has ever played. So, he was filled with the desire to play the back catalog of games. I suggested he start with Ocarina of Time because it is a cheap download for the Wii, plus it is my favorite in the series anyway. After playing the first few temples he has decided that he hates it. He says the graphics are awful even for 1998 and that the control scheme is too challenging with the camera. I quickly informed him that he was an idiot. The game was revolutionary when it came out as is evidenced by it's high marks from every major game reviewer there is. Game of the year, best game ever, perfect scores all over the place. I think it is incredibly unfair for him to judge a classic games graphics and controls against a newer game in the series. Oh well, pretty lame blog I know but no one else I know cares about the subject so I had to feel like I was telling someone. I am sure everyone will agree with me this way. Because, no one will read my blog.

Nintendo DS

I just wanted to say that I think the Nintendo DS is the best handheld console ever. It is followed in a close second by the GameBoy Advance. But, it is definitely the best.

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