it costs around $30.dollars you can go on there web site and figure out how much it costs or you can go on and you can search for the game system and you'll find out how much it costs.
lunar nights is the one that should be lower because it sounds like a good game and it could be a good price and they should take advantage of that and sell that game for a lower price.
the game for the ds that has the best graphics is elite beat agents and because the game has touches to the game that are great and there fun to look at.
yes that and they should be making better games soon and making them easier and less challenging and they should be continuing some other series of games that should keep a lot of people happy and i also heard that they're going to make something for this system that's going to make it online.
no theres nothing wrong with the nintendo ds games it's just it takes a while to learn what the games are about and then if you practice enough (that go's for me to) you will learn what there really talking about lets take elite beat agents for instance you can in this game you can practice and then it gets better and you get better and then you learn what there talking about you see? and that goes for all of us and there will surely be games for all of us to enjoy.
thats because theres know need to have it because there's a arcade version on for the x box 360 it's called a arcade game and it can be played on the x box 360 and if what your saying about playing the nintendo ds online is true then there should be a online compatible fighting game for the nintendo ds.
it's alright to have a nintendo ds thats not ds light and you can still play the same I have a nintendo ds light and I wouldn't say that theres a difference.
yes I think that it's a side scroller like sonic 2 and I will gather more information about this game and I will read more topics on this site and I will read them as much as I can and try to go on the internet I heard some were that there is a lot of information about sonic games on the internet when me and my brother were a while back we were talking to some people on the internet and we were talking about all the sonic games you know? and then we would be talking about the way that they should censor the first one and that they need to (and they do) need to clean (which means censor) some of the sonic games why? you ask?, because theres something unchristian about sonic one and sonic 2 and sonic 3 and sonic s and knuckles and don't get me wrong theres nothing wrong with sonic adventure and sonic adventure 2 battle but you know they could have censored there sonic games that need to be censored and then it will gradually get better over e bay.
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