jedi_masterneal Blog
Two awsome new Unions!!!!
by jedi_masterneal on Comments
There are 2 brand new Unions and they are The Jedi Fury Union and The Prince of Persia Warrior Within Union.
These Unions have to do with two of my favorite subjects in gaming other than the Jak and Daxter series which there is another Union for that the Jak and Daxter Union or JADU for short. But thats of topic. Anyways the POP Union was founded by Soulja_west and the Jedi Fury Union was founded by 3eyedrazorback and a few others including myself and Killzone_Master. Jedi Fury Is actually a clan for online Halo 2 also founded by Killzone_Master and 3eyedrazorback. They just now have Kindley brought it to us in a Gamespot Union now. The Prince of Persia Warrior Within Union is not just about the second POP game but about all of them in general.
So Im signing off and hope that any who read this and hasent joined these Unions soon will.
Impovements for KOTOR 3
by jedi_masterneal on Comments
If they would let you customise youre character with a large amount of things like in Tony Hawk games and make it look like you in the games than that would be sweet.
Also you need a great storyline with plot twists like the first game had and I'd like to see the Genoharadan make a reapeerance and have something to do with the storyline.
If one of my theorys are correct (which I doubt they are) it would be very sweet to have your main charecter be the one to rebuild the sith or the jedi depending on which side you take and have the Genoharadan help you find Force Sensitives.
It would also be nice if you could run into Characters from the last two games and see how what has happened has affected them and see how they are doing.
Some of the characters I would like to see would be like Jolee, Zaalbar, Bastila, Handmaiden or Disciple, Atton, and I guess all of them but at least a few should be seen and talked to.
I would like to see more lightsaber fights than in KOTOR 2 because almost the whole game except the end you were fighting droids or the military.
More Jedi in general would be nice.
Meet some of the other Jedi that you could have killed but didnt in KOTOR 2 like Kavar he was cool and Vandar.
In this when and if you rebuild the Order or Empire you should find old temples and make them the training grounds for Revan's army against the True Sith that he and the Exile went to fight.
What do you think?
My randomly tossed together Ideas for the Next KOTOR game
by jedi_masterneal on Comments
I believe that when and if they do Revan will of course look like he does in His robes.
I believe that when and if they do the Exile will wear robes like Kreia over the Eyes and Nose so they dont have to make the Exile one certain face or gender.
I believe that whoever you will play in this next game you will be trying to rebuild Either the Jedi Order if you are good or the new Sith Empire if you are twisted down the Dark path.( like I probably will).
I believe that with the Jedi Order completely destroyed by a Dark side Exile and then a destroyed Sith side and the Exile leaving Known space how will ther be any Jedi to do my above theory.
I believe that I cant think of anymore theorys so if anyone wants to put a few more down of there own feel free to.
This is the true Sith Lord Jedi_masterneal signing out.
I believe that Revan and the Exile will show up in the 3rd one like Revan did in the second.San Andreas for good?
by jedi_masterneal on Comments
As everybody better know Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is a huge game now with a PC and XBOX versions newly released I wonder if anybody has taken Notice that the one for the Ps2 that came out in October "I think" has not left the top ten games on GameSpot since before its release and I thought Halo 2 was never going to get off of the top ten maybe this game could get a Gamespot record for being in the top 10 the longest of all the other games.
Give it up for San Andreas for the PS2
*crowd cheers for ten hours and get tired and keels over dead from screaming*
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