Why is everyone saying PS2? Do you have a reason? Because I don't see why you want to get a game on inferior hardware. The only difference is the graphics, which are better on XBox.Emerald_Warrior
Personally, I prefer the DualShock for playing such games so that could be a reason. Also, I would guess that you can find the PS2 version for much cheaper since many more copies are out there.
Yes, I would say that is correct. Do not expect a masterpiece. Expect to play though a unique albeit slightly frustrating game. Who knows, you might actually enjoy it more than the others because, like I previously mentioned, it is not exactly in the same vein. Also personally, I would definitely not pay more than $25 for this game if you plan to pick it up.
Worst PS2 game I have ever played had to be ClockTower 3. The game was so annoying, I enjoyed it more as a comedy than as a horror game (Seriously, a sacred bow?). However, I did really like the villians as they were pretty creepy, especially Scissorman and Scissorwoman!
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