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jeffmclark1973 Blog

please comment on this blog

Well first before I just copy and past my watcher comment like said I would be doing everyday, let me ask you something? Should I blog everyday or should I blog every week? Everyday youwill get up to the minute/day updatews on me and my gameing proggreass and whatever else I may wish to add, but it will be just that, a daily blurb...some poeple may also think I blog too much and I can understand that.. So tell me please, would you rather I daily blog or an indepth weekly summery? Just wondering?

and now back to your regularly schedualed blog...

Ok, time for another exciting blub umm.....uh..ok..well that's all then good night!... LOl.. but really just a few things..
Droped by my local Gamestop today, just to paruse and yern.. but the I got that feeling and I was gonna buy me a used copy of Matt Hazzard, been really wanting that one.. but then I saw Spider-Man WoS.. and thought hey 5 bucks cheaper..hmm decsion time.. but then I saw a copy of Bolt for 10 dollars less!! Oh gotta get that one for my little girl, so I guess I just grab that SPWoS.. and guess what? There was another copy behind it for 10 less!!! Score!! So I go to purchase them with my Edge card.. and now what!! Tehy rang up even less than they were originally priced and I still got my discount on top of that!! sweet!! I think I might just go back for Matt Hazzard...maybe..

The Quick:
need only 20 more watchers fo my new badge at 360voicecom.

Gaming soon?? I'' help just send me PM...I'm PST, anytime after 5ish or anytime sat - monday. sun & monday is best for me.

Finished Duke Nuke em.. and update

Another day, another blog! Well I'll try to keep it down this time.. I finally finished Duke Nuk'em 3D!!! Nice With help from a great gamer.. now on to DOOM!! Lol.. Broke some more ground on ALone in the Dark.. Score is finnaly being added in, mus tbe the weird times I was playing.. Now maybe I'll get that Survival Horror badge!! I'll keep a look out for my score since I belive the badge calculater is behind a day or two.. makes sense anyway.. If not, I still have more to go on it and I plan on 1k ing it anyway.. got some new watchers.. up to 79...

Here's my wekly recap of

B8TINGU's Weekly Recap - May 11 2009

This entry is a little different than the others. It is a recap of the last week of gaming. Check it: You can't ask for a better week than when B8TINGU shows up to play Seven days in a row!! Too bad gamerscore isn't money because with an increase of 685 points we could make some bank. Yay for 41 achievements! w00t! Also, by my expert calculations, B8TINGU's favorite game last week was The SimpsonsTM Game. He played it on 3 of the days.

And that's all I got. I'm not a writer... just an Xbox. | permalink | leave comment

B8TINGU's Xbox - May 11 2009

Yesterday was a triumph! I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction with B8TINGU. Data indicates that gamerscore stands at an always improving 17,414. That is an improvement of 380 points over last time! He rocked out to Alone In The Dark finishing an amazing 23 achievements, Duke Nukem 3D winning 1 achievement, as well as basked in the glow of the awesome dashboard software!

Hey, remember that challenge I was talking about a few days ago? The one called 'Auto Challenge - #28929'? It came to a close today. This challenge should have been called 'How to be dominated by B8TINGU.' A lesson was learned by all. It was good times though... The other 4 gamers in the challenge made it fun. Until next time...

I'm still trying to figure out a way to drop my site infor here too, just for recaps an all..

Well that's really it for now I really wish I could see more of my friends from here at the other two sites.. then we could challenge each other and find out how good we really compare!! (in a nice competive way) so if you do go check them out and join me there too!!

Alone int he Dark (with that inpossible achievment)

ZOOM, ZOOM, ZOOM!! Ever play game and tryingfor an achievment and thinking to yourself "Man this is impossible" and you just died for the 100th time!! Then just as your getting ready to quit and go do something else you give it one more try and...POP!! Achievments unlocked!! and theyouthink to yourself.. "Yea whatever way too easy...".. LOL. Well ok most of my imposible achievments remain so.. except this one and this time it was "WOO WHOO!! YES!! I DID IT!!" Yea I had one of those moments early this morning about 5.. then I went to bed.. and actually fell asleep pretty fast.. It was Alone In the Dark's Cockpit Addict.. that really should be worth more points.. but hey not complaining too much I made it.. and about 12 other achievments for this so far not too bad game.. I really didn't mean to sleep in so late, today but I'll be on in bit.

The Quick:
started to post comments on bloggs again, now that I have some more time..gonna try and see ST and wolverine this weekend/today.. maybe.

and call your moms!! if it wern't for her you wouldn't be here to game!! Have great day everyone!!

New Emblem and a new way to blog (be prepared your gonna see alot more of me!)

Well, well, look it there... the new emblem, Looks like we pulled off the big upset!! LOL..That's so cool and so inyour face site nomanies!! those other guys really thought they would win... HA!! I'm glad Gamespot won!! Did you see the tags some idiots actually put for gamspot..they wer horribly imature.. so na nan na nan na !! We Won...LOL...

and now for something entirely different:

So I have foun myself putting watcher comments on everyday. Why you may ask? Wel the system there letsyou post your comment to everyone that is watching you, so if like 100 people are watching you, then those 100 people are gonna get your comments!! Currently I am up to 73 people watching me, and I am watching close to 100, but I only get 5 - 20 comments a day. Some people, myself included comment (or blog) everyday, some only once a week and some even less if at all, but the basic premis is that your message can be seen right on your profile page without having to click back and fourth between your profile and someone elses.. I like that. It also helps becasue if I have say 75 people/friends that I am tracking here at Gamespot (the number is actually higher!!) andalot, awhole lot, blog often enough that I can't go to everyones indivdual blog and comment, it not only makes me look bad but I also end up feeling bad as well. So since I am commenting/ Blogging there daily, I have decided to copy and past my comments from there to here everyday, after all that is the thing that really puts me off, having to come up with entirly new fresh blogs aboutthe same things at all my sites. I've come to the conclusion that I may add or change some stuff pertanant to each individual site, but for the most part the blogs will all be identical.. sucha is the case for my emblems comment at the top here and my badge comments for will be different.So that said I would like to introduce everyone to my current Auto Challenge:

Read this next part only if you odon't know what an AUto Challenge is and want to know....for those of you who do not know, allows you to challenge your friends, rivals or generally anyone who wants to throw down, in Gamer Challenges. There is almost no limit to how many gamers can compete in challenges (I've seen up to 300) and the time limits are between 3 to 30 days (all dependant on who created the challenge. Finally the only real rule is once your in a challenge your in and can not get out until it has run it's course. The Challenges are for fun and nothing is gained or lost except maybe a little face and some bragging rights. basically it's all for fun and I have yet to come across anyone with any ill will or intent. Challenges are scored on Achievment points, so the more achievments you unlock the better your score in the challenge.You get points in the challenges for badges at and there are a few badges you can earn.Auto Challenges you can turn on oroff and they are just that, theyAUTOMATICALLY put you in to a challenge with 4 other random gamers with similar gamerscores and then for 5 days you battle it out and see who wins with the most points. winners recieve some points towards new or improved badges.

Here is my Auto Challenge updates only two mor days left.!! (BTW I'm B8TINGU)

Challenge update - 5/9/2009

This is the situation: B8TINGU threw down and ended up with the lead today by gaining 285 points. All 5 participants combined, they put up a total gain of 315 points. B8TINGU added 285, and Sdawg36 added 30. Everyone can take comfort in the fact that there are 2 days left to compete. It ain't over till it's over! That's it for today... time to go make the donuts.

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Challenge update - 5/8/2009

Let's break it down! Sdawg36 swung the whooping stick and took the lead by sucking out 30 points. A huge wasted opportunity by the rest of the 4 challengers... you can't beat Sdawg36 if you can't score points.

There are 3 days left, so... yeah... plenty of time. Ready your breakfasts and eat hearty...for tonight, we dine on achievement points!

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Challenge update - 5/7/2009

Here is a recap... Sdawg36 is the current leader by feeding on enough achievements for 30 points. In fact, Sdawg36 was the only one that got any points... That is just plain SAD! Sad and WRONG!

There are 4 days left, so... yeah... plenty of time. The excitement continues tomorrow!

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Challenge update - 5/6/2009

And they are off! Place your bets! www360voicecom has really come through with some top-notch talent for the Gamerscore Challenge titled Auto Challenge - #28929. It is going to be an absurd 5 days! Sure, they all have some wacky gamer pics, but this competition is serious with a capital 'S'... which stands for snacks. This could go all the way to the wire with some pro-level gaming. Good luck!

Direct from

This blog is my watcher comments from so when I talk about badges it'sthe 360voice badges not the Gamespot ones.. so here yea go.

Woo Hoo!! I actually completed two retail games yesterday!! I know they may seem easy: King Kong and Spidr-Man: Friend or Foe, but it was still very satisfiying to finally see 1k and all achievments on not one but two games!! The last two games also won me my gamer challenge.. no I wasn't really saving them I scored 130 pts before I knew I was going into an auto challenge.. these two achievments were left overs from another gamer challenge.. which I lost.. I never knew some one could score that many points in that short a time...PROLOZ!! I could have beat her but i just lost my job and I had other priorities, not that I'm making excuses, she won fair and square.. but in this last auto challenge dude droped like 300pts in one day!! OH NO HE DIDN"T!! Yup, I was just coasting along then BAM!! This dude shows up with the compatition, I thought it would be closer so I droped a few more points on after the two big ones, but I guess he didn't really care he was in a challenge.. oh well on to the next.

I have three aracade games I know I can beat pretty easy, each with less than a handfull of achievments left.. Duke Nuke Em 3D, Doom, and Gauntlent.. so that will be four fof five.. just have to muster up and beat one more and get my first arcade completion badge..

I was looking at the 360vui and saw an interesting fact about my 50 watchers badge. Only 115 people have that badge!! WOW!! Cool, I kinda like that, not that I'm competing for the #1 spot, I'm pretty sure I won't stand a chance on that, nor do I really care...ok maybe I care a little, it would be kinda neat, but again, I'm sure I'm very far from it..

I really need to finish Oblivion, only one more achievment to go.. but since I saved over my game and deleted anything remotly close to that, I have to start over from lv. one.. I love that game but I do have a lot of others to play!! One achievment and I'll have 3 retail games done.. oh and I'm pretty close to L4D 3 achievments and Lego:Star Wars: TCL only 3 achievments.. hmm, maybe I'm not to far away from my first Retail badge.

Oh and my streak hit 50 days!!! 50 days straight of gaming!! he he , timeto go and make it 51 and go for my 100 days badge!

Conversion Complete...Achievment Unlocked 200g

Yup, my Ex-Bro in law wanted to turn in his PS2 and all his games for teh great deal of 100 big ones off the new PS3!!! WEll he didn't want to spend the $299 left that he had to pay, so I told him about used counsels at Game Stop!! Hmmm. well a few calls later an we'er going down to check things out.. well everything he had amounted to 100 big ones.. and the used 360 were 169... and me with my 10% card... and I told him since I just upgraded my memoy to the 120g that I would give him my old HD... well that seals the deal!! In a few months when he goes live I'll have a nother budy to help with games!! Now the Long time PS Owner has been fully converted in to an X Head!! My conquest for world domination has begun!!

Toobin' and hey all you PS3 owners just a little news for you & updates on m

level 13 achieved!! I like 13.. my favorite number... let's see what I have in comon with it...

I was born on the 13th

I Love Friday the 13th movies!!

I'm Level 13 here!!

I can't think of 13 things to say involving the

so in other news.. been working some on my gamerscore. I broke 16K!! and I got some new games to boot, thanks to the big sales at Best Buy, Blockbusterand Game Stop this weekend. I finally got them loaded on to my profile.. all accept Dead Space.. I just picked that one up, I think they miss marked it, but it's new unopened and now it's mine!! Onece I get it on my profile I should ernthe Survivor Horror badge!! and if not I'll earn it very shortly when I start unlocking the achievments for it.. BTW does have a PS3 counterpart.. for you PS3 owners.. it's basically a free site that totals up your trophy score and gives ayou a true and accurate score based on your trophies.. and depending on the rarity of thosetrophies..

with that I want to say my Orange Box weekend...(day) went rather well, I got enough people together toget the (With Friends Like These) Achievement and we went ahead and knocked ut all the other ones that everyone needed!! I just completed all the achievments for Orange Box: Team Fortress 2!! Now on to the rest of the game!! Thanks everyone who showed up and had fun!! Made some new friends and now off to other games to help with now too!!

Oh ONe ofthe new games I got that is still on sale at Game Stop is Namco Museum.. it has a bunch of X-Box Live Arcade Games on it that add to your collection each with the 200pt to add to your achievments!! Plus about 20 other compilation games that give no achievements but are still cool retro to play!!

I havehad multiple invites to join other unions, but Ihave declined sticking to my guns about Achievment Hunters.. Yea I'll get back to posting there soon.. I did help a friend out to try and get his union up and running, but lack of members and no go.. soI apologiezed and bowed out..

I have one more really good friend who wants me to help start a union up soon, so maybe just for her.. I ahve a soft spot for cute girls!! Especially since I really don't have a girlfriend.. not really anyway.. oh I'm not going to get in to it right now... and some future blogs coming up from me.. one I still owe an explination of my alien implant!! yea it was real I tell you REAL!!! and then I have alwayswanted to do a couple of top ten blogs.. I have some ideas not theregular stuff you see, well some of themare regular stuff... w'll see how this pans out..

Well thatnks for reading and see you later.

Your friend!

ORANGE BOX TEAM FORTRESS 2 4/26 today @ 12pm pst.

Just to let everyone know, I got a motley crew of sorts up for the Team Fortress Achievment: With friends like these, whereyou need to have 7 of your friends in the same room, Well I have those 7 people and more are going to join, I have been posting in some other various cites about this day, what I'm saying is if any on out there want to join in and get the achievemnt you r more than welcome to.

After we get that achievemnet we can either go our seperate ways and erase anyone off you don't know, or continue to ply and have fun, or boost the other achievments on the game so everyone gets them. I still need a few more.. Or we an all go for other achievments in other games like Rainbow 6 Vegas's host a 16 player match or other elusive games. Here is a list of games I need Multiplayer help with:

Call of Duty 3

Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 1 & 2

Gears of War 1 & 2

Rainbowsix Vegas 1 & 2

Condemend 2

Soldier of Fortune: Payback


Left 4 Dead

Unreal Tournament 3

Saints Row

Lego Batman

Fable 2

Resident Evil 5

Kane & LynchDead men

and anything else I have in my collection you mayneedhelp in!!

Vote for Gamespot on the Webbys!!! (you could get an emblem)

Even though it's not all about the emblems to some, and others it just about the emblems, you should at least go to this site and show your support, especially if you have a paid account!! Those of us with free accounts as well should muster up becasue after all your not paying and have choosen to spend your time here, so why not show your support!!Give Gamespot it s' due. Let your voice be herd (via your keyboard)Without us Gamespot would not be here and would not bethe site itis. The staff here has worked and continues to work for our enjoyment, so let us repayall thier hard work and getus the community of Gamespot the recognition it deserves..It is also and more importantly about you and us, without us the community to post and challenge each other, to post and review games, to post and just get together and make some new friends.Gamespot does not have to make those really cool embelms for us, but they do, and now you too have a chance to get a new one, that should atleast be worth your time to register your free account.You once took a chance and created your account here, so take another one and creat one on the Webbys, then vote here:

All th new fit to print..about me..if you wondered..

WOO WHOO!! Happy Days my dear friends!! Happy days!! Ok yup, you got it!! I got job.. It's part time.. Which means no benefits.. And I'm not quite making as much as I was, but hey!! It's a start!! I still have another interview lined up for a better job, so if that pans out who knows!! The other interview in question is for a job that doesn't start till the fall anyway.. So If this works out I will look even better in my interview!!

In other news!! Blockbuster is having some weird huge mega clearance sale!! NEW UNOPENED GAMES at 75% off!! The selection is a little limited, but I managed to snag Halo 2, Iron Man, Wall E (for my daughter) and Star Wars The Force Unleashed.. All for $20 or less.. most for less.. Actually Halo 2 was the only $20 game.. But There were a few other games I was thinking about.. Maybe I can get some input..(hint hint).. Um there was Blue Dragon for $5. Mercenaries 2 for & Prince Caspian for $14.. And I think GTA 4... or was that a used one.. But the other used game I was thinking about was Spider-Man Web Of Shadows but that was like $24.. So maybe not right now.. And not from Blockbuster..

So know I have a Halo game.. Time to find out what all the hub bub is about... anyone want to help me with some of these games.. Oh I have to update my profile now.. I got Iron Man!!

Well people thanks for the continued support. I hope to see you all on TA or 360voice it would be fun to have some challenges going on.. Oh and they have badges and stuff on both sites!! Come on you know you want too! There both free just like here!