Well, well, look it there... the new emblem, Looks like we pulled off the big upset!! LOL..That's so cool and so inyour face other...um..webby site nomanies!! those other guys really thought they would win... HA!! I'm glad Gamespot won!! Did you see the tags some idiots actually put for gamspot..they wer horribly imature.. so na nan na nan na !! We Won...LOL...
and now for something entirely different:
So I have foun myself putting watcher comments on 360voice.com everyday. Why you may ask? Wel the system there letsyou post your comment to everyone that is watching you, so if like 100 people are watching you, then those 100 people are gonna get your comments!! Currently I am up to 73 people watching me, and I am watching close to 100, but I only get 5 - 20 comments a day. Some people, myself included comment (or blog) everyday, some only once a week and some even less if at all, but the basic premis is that your message can be seen right on your profile page without having to click back and fourth between your profile and someone elses.. I like that. It also helps becasue if I have say 75 people/friends that I am tracking here at Gamespot (the number is actually higher!!) andalot, awhole lot, blog often enough that I can't go to everyones indivdual blog and comment, it not only makes me look bad but I also end up feeling bad as well. So since I am commenting/ Blogging there daily, I have decided to copy and past my comments from there to here everyday, after all that is the thing that really puts me off, having to come up with entirly new fresh blogs aboutthe same things at all my sites. I've come to the conclusion that I may add or change some stuff pertanant to each individual site, but for the most part the blogs will all be identical.. sucha is the case for my emblems comment at the top here and my badge comments for 360voice.com will be different.So that said I would like to introduce everyone to my current Auto Challenge:
Read this next part only if you odon't know what an AUto Challenge is and want to know....for those of you who do not know, 360voice.com allows you to challenge your friends, rivals or generally anyone who wants to throw down, in Gamer Challenges. There is almost no limit to how many gamers can compete in challenges (I've seen up to 300) and the time limits are between 3 to 30 days (all dependant on who created the challenge. Finally the only real rule is once your in a challenge your in and can not get out until it has run it's course. The Challenges are for fun and nothing is gained or lost except maybe a little face and some bragging rights. basically it's all for fun and I have yet to come across anyone with any ill will or intent. Challenges are scored on Achievment points, so the more achievments you unlock the better your score in the challenge.You get points in the challenges for badges at 360.com and there are a few badges you can earn.Auto Challenges you can turn on oroff and they are just that, theyAUTOMATICALLY put you in to a challenge with 4 other random gamers with similar gamerscores and then for 5 days you battle it out and see who wins with the most points. winners recieve some points towards new or improved badges.
Here is my Auto Challenge updates only two mor days left.!! (BTW I'm B8TINGU)
Challenge update - 5/9/2009
This is the situation: B8TINGU threw down and ended up with the lead today by gaining 285 points. All 5 participants combined, they put up a total gain of 315 points. B8TINGU added 285, and Sdawg36 added 30. Everyone can take comfort in the fact that there are 2 days left to compete. It ain't over till it's over! That's it for today... time to go make the donuts.
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Challenge update - 5/8/2009
Let's break it down! Sdawg36 swung the whooping stick and took the lead by sucking out 30 points. A huge wasted opportunity by the rest of the 4 challengers... you can't beat Sdawg36 if you can't score points.
There are 3 days left, so... yeah... plenty of time. Ready your breakfasts and eat hearty...for tonight, we dine on achievement points!
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Challenge update - 5/7/2009
Here is a recap... Sdawg36 is the current leader by feeding on enough achievements for 30 points. In fact, Sdawg36 was the only one that got any points... That is just plain SAD! Sad and WRONG!
There are 4 days left, so... yeah... plenty of time. The excitement continues tomorrow!
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Challenge update - 5/6/2009
And they are off! Place your bets! www360voicecom has really come through with some top-notch talent for the Gamerscore Challenge titled Auto Challenge - #28929. It is going to be an absurd 5 days! Sure, they all have some wacky gamer pics, but this competition is serious with a capital 'S'... which stands for snacks. This could go all the way to the wire with some pro-level gaming. Good luck!
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