@FoxbatAlpha: Indoor fog? Haha nice. Titanfall represents everything this new gen is about. InFamous......not so much. I haven't pre-ordered yet though. I'm hoping for a sweet deal to be announced soon. So far the best is best buy or Microsoft store I guess....
Poor, poor PlayStation only gamers. So it's come to this. Just buy an X1 Titanfall bundle and never look back. Please......for your own sanity if nothing else. I'm getting a little worried.
Secret hype? O my. Titanfall destroys InFamous every which way from Sunday. InFamous 2 should have been the end of this franchise. A good franchise mind you.......but it's spent. Done. Finished.
Sony fanatics purchasing stock? Ya know.....instead of annoying people on message boards. Or better yet, just donate $$$ to Sony directly. Have some save Sony car washes or bake sales maybe....
You're right Sony fanatics! I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take........wait.......ya know what? I'm pretty damn happy with my X1. Nice try drumming up manufactured anger though. I expect nothing less from our beloved Playstation Only gamers.
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