Army of Two 1/2 were really fun playing co-op. Gears 1 was great, gears 2 was pretty disappointing storywise tho. Borderlands is really fun, but can get boring after a while. Didn't really enjoy splinter cell on co-op tho. Any of the Halo games are great for co-op aswell.nottu
I can't really choose one, as I was pretty disappointed by all of them. Forge wasn't all it was cracked up to be; it still ended up a "meh" map editor, (Bungie should have taken lessons from Far Cry 2, that map creator was insane) the Campaign had no character development at all and it was hard to care about any of it, (plus none of the missions weren't even that memorable) Firefight gets boring as hell after a while, and the Multiplayer just has too much BS to enjoy half the time (plus the maps suck horribly).
i agree with almost everything you posted but not the part about multiplayer its pretty fun
i was wondering if anyone knows if you need o redeem a code for the bonus or if i just comes automaticly because i dont have xbl cause i dont have a router
why would i i like the game and i just want to add some new stuff onto it i just want really a mod and a bit of a description from your point of view i know that its different than what i originally asked for but i was about to go to sleep so i demanded top of the line things sorry
my friend just got the game and i borrowed it from him and i have heard that there is a raygun in singleplayer where is it and on what level and how do you get it yes i know that its old but i don give a f***
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