Not "coming around" to f2p at this point. 99.999% of the time they're pretty garbage. I might play one here or there but I don't waste money on them. Give me a real game, k thanks...
@4kgamer_lmxxx Pretty ridiculous post 4k, the devs are friends and backed each others projects. They must do that because they hate each other...You seem to be far more of a fanboi than anyone else I've read on here so far.
@jeager_titan This game is excellent but find a job, you're certainly more in need of employment than you are a video game. The good thing is the game will always be there on steam, the job however may not be.
Thank you though for giving me a bit better understanding of how to avoid buying more sh!t from any and all corporations. It's better off in my wallet than theirs...
jer_1's comments