My reason for Sony was free online... If Microsoft brings a better free online experience then I'll give them a fair shot... However if the 720 is just millions of times better than online or not I'll get it...
@ughyoukids @jeremiah06 @JamDev @OdinssonThor @Shelledfade1 You're arguing different things than I am... I'm making no other statement than the fact that every game pirated doesn't equal a copy they would've sold...
@ughyoukids @jeremiah06 @JamDev I'm not a pirate... and that's not what I'm saying at all... I never agreed stealing was ok... I'm saying that the gaming industry itself is the reason behind pirates... no one bats an eye at the shady business practices but as soon as people start taking matters in their own hands they're evil... Fix the industry then pirating will die out... All you'll have left is the douches that pirate just for the sake of stealing and then you can crack down on them...
@ughyoukids @jeremiah06 @JamDev @OdinssonThor @Shelledfade1 That doesn't make any sense... Say pirating doesn't exist they wouldn't sale 6 million copies... Those 4 million were not sales... If I give away free stuff I can't assume everything I gave away free wouldn't been $60 earned...
@JamDev @jeremiah06 Yeah sure... We should all just assume that products will be broken at launch and never buy anything then?
No it's not... People don't just act on whims... There are reasons for actions... If people keep stealing then we first need to examine why they're stealing... If the system is broken then it needs to be fixed... After fixing the system then your crack down on stealing...
So people shouldn't see all sides but hold steadfast to some pseudo law/moral system that's designed to benefit the few born better off? Or should we challenge those binary morals that age to the point of losing touch with reality?
@SkamArtist @jeremiah06 Yes but what happens when every phone tries to copy apple? when ever mp3 player? Don't kid yourself if you own a modern smart phone then you have an apply product... They're sales were so huge because of idiots buying the name brand that every other company shifted their design to mimic apples... Which led to a crappier future... This same thing happens with games...
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