@NaturallyEvil No top players often agree beforehand to split the prize money... This leads to under-performing as they know they're being paid either way... So you'd see someone who nearly perfected every match suddenly pick a different team and lose(Justin Wong has been doing this lately) or opt out of a huge and easy attack that would've won the match(chrisg) so that someone else can claim the trophy and get the fame... This leads to more sponsors for the winner and the loser gets a bigger cut of the prize money...
The top players all pot-split... So there's no reason to go all out... You can find videos of people seemingly either throwing matches or picking random all... It really takes away from us that only watch... I sucks knowing that once we get to the top 5 players its generally just a coin toss...
@Numbuh277 The reason people play nintendo games are because of their exclusive characters... Seeing them actually get to interact and fight together is amazing... Sure subspace wasn't the best part about brawl but it's was a valuable part...
@nini200 @jeremiah06 @Blazeingdragin You're wrong... You just realized you were a fool and you're the one done here... Just a fyi the comment we're replying to is...
@AttackOfTheCat @jeremiah06 @funkymonkey4710 Not because they wanted to... because of the fallout... People were upset and it hurt their image... Now this is a preemptive strike,,,
@nini200 @jeremiah06 @Blazeingdragin The article is about story modes... STORY MODES! The games I listed specifically have story modes with cutscenes... You are reading far to much into what I'm typing(poorly from a cellphone) and not comprehending the meaning and implications behind what I'm typing... If you want further certification of my first comment then you should have just asked for it... Being a smug ass doesn't make you a winner...
jeremiah06's comments