I'm sure they went this way because they already had plans to transiton Bond to a black female lead and they thought the idea of continuing to make Bond a white male would be offensive and there's virtue points to be had.
@Sound_Demon: Sadly that's the backbone of knowledge that most people have of history, wildly inaccurate movies. Based on the little we do know about her, she did seem to be a very smart and successful ruler, but given the time period we're in right now, I'm sure they'll lay the feminism angle on this like a snowshovel on a piece of toast. They'll take a potentionally good movie and make it cringeworthy.
@Pyrosa: I have to agree that I hate the new grenade/ability switching mechanic. I find myself always staring at the bottom corner of the screen making sure I'm on the right one. That's insta-death in MP.
@KILLERJAK702KA: I still can't comprehend how the same dev that created Witcher 3 (one of the greatest games ever made IMO) churned out such a sh**show.
Not trying to make a blanketed statement, but I've noticed over the span of 2021, a lot of the poorly received or performing movies either tried to tackle social issues or really pushed hard on the diversity casting. Not that these aren't important, but it seems the industry puts too much effort into checking the diversity boxes first and makes the rest of the movie second thinking that they can be successful by signalling virtue only.
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