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Topic of the night: Day 27 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour...

What a coincidence. The first day of our 2nd month on tour and it rains for the first time since we've been on tour. I wonder if that's a sign of things to come. Because of this, we've been mainly cooped up in our rooms. I just listened to a bunch of albums today. McCartney and Ringo are trying to compose some so-called "McCartney-Ringo" compositions. Cycloptis is still busy with his pen and paper RPGs. And my mood is still one with the weather.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

No Reply (Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1964)

Fact of the night:

Many of the songs in the White Album were inspired by events the group experienced when they visited India in late 1968.

Topic of the night: Day 26 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour...

Well, things are still going pretty well. But when McCartney (somehow) managed to jam a tropical tune of helter skelter, it got me thinking: what if that symbolized the way my life is going? Not only am I a nowhere man who is nowhere, is getting nowhere and has no one, but my life is also spiraling downwards at an alarming rate, just like how a helter skelter would drop you at an alarming speed to the bottom. I wonder what this new development holds for my future.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

Misery (Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1963)

Fact of the night:

The Beach Boy's Pet Sounds album was partially influenced by the Beatles Rubber Soul album, whose album in turn influenced the Beatles on both Revolver and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Topic of the night: Day 25 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour...

We're still hanging out at the beautiful Miami beaches. I've taken the time to read some more of 1984, which is going great so far. Ringo is busy practicing his whole laid back routine. McCartney is out singing about the sun and how he wishes George could be here. Cycloptis is starting to get back into his pen and paper RPG routine again, which the rest of us are looking foward to, even Ringo and McCartney, who aren't too familar with the subject matter. Well, all said, it's been another beautiful today down here and we are having a wonderful time. Greetings from way down south! And as always, peace and love. Peace and love. Peace and love.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

There's A Place (Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1963)

Fact of the night:

Her Majesty was originally placed between Mean Mr. Mustard and Polythene Pam on Abbey Road. McCartney disliked the placement and requested it to be removed and destroyed. An Abbey Road engineer however, on specific instructions never to delete anything the Beatles recorded, saved it and ended up placing it at the end of the album, after 14 seconds of silence from the last song. The Beatles ended up liking its random placement at the end and decided to keep it. It was not listed in the album's track listing, so many consider it the first hidden album track.

Topic of the night: Day 24 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour...

Well, the Miami concert was so exhausting, I think we will just be hanging out at the resort for a couple of days. You know: catching the sun (and singing Beatles "sun" songs), swimming about, hanging out at the bars, etc. We'll also decide what we are going to do next, so everything should be nice. Peace and love. Peace and love. Peace and love.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

I Want You (She's So Heavy)(Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1969)

Fact of the night:
The John Smith in Pocahontas is grossly different than the one that was actually real.

Topic of the night: Day 23 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour...

..well, that was everything we expected and more. All our songs did great, and we even squeezed in Hey Jude due to demand of the audience. They especially loved Helter Skelter, and were surprised to learn that such a great song was also one of the first heavy metal rock songs. We did an extended version of Dig It as well where we named a bunch of people in the last 30 years. Ringo's rousing final number of Good Night nearly bought tears to all of our eyes. At the end of everything, the audience cheered so loud and so long, that I didn't think my hearing would last. Boy, what a show. When I get back from doing all this, I'm taking 4 months off.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

Two of Us (Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1970)

Fact of the night:

Lennon's use of backwards track was first discovered when he, high on marijuna, feed the track tape into the machine backwards.

Topic of the night: Day 22 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour

At last! The set list is finally finished! We're going into Miami tomorrow and we're going to have one hell of a show this time. Songs to include (in order):

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band/With a little help from my friends

Getting Better


All Those Years Ago

In My Life

I Want You (She's so heavy)

Helter Skelter

Here Comes the Sun

Dig it

Let it be

Maxwell's Silver Hammer

She's Leaving Home


Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da

Glass Onion

Back in the U.S.S.R.

Good Morning Good Morning

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club band Reprise

Good night

I think this should be one of our best so far. I'll keep you filled in on the details of this and if you already have a ticket to the show, then good for you. We'll see you tomorrow. But until then, peace and love. Peace and love. Peace and love.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

Dig It (Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1970)

Fact of the night:

Only one take of Don't Pass Me By was recorded at the request of Ringo, which results in all the errors and goofs in the final song.

Topic of the night: Day 21 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour...

Sorry that the set list is taking so long, but it's still not finished. But to help with the waiting, me and McCartney have written this remix of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club in tribute to GUFU and its great members:

It was 20 months ago today.

Sgt. AK taught us all to say

that we're not of the System wars

but we're guaranteed to raise the chords!

so may I introduce to you

the posters you've known for all these years

Sgt. AK's Lonely Fellowship Band

We're sgt. AK's lonely fellowship band

we hope you will enjoy our posts

sgt. ak's lonely fellowship band

we're online from coast to coast!

sgt. ak's lonely

sgt. ak's lonely

sgt. ak's lonely fellowship band

it's wonderful to be here

it's certainly a thrill

you're such a lovely audience we'd like you all to join us now. we'd love for you to join us now!

That's all we have so far, but I've hoped you've enjoyed that. But that's all I can say now. I really got to go. Peace and love. Peace and love. Peace and love.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

Things We Said Today (Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1964)

Fact of the night:

At the very end of the final chord of a Day in the Life, a high pitched sound (if you have good ears) followed by incomprehensible studio can be heard.

Topic of the night: Day 20 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour...

We're still working on the set list for our upcoming performance in Miami, but we're making good progress, and rest assured that this will feature a good number of hits from all the members of the band. The theme this time will be mystery and psychedelic numbers. Trust me, your head will still be spinning when you walk away from it all.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

Ticket to Ride (Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1965)

Fact of the night:

McCartney's self titled album was his first album after breaking up with the Beatles and was performed entirely by him and his wife and mixed entirely by him.

Topic of the night: Day 19 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour...

Well, we'll be back on track in 2 days. We're going off to our next destination by then, Miami of course. Although we still haven't had a list of songs made up yet. We should soon though. Until then, peace and love. Peace and love. Peace and love.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

Any Time At All (Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1964)

Fact of the night:

Safety glass was the first safety feature to be implemented in cars.

Topic of the night: Day 18 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour...

Whew! McCartney turned up safe and sound back at the hotel we were staying at just when it looked as though we were going to have to call everything off. We asked him where he had been, and he said he didn't know. We took him to the doctor today, and it seems as though he's been getting high with LSD again, which he hasn't done in a long time. Whether this tour triggered something in him or not, I don't know, but we're going to try to help him out. That's all for tonight. I'm quite tired and I want to go to bed. Peace and love. Peace and love. Peace and love.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

Helter Skelter (Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1968 )

Fact of the night:

The Beatles compilation album, "1", is one of the best selling albums of all time and the fastest.