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System Wars

I have just read an article about the MS disc read error and waded through some of the comments that followed.

As you might expect there are a great deal of Sony fanboy's chiming in about Xboxers getting what they deserve for dumping on Sony in the PSN security debacle. As a Wii only owner I like to keep my nose clean and stay out of this petty rivalry that has started up. Really, to what end is the great 'System War' any good?

It might be a little unfair to comment on how childish it is to argue who's toy is better since I was involved in the argument at one point. That point was 10-15 years ago when I was about 10 years old. The war was Nintendo and Sega, more specifically Mario and Sonic. I enjoyed my edition of Nintendo Magazine (monthly) from the newsagency. That's right, war back then was fought with pen and paper, not a laptop and a modem. This meant that only a few comments and letters made it to publication each month keeping the argument to some structure and only focusing on the meaningful issues between the rival systems. Now any 5 year old can get online and anonymously slander anything they want. With greater power comes greater responsibility.

Fast forward to 10 to 15 years and we are still having the same general argument about what console is better. Sega having lost the war is now on the sidelines in the software department but Nintendo fights on against the new emerging Sony and Microsoft. I will clarify that Nintendo is fighting on from on the fence because Nintendo isn't REALLY in direct competition with either of these consoles. That's the genius of the marketing strategy that Nintendo executives have adopted. They have stood on the sidelines and let the more powerful consoles go toe to toe while they quietly chug along all the way to the bank. The best way to win the fight is to not be in it at all.

This does not detract from what the PS3 and Xbox360 have achieved while fighting for the top spot (which the Wii has held down almost entirely this generation). The competition has pushed the industry to heights it would NOT otherwise reach. If Sony and Microsoft had never come along at the end of Sega and allowed Nintendo to hold a monopoly on the console market, gamming would be in a much different (and probably worse) state than it is today.

Getting to my point. All the fanboy's in the world (and I might be guilt of being a little Nintendo biased) should appreciate all the consoles and the role they play in shaping the games they play. I have and will always own the latest Nintendo and in my opinion anyone that disregards what Nintendo and the Wii can offer is just limiting their own entertainment to save face. As a student I can't afford or justify getting a second console but if I money wasn't a factor you can bet I would have one or both of the others. It only increases the number of games available to me which in my opinion would be a good thing.

Pointing holes in another console doesn't make your console of choice any better, it cheapens it. Sure, all the Xboxers that were all over the PSN collapse probably are getting a little bit of karma back at them but you PS3ers should take the moral high road and resist the temptation in saying 'ne nur ne nur'.

Nintendo Rule

I made this comment and decided I liked the wording so I am keeping it as a blog

Nintendo have something, lets call it magic, that the others don't have. How else would they succeed hand over fist against superior graphics in a time where everyone is screaming for better pictures? A bellow-par online system in an age of world wide connections. And dwindling third party support while the others games numbers are growing.

Nintendo win with magic that's why people will buy and play their 'inferior' games while the other consoles try and work out how they are losing against a slingshot and a boomerang while they have air strikes and Assault Riffles.

What will the future consoles be

I just read this article here

It details the opinions that in the near future the consoles that we are used to, whatever brand you subscribe to will be obsolete. What do you think about NOT going out and buying the next Nintendo that has been in development for a couple of years? What if the next Playstation you buy is the last traditional console that Sony decides to make? (To keep the Xboxers happy) What if Microsoft shun the console approach and return to a PC approach?

I personally remember my gaming experiences as a kid, getting up early and sneaking to the lounge room on weekends. The volume on the TV turned down so me and my cousin didn't wake anyone up. Spending the whole morning and most of the afternoon playing games like Mario, Megaman, Donkey Kong…. Etc. The console was symbol of worship for me and many kids I would imagine. What if that were all to change, a concept no longer fit for the current level of technology. Instead of sneaking into the loungeroom you just stream the latest Mario from your smartphone or iPod or tablet or whatever the future in technology holds from the comfort of your bed. Your connection with others is now done wirelessly with people you don't really know (some you might).

Consoles currently cost money ($300-$600+) for the most part depending on when you buy it after launch. Franchises in games don't always cross over in the console wars meaning that if you have only enough money for 1 console (as I would imagine many gamers do) than you are faced with a choice of what games you would like and what 1 console will give you those games. Limiting the pool of games to choose from to 1/3rd. Games cost money ($50-$120) depending on the popularity, the console and the time you buy it after launch. Games content can vary greatly in those price ranges. Some games you can buy and beat in the same day, others you can have 500+ hours of game time and still be enjoying the experience.

Imagine now if the games you play weren't limited to the label of the box you bought. Imagine you don't even need a game box at all. All of a sudden anything in your house that can connect to the internet is capable of playing the latest game that you want. Is this a good thing?

I think that the article has some truth to it. Games consoles as we know them are going to change, it's inevitable. Sony probably started this trend when they introduced the ability to play DVD's into their console. This addition moved consoles from simple games machines to home theatre systems. Now Sony and Microsoft offer DVD and Bluray playback as standard. There is also the inclusion of Play TV and internal hard drives for media storage. The Wii has channels such as the Internet Channel and Wii Shop Channel that allows online interaction and added content. Consoles are now far more than just games devices.

I also think that for consoles of the future to survive they at least need to offer more than what was previously available. Spartphones and tablets such as the iPad are now capable of playing handheld games at far cheaper prices while still offering more than just a gaming console (phone, eReader, schedule manager, address book,…. Etc). In the near future I believe that consoles will need to take the place of our current home theatres (PS3 and Xbox360 are already capable of this). They will need to connect people online through more elaborate ideas than the Wii's Channels. Their games will have to be more advanced than what your phone can manage. They will need to be cheaper but still offer more.

I would like to be able to watch/record/store/upload TV/DVD's/ BluRays/Games/music/pictures from the one device. I want to be connected to the net/to my computer/to my handheld device from the one point. The consoles of the future shouldn't be trying to spread themselves across the technology, they should be trying to consolidate it.

2012 Nintendo

Well the new Nintendo has been announced as a 2012 release. I am excited! For one thing they took a ground breaking direction with their Wii and have not only survived the current generation but thrived. The gaming console to an extent shunned the 'experienced' gamer, the people that have made the industry what it is. It offered inferior graphics to the other consoles at the time. Most importantly it took interacting and controlling video games in completely new directions. Nintendo have benefited from this as they have tapped into the 'casual' gamer and developed games for literally any type of person. Wiifit, Wiisports, etc. Many 'hardcore' gamers dismiss the Wii for its inferior graphics and 'kiddy' style. I will make an observation that most of these people are short-sighted and only play a small sample of games, FPS's mostly. For the most part I think that Sony and Microsoft's consoles are too similar to warrant having both but the Wii was marketed at unique and cheap so that most gamers would have PS3/360 AND a Wii.

Nintendo may do things differently but I would just be expecting an upgrade and a Wii2. Its more likely that they will do a knock-down-rebuild and come up with something completely different. Essentially this is what sets them apart from the others companies in my opinion. The Xbox 360 is just the Xbox with better graphics. The PS3 is just a PS1 with better graphics and a Blu-Ray player instead of a DVD player. Nintendo had the foresight to realise that superior graphics isn't going to be enough for gamers over time. At some point the graphics will reach a level where there wont be much room to improve from system to system. When this happens bringing out a new console with better graphics isn't going to mean squat. Nintendo have realistically taken the first step in the new direction of gaming, the next generation console will improve on what the Wii has achieved and succeed in its own right. Any gamer that is ignorant enough to dismiss the potential of what Nintendo is going to do because of their preconceptions from the Wii is going to miss out. Your loss.

Whats next

The speculation of new consoles has begun (or at least now I am paying enough attention to take notice.

The new Nintendo is supposedly being announced at the upcoming E3and aimed at a 2012 release. As a lifelong Nintendo fan I look forward to the new system and all the new experiences it offers. Nintendo has been in the gaming industry for over 20 years and has outlasted the first wave of console wars way before console wars were considered. I am of course referring to the Nintendo vs Sega consoles wars of the 80's and 90's. Sony and Microsoft have entered the console wars and from a consumers point of view this is a good thing as it encourages competition and increases the quality of games for us all.

With the connectivity of the internet and the advance of online gaming, console wars or Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft have become hot topics of forums. Fanboy's is a term now that is thrown around to diminish a persons loyalty for one particular console at the expense of the others. Here's where my fanboyism is introduced as I will explain my interpretation of the relationship between the 3 main gaming companies

Nintendo in my opinion is the better gaming company of the 3. It has more experience than the others. Has experience more success than the others. And in my opinion will be around as a gaming console longer than the others. Nintendo pushes the boundaries in how we experience games. The Wii was revolutionary and in my opinion (although limited) is the only console that has functional motion controls. The company also has the most memorable franchises and mascots in the industry. From a business point of view it has had the most success in the previous generation of console. This is even more remarkable as it offers inferior graphics and generally limited games to a mature audience.

Sony and Microsoft from my 'Nintendo Fanboy' point of view are essentially the same system. They offer very similar graphics very similar games and have essentially been marketed and priced the same. Yes there are some differences with each system having their own flagship games and mascots. The 2 consoles offer better graphics than the Wii. Many of the game son either console are also more in depth and offer more options for a mature level gamer.

With the new generation of consoles on the horizon its important to think about what one will be better and what company will be in the best position to deliver to the gaming community.

Nintendo is a guarantee to deliver and offer variety to its consumer. I cant offer my opinions on Microsoft and Sony's future consoles but its safe to assume they will parallel each other for another generation. Each systems fans will stand adamantly by their system. Any system you get will have its pros and cons

New Wii announced

So looking on Gamespot and there is the announcement that Nintendo are looking at producing their next big thing. Reading the comments posted, there seems to be a great deal of disbelief in what will be delivered and what has been done with the current system, the Wii.

The Wii was seen as 'revolutionary'. It broke the current mould of how we interact with games. The motion controllers with WiiSport was something never experienced before and offered a great deal of promise. Like anything new there was some hesitancy with how to use the new motion controls and there are more than a few Wii games that are terrible because of the new controls. I would consider the wii as a trial in this aspect, it gave all the developers time to work on the motion controls and include them in traditional games in a practical way. There is also the new style of games that can be dedicated to the motion control for the entertainment value. Having not used the motion controls for the Sony I can not give any judgement on how well they go. I have had some experience with Miscrsofts Kinect, and it seems about as responsive as the iToy Sony had a while back. For this reason Nintendo has a whole console of experience in motion controls, while the others seem like they need to work out the bugs.

Many of the 'other console users' stick to the same comments of inferior graphics and kiddy games. This is true, the Wii does have inferior graphics abilities and the games are aimed more at a younger audience. Even the games that come out across the three consoles often gets watered down on the Wii version. Nintendo has a loyal following which at times has kept the company in the position it's in. The franchises like Mario and Zelda are in my opinion some of the best and most uniquely in depth and entertaining games I've ever played. With Sony and Microsoft now establishing a stronger fan based over a number of generational consoles now, Nintendo can no longer rely on its 'loyal following' to keep it competitive. Graphics is not the most important thing in a game which is why the Wii's largely inferior graphics doesn't mean squat if the games are good. With the improvement of graphics and now 3D, Nintendo will need to not only match, but better the current standard of graphics available now. HD graphics with the improvement of technology must be considered the standard.

There is one thing I am sure of though. Nintendo have some of the most experienced people in and around gaming. They have been doing this for more than 25 years and are still on top of their game and the market, despite what some pockets of competition users say. The Wii is the leading selling console because of the way it's developed, marketed and the software that comes with it. I am sure that the next console Nintendo brings out will offer something previously unseen. Nintendo will be around for a while and for every cynical Xbox or Playstation player who says the Wii is garbage, there are 20 Wii owners that say otherwise

Goldeneye Taboo's

Well, same old message boards same old complaining about the game.

I have had a month or so mostly inactive on the boards and its good to see nothing really changes. There are the same gripes about Non spawning heroes, host/rage quitters, hackers, XP grinding, proxies and n00btoobers. As more people have levelled up in my absence there is now a whinge or too about the overuse of Mastertons, because after all they totally dominate in just about all situations.

I am going to open the can of worms on all these taboo's of the game and just say what is wrong with any of these things. To which many of you reply blah blah blah unfair, blah blah, n00b, blah blah blah, scarred. There are probably hundreds of posts on here dedicated to the same whinging about the same things, sadly mostly from the same people. So I am going to give everyone the answer to why? and how to deal with all these things.

1. If you don't like the other kids you play with then stop playing with them and don't talk to them. (very simple but its guaranteed to stop your complaining)

2. Stop 'Grinding' and playing the game for the sole purpose of making it to the next level or to hold on to stats on a leaderboard that is hacked with tens of thousands of people that don't know you and don't care what your stats are. And honestly if you need to cheat to maintain your win/kills/streaks etc intact then deep down you know your stats are false and everytime you shove them in someones face you feel like a hypocrite.

Host/rage quitters – most of the time the host wouldn't even know they were hosting. So what if you play 10 minutes and at the end you have no XP to show for it. Didn't you have fun playing a game for 10 minutes. If the answer is no then you may as well sell you wii.

Non hero spawners – so your going to probably lose and get less XP then the other team. Who gives a flying monkey. Man up and take on the challenge if your team is recklessly spawning and dying then it is your responsibility to keep the hero alive.

N00btoobers – I'm just gonna say if you get killed by anything in the game then take it and stop whinging. The general complaint is that it doesn't take skill to kill with this. Well what about the players that don't have skill and just want to play? And if you think it doesn't take skill to play with this and win then you're wrong.

Proxies – same as the n00btobe with the added exception that anyone with these has earned them through a lot of playtime and now this is a reward they have earned and if they choose to use them then that's their choice.

Hackers – hmmm as some remembering my old posts may know about this and me. Regardless hackers for the most part have the better guns without unlocking them through the 'grind'. Maybe you wouldn't do it if you had the option maybe you would. Hackers that have infinite ammo/health and other stuff, well that generally goes to everyone so its even.


Stop whinging about the same old issues of the game and the way others choose to play. The sooner you stop grinding to the next level the sooner you start enjoying the game again and these things you used to find that really annoyed you wont bother you at all.

Mortal Kombat and Australian's R18 classification

The board are working within their rules and this game SHOULDNT be available to minors (under 15). Australia SHOULD have an R18+ classification for gaming. Games are now a recognised mainstream from of art and entertainment when will the Old Farts of the Australian Government catch up

As an Australian gamer it annoys me to be restrained by outdated classifications. Gaming entertainment is now a major factor in all homes and should be dealt with by the government. Most gamers who began in the 80's (like me) are now grown up and interested in exploring new and mature level of games. With the expanse of technology, eventually in-home consoles will be delivering gaming experiences at lifelike reality. Now more then ever it is important to adequately censor these things. Many games that are violent slide in under the M15 rating allowing younger people to be exposed to content that at times is inappropriate for them.

I foresee that games in the future will take advantage of 3D immersion technology, getting gamers closer to the action than ever before. Games will be so in depth that WOW addiction online as it is now will look like childs play to the psychological strain gamers will be subject exposed to as games become more real. Imagine playing a version of The Sims with immersive 3D gaming and storylines and gameplay so real that 14, 12 and 9 year olds are developing anxieties over home owner issues and financial independence. What if that same technology is applied to a currently-available-in-Australia-M15-rating game of Call of Duty. These young gamers may be so engrossed in these games reality they might develop post traumatic stress symptoms.

These ideas may be a far cry for what reality will bring us. I'm sure new games with greater technology comes greater responsibility to the consumer. However, Mortal Kombat games have been available in Australia before WITH violent and graphic fatalities. The issue then was that they were not realistic enough to negatively impact on under 15's. Mortal Kombat in 2011 is banned because it is too real and Australia's current rating system cant accommodate it anymore. In 10 years time what games are Australians youth playing today that they wont be able to play as adults. Where will this leave the growing population of gamers in the world and where will it leave an industry that is already fighting against piracy.

Just a closing whinge about lack of Mortal Kombat in Australia

I have been playing this franchise since I was about 10, now at aged 26 I can no longer play the most recent game because its to inappropriate for this Country.

Impatient Gamers

I had a look at the new Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword update on here and was going over some of the comments and was 'disappointed'. It appears there is a common theme with gamers and people in general these days. Yomigaeru made a good point, games are being overhyped and resulting in 'disappointment' (there's that word again).

I blame it on the younger generation (bare with me). I am not saying it is their fault I am saying they are to whom the blame goes. Most of the new generation of gamers have been raised on games with superior graphics, consoles that get more and more like home entertainments systems over gaming machines, Games that offer all kinds of gadgets and gimmicks to draw their interest in, and the biggest point, VARIETY.

Variety in gaming these days means that gamers can afford to be picky and as such be 'disappointed' with a game despite its obvious merits. When Nintendo first had the NES out what other options were on the market to compare with the Super Mario Bros? Was it really a good entertaining game or were we all just limited in choice? The Ocarina of Time, was it as great as anything out there before it or was it just the name of Nintendo and the franchise and little other options in that field? New gamers today are turning their nose up at anything that doesn't have an R rating or doesn't have giant guns and aliens, or doesn't have voice actors, half a production movie and estimated gaming time of 100 hours. Why? Because if this particular game can't offer that experience there is another one around the corner that will. Hence the younger generation is getting 'disappointed' with these games because they have been raised on variety. Any older gamer that has grown up with these classic games will most likely judge a game on its merits and reserve the label of 'disappointing' for games that truly deserve it.... can't think of any sorry.

Bottom line is, the gaming market is being flooded with games and a lot of them take the belief of quality over quantity, because gamers these days expect variety. Great games take time and are never perfect. But they will be entertaining in their own way and flagship games like Mario, Zelda, CoD, Fabel (I'm stretching my experience for xbox and PS3) will always have something to offer.

For the record the original Mario on NES and Ocarina of Time were great games. I also have never played a Zelda game that I didn't become immersed in.

Jetstopia G rated

I notice I have been censored again.... Ohh well, sometimes its hard to contain frustration at certain things and it spills over. There are probably other posts in threads I have made that contain 'censor bypassing' phrases. I argue though that many people write things that arnt exactly swearing but enable you to fully understand the measure of what they are saying. The F word for example is used often and is in the dictionary with a meaning that expresses displeasure at something. I can understand the site trying to keep itself clean but to some extent words are being over censored. I will endeavour to refrain from my 'potty mouth' while posting but I can vary well track down all my posts that may have offensive censor bypassing words in them. So for the one that I have out there already I apologise.

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